
AN004 - Example of using and calibrating the EANPOS device

In this section we want to describe the first steps that will make the user in his first contact with the EANPOS device. Provides a simple example that uses the EANPOS device to implement an analog positioner.

We can divide in the following sections, the proceed of the operation:

Device declaration in the configuration unit

As was already explained in the description of the EANPOS device, you must program properly the unit application configuration. It is very important to the piece of code that declares the device, Here you should indicate the hardware resources to be used to ensure proper operation. It will be the responsibility of the programmer to pick and choose the most appropriate inputs and outputs. For example with the following line of code:

; Internal device declaration
AxisX  EANPOS  2  2.CNT02 3 3.INP01  3.AN01

You define an EANPOS device with “AxisX” name where the sampling time is 2 ms. Have been declared the following hardware resources: the input to the bidirectional meter has address 2.CNT02 (where 2 indicates the slot the card is installed while CNT02 is the mnemonic name of the input), the number of digital input for interruption devoted to zero-pulse bidirectional counter (number 3), a digital input for capturing zero pulse (3.INP01) and the address of the analog output 3.AN01 that regulating the output voltage to manage a drive.

An application that has just inside the device Declaration in configuration unit and a qcl unit that it does not execute anything (unless forced to WAIT) already allows to execute the first operations using the capabilities of the device. After you have transferred the application in the system and having put in RUN, It can change the parameters, observe the States or give commands to devices using the appropriate monitor from QView.
This is very convenient in the early stages of planning when you just want to make some runs or debugging of an application.

Correct device parameterization

After declaring hardware resources properly to use you need to set some parameters as components that are connected to the Qmove product.

Introduction of measure and pulse

Let us consider the case where the bi-directional meter is a digital encoder. Suppose that this is directly keyed on an engine that is to move an axis. You will need to set the parameters correctly measure and pulse of the EANPOS device so that the latter can interpret the pulses of the meter and calculate the position of the axis.
The introduction of measure and pulse lets you match between a space in a unit of your choice and a certain number of pulses. In the event that the user already knows the space covered in a round encoder then you'll proceed directly to projecting values.
Let's clarify this concept with an example: if the encoder emits 1000 pulses/Rev and you know that the axis moves about 5 cm when the encoder performs exactly one revolution then you can enter the following values:

AxisX:measure = 50;
AxisX:pulse = 4000

The measure value introduced involves choosing a unit of measure of mm for measuring positions, in the pulse parameter introduces a value equal to the number of encoder impulses multiplied by 4. Remember that the relationship measure/pulse must be a value between 0.00935 to 1 (for precision limits of the device). It is important to emphasize that the values described above are taken as reference: It is not necessary to introduce the parameters with reference to an encoder revolution as we will describe below.

When the user does not know in advance the measurement parameters, will still be able to make the correct calibration by following these steps:

The encoder resolution is now correctly set.

Another important step to take is to set the maxpos and minpos parameters that define respectively the maximum and the minimum position accessible from axis.

Choice of speed unit measurement

The unit of measurement of the instantaneous speed of the axis it was chosen by using unitvel and decpt parameters. You can select the unit of time of speed with the unitvel parameter: if this is to 0 then the speed is measured in Um/min, if it is to 1 then the speed is measured in Um/s. The decpt parameter instead determines whether speed-measuring in multiples of the fundamental units Um. For example, if fundamental measurement units Um=mm, and unitvel=1 you get the speed indicator in the vel variable in:
mm/s (con decpt = 0),
cm/s (con decpt = 1),
dm/s (con decpt = 2),
m/s (con decpt = 3).
Afterwards, if necessary, you need to set the proper display on the terminal operator to adjust the correct decimal point position.

Analogue output calibration

before actual placement you must make sure that wiring and mechanical parts are not cause malfunctions.

We review the case where the EANPOS device you're using an analog output that is implemented with a DAC device: this will assume 16 bit resolution input discrete values (so between -32768 to 32767) to give analog voltage output range ±10V. This calibration function with analog output can be driven with a constant value in order to test links and functionality.

Preliminary motion

This section describes the operations to be carried out to verify the correctness of the connections and the functionality of the system which was built.

Analog output parameterization (setting maxvel parameter)

The EANPOS device generates the voltage value of the analogue output on the basis of a ratio between the maximum speed of the axis and the maximum output voltage. To do this you must set the maxvel parameter, that is the speed at which it moves the axle when you are given maximum voltage to the drive. Obviously the axle must behave symmetrical analog voltage to zero, Therefore the speed must be the same (in module) to the maximum positive or negative voltage.
In order to know the maximum speed there are two ways: the “theoretical method” assumes to know the maximum speed set in drive from which one can easily derive the linear speed.
If you are not aware of the official maximum speed of the motor you must do this:

Now you can then enter the value of the maximum speed in themaxvel parameter.

First moving

before moving the axis, verify proper operation of emergency and protection devices.

The procedures described here have allowed us to complete the first phase of parameterizing device. Now you can run smooth movement of the axis. For example, follow these steps:

This first movement was done without turning the ring by reaction of space, so any error introduced by the values of offset voltage or from external influences is not correct.

First setting the parameters of the PID controller

Until now it was explained how to do the first placements with the ring of open space, let us now see how to make a first calibration of the PID parameters.
Follow this steps:

Using of RECDATA device for calibrate the PID controller

When the programmer intends to regulate precisely the parameters of PID controller, he can use a device inside (residing on the QMove) that allows you to record data of the type: primary pulse position, virtual axis positions, analog outputs, following errors, inputs and outputs states. This tool is called RECDATA and uses system CPU RAM of QMove. When used, the memory usage of the data must not exceed 50% of total disability.

Since the effects of PID control produce events very difficult to appreciate with the naked eye, the RECDATA device becomes very useful when you want to adjust pgain, integt or derivt parameters. In fact phenomena such as overshoot or slow due to an excessive value of the integral time must be taken into account during parameterization.

The us of the RECDATA device is very simple, It is sufficient that it is correctly declared in the unit of configuration with a type line:

; Internal device declaration 
Recorder  RECDATA  TCamp  QCTL1  QCTL2  IOutA1  IOutA2  IntL1  IntL2  Ing1  Ing2  Out1  Out2

The device is particularly suitable to monitor the settings of a EANPOS device, can then view: position values in impulses (taking data directly from bi-directional counter), theoretical position values that the calculated speed profile generator, the values of an analog output. The user can then easily see whether the parameters you have entered are correct for your needs.
The RECDATA device can record information about two axes, for our purpose we can only declare relative addresses to the first axis leaving to X.X the other.

A more detailed description of the RECDATA device it can be found in section, here we simply list the steps to use it:

the RECDATA device registers a significant amount of data within the product QMove RAM, at the time of acquisition by the pc the transfer takes place via serial. This operation can be very long because of the low speed of serial comunication. The user then can adopt some measures as:
- The user then can adopt some precautions pay attention to record only the variables that need to be monitored
- increase the sampling time of the RECDATA device

Development of an application that implements a positioner

In the previous section, you learned what are the first steps to be followed for handling procedure of an axis with an analog positioner. This example uses only a small range of adjustable parameters of the device, in this section we include sample code, commented in detail, from which the user can get ideas to develop an application. The way the device must be declared is explained above, and so this section is omitted the configuration unit.See here

This application uses 4 inputs: 1 manual forward, 1 manual backward, 1 for start command and 1 for stop command. Manual and automatic operation mode will be available: in manual can be use the jog commands while in automatic it can to make a positioning to the position and the desired speed:

; Configuration unit (reported only the declaration of variables and
; and are omitted declarations of the bus and the device)
; SYSTEM Variables Definition
slQuotaPos L                  ;Variable for placement quota
slVelAsse L                   ;Variable for axis speed
; GLOBAL Variables Definition
gfMovMan F                    ;Flag signaling ongoing manual movements
gfMovAuto F                   ;Flag signaling ongoing automatic movements
; INPUT Variables Definition
ifAvMan F 2.INP01             ;Manual forward input
ifInMan F 2.INP02             ;Manual backward input
ifStart F 2.INP03             ;START axis input
ifStop  F 2.INP04             ;STOP axis input
; OUTPUT Variables Definition
ofToll F 2.OUT01              ;Axis in tolerance output
ofAxeFermo F 2.OUT02          ;Stopped axis output
; Unit qcl
; Device parameter adjustment operations
Axis:measure = 10000        
Axis:pulse = 40000            ;how to calculate the measure and pulse is explained in special section.*
Axis:maxvel = 100000          ;how claculate maxvel is explained in special section.*
Axis:maxpos = 999999          ;Maximum quota
Axis:minpos = -999999         ;Minimum quota
Axis:maxfollerr = 10000       ;Maximum following error
Axis:unitvel = 0              ;Time unit of speed (speed in Um/min)
Axis:decpt = 0                ;Decimal digits in speed calculation
Axis:rampmode = 0             ;Type of used ramps (in this case the same time of acceleration or deceleration 
                              ;from zero speed to maximum speed)
Axis:taccdec = 100            ;Acceleration and deceleration time
Axis:pgain = 10               ;Proportional gain
Axis:feedfw = 1000            ;Feedforward
INIT Axis                     ;Device initialization
WAIT Axis:st_init             ;Wait until the device is initialized
CNTUNLOCK Axis                ;Unlock position capture
WAIT NOT Axis:st_cntlock      ;Wait for the acquisition of the position is unlocked
CNTDIR Axis                   ;Sets the direction of the acquisition of position
WAIT NOT Axis:st_cntrev       ;Wait until it has the sense of acquisition of position
REGON Axis                    ;Enable the calibration
WAIT NOT Axis:st_regoff       ;Wait for enabling calibration
RESUME Axis                   ;Remove the axle from the emergency state
WAIT NOT Axis:st_emrg         ;Wait until the axle is not in emergency
LOOPON Axis                   ;Snap reaction axis loop
WAIT Axis:st_loopon           ;Wait until it is hooked on the reaction axis loop
IF (slVelAsse EQ 0)           ;In case the set of axis speed is zero
  slVelAsse = 50              ;Sets a positioning speed
IF (slQuotaPos EQ 0)          ;In case the axis placement quota is zero
  slQuotaPos = 2000           ;Sets a quota of positioning
; Positioning tasks
; ------------------------------- used variables ------------------------------
; slVelAsse:  Adjustable variable that represents the axis speed (expressed in % of the max speed)
; slQuotaPos: Adjustable variable that represents the share of axis positioning
; ---------------------------------- used flags --------------------------------
; gfMovMan:   Manual operation in progress
; gfMovAuto:  Automatic movement in progress
; Output management
ofToll = Asse:st_toll         ;Sets the tolerance output as tolerance state
ofAxeFermo = Asse:st_still    ;Sets the stationary axis output as the stationary axis state
; Managing automatic movements
IF ifStart                          ;Waits for the START input
  IF NOT gfMovMan                   ;Check that there are no manual movements
    IF Axis:st_still                ;Check that the axis is stopped
      Axis:setvel=(slVelAsse*Asse:maxvel)/100 ;Sets the speed of the axis
      Axis:setpos = slQuotaPos      ;Sets the placement quota
      START Axis                    ;Run the start of axis
      gfMovAuto = 1                 ;Reports automatic movement in progress
IF ifStop                           ;Waits for the STOP input
  IF NOT Axis:st_still              ;Check that the axle is not stationary
    STOP Axis                       ;Execute the stop of the axis
IF gfMovAuto                        ;Controls automatic movement reporting in progress
  IF Axis:st_still                  ;Check that the axis is stopped
    gfMovAuto = 0                   ;Reset status of automatic movement
; Manual movement management (JOG)
IF ifAvMan                          ;Awaiting the input of manual operation
  IF NOT (gfMovAuto OR gfMovMan)    ;Check that there are no automatic or manual movements in progress
    IF Axis:st_still                ;Check that the axis is stopped
      Axis:setvel=(slVelAsse*Axis:maxvel)/100 ;Sets the speed of the axis (percentage of the maximum speed)
      MANFW Axis                    ;Forward axis in manual
      gfMovMan = 1                  ;Manual movement in progress reports
IF ifInMan                          ;Awaiting the input of manual operation
  IF NOT (gfMovAuto OR gfMovMan)    ;Check that there are no automatic or manual movements in progress
    IF Axis:st_still                ;Check that the axis is stopped
      Axis:setvel=(slVelAsse*Axis:maxvel)/100 ;Sets the speed of the axis
      MANBW Axis                    ;Backward axis in manual
      gfMovMan = 1                  ;Manual movement in progress reports
IF gfMovMan                         ;If the axis moves in manual
  IF NOT (ifAvMan OR ifInMan)       ;If the manual forward and backward inputs are OFF
    STOP Axis                       ;Stop the axis
    gfMovMan = 0                    ;Take your reporting moving axis manual
; Final operations

*How to measure and calculate pulse is explained in special section.