
AN014 - Firmware update procedure on R201


The firmware update can be performed without affecting the operation of the software application. It is good rule however to have the application software and the data of the machine saved to a file so that it can be restored.

The operation can be done in two ways:

Update via TeraTerm

Getting started

1) Download the firmware.

2) Download and install the TeraTerm.

3) Connect the PC to the prog port of the instrument with the iq009 interface also used for normal programming with Qview.

4) Press and hold the BOOT key and simultaneously turn on the R201.

5) You will only have to switch on the YELLOW LED STOP (the CPU is in the BOOT state).

6) Start the Tera Term Pro program and set it to the initial dialog window a serial connection with the number of the COM used for communication (the interface IQ009 is connected to a USB port on your PC. The PC assigns the interface a COM number. It is possible to know this number from the “Control Panel” of the PC).

7) Set from the “Setup-Serial Port” menu The following settings:

Port: COM used
Baud rate: 115200
Data: 8 bit
Parity: none
Stop: 1 bit
Flow control: Xon/Xoff
Transmit delay

8) Sending a “ * ” character The CPU should respond with “ ?* ” And it means that communication is established. If this does not happen you have to check the cable Or check that there are no other programs that are using the same serial communication port of the PC.

9) Send the “ E* ” string To clear the firmware in the CPU.

10) The CPU, after a few seconds, send the reply “ e* ”.

11) Send the “ F ” string and select from the “File-Send file…” menu the file <firmware>.a21 (File provided with these instructions). This will start the firmware download.

12) At the end of the transfer send the “ * ” character.

13) The CPU, after a few seconds, send the reply “ OK firmware stored ”.

14) Now you can turn off and on again the r201.

Update via Firmwaredownloader

1) Install QWorkBench.

2) Connect your PC to the r201 via the iq009 interface.

3) Start the Firmware downloader which is in QEM - QWorkBench - Utilities - Firmwaredownloader.

4) Set the COM in COM Port Number.

5) Select the file (firmware).a21.

6) Press Go Boot.

7) Press Start.

8) Wait for the transfer to end.