
AN023 - Application update procedure with MMC on A1-HMI-QC104

Document: AN023
Description:Application update procedure with MMC on A1-HMI-QC104
Editor: Riccardo Furlato
Approver Gabriele Bazzi
Document Release Description Note Date
01 New manual Valid from hardware release 03, and firmware release QC104-xx.5.1 11/02/2015


Before execute the application update from MMC there are some premises to be respected:


  1. Turn off the instrument.
  2. Insert the MMC/SD as shown on the serigraphy in the picture (The MMC remains protruding).
  3. Press the BOOT key pulsante_6x6.jpg for 3 seconds, or press both the F2 + F4 + F6 keys to access the Setup.
  4. The following page is showed SETUP:
  5. Press esc in the virtual keyboard for exit to the DOWNLOAD page
  6. Select SysF from the menu using the arrows of the virtual keyboard, then press the Enter key .
  7. Select Upload MMC from the menu using the arrows of the virtual keyboard, then press the Enter key for show the System Functions.
  8. Pressing the BOOT key pulsante_6x6.jpg or F2 key for per 2 seconds, the selected function to be executed.
    The led_lamp.jpg POW led starts flashing to indicate that the selected function is running.

    * a = indicates that the system function is running.
    * b = running operation.
    * c = percentage of the performed function.

    * d = Indicates that the function was successful execute.
  9. By pressing the pulsante_6x6.jpgFUNC ot the F1 key the instrument restarts.
    If the execution of the function is not successful turns off the led_off.jpg POW LED and starts flashing the led_lamp.jpg ERR led.

    * e = the operation that caused the error.
    * f = indicates the type of error that occurred.

In this case, repeat the procedure carefully from the beginning and if necessary, contact the Assistance.