Note to system functions Backup and Restore

The use of system functions Backup to NAND and Restore from NAND allows to save in backup and restore a QMOVE application.

The backup and restore operations use the NAND internal memory device. The backup procedure creates a file copy of the QCL program, the HMI program (if the controller has a Qem display) and an image of the ritentive data.

The files created:

The files are encrypted and only the controller that generated them can run the Restore procedure so as to safeguard unauthorised data copies. The backup file copied to external memory such as MMC/SD or USB card can be carried out with the system function Copy all NAND files -> DEVICE. A directory named “QBK” is created in the MMC/SD or USB that contains the above files. In the same way backup files can be transferred to the controller using the system function Copy all files DEVICE -> NAND. In this case, the files in the MMC/SD or USB must always be contained in the directory “QBK”.

Backup/restore is an important function that can be used in the following cases:

  1. to restore the QMOVE application to a known situation (the situation at the time of the backup), if data has been changed by an operator or if the machine data has been altered for any reason.
  2. when testing a new application, a backup can be made of the original, stable version. If the new application being tested is not satisfactory, the restore command will recover the original version.