Firmware error messages

When downloading the Qmove application, the QView-6 development environment can give error messages that are not described in the development environment manual. These errors are special and the description string given by QView-6 is generated directly by the firmware.

The table below describes possible error messages generated by the firmware.

Firmware error messages
Possible error messageDescription
Error: SYSTEM + ARRSYS + DATAGROUP + INTDEVICE size overflow by 234bytes.Given when the retentive variables exceed the maximum limit.
Error: serial port not avaliable in SERCOM or MODBUS device declaration.Given when the wrong number is used during the device declaration to select the communication channel.
Error: CANOPEN device required if you use more than 3 slots.In the BUS definition more than 3 slots are being used and so the application requests the use of Canopen modules. To manage this, a CANOPEN device must be declared.
Error: incorrect bus fault mode in CANOPEN declaration.The CANOPEN device declaration indicates a fault mode (last value in the declaration) that is not supported.
Error: incorrect canbus speed in CANOPEN declaration.The CANOPEN device declaration indicates an invalid speed.
Error: too much CANOPEN device declaration.Only one CANOPEN device can be declared.
Error: absol. encoder resource num in ABSCNT device declar. is not avail.The ABSCNT device declaration indicates an inexistent resource.
Error: COUNT in ABSCNT device declaration is not a simulated counter.The counter address used in the ABSCNT device declaration cannot be a simulated type (e.g. 1.CNT01).
QMos version error. Unsupported instructions set.One or more statements in the project QCL are not supported by the firmware.
Error: compression file type not support.The compression of the compiled QCL program is not supported by the firmware.
Error: too mutch slots in bus declarations.They were declared under BUS more slots than those allowed by the hardware.