Memories used

This paragraph looks at how to measure an estimate of use of the product's memories. The nonvolatile memory is available to memorise the QCL program and has a capacity of 512KB.
The memory space occupied is equal to the size of the .BIN file generated by Qview. The percentage memory occupied can be viewed in the CPU panel of Qview under “Used CODE memory”, or this information can be obtained from the value of parameter “sizeapp” of the QMOS device.

The nonvolatile memory available to memorise the HMI program has a capacity of 5.5MB.
The memory space occupied is equal to the size of the .BIN file generated by Qpaint, whose value (in bytes) is viewed in parameter “memqtp” of the MMIQ2 device.

The nonvolatile data memory used to memorise retentive variables, has a capacity of 819KB.
The percentage memory occupied can be viewed in the CPU panel of Qview, under “Used RETENTIVE”, or this information can be obtained from the value of parameter “sizeret” of the QMOS device.

The volatile data memory used to memorise non ritentive variables has a capacity that depends on various factors (e.g. the HMI and QCL program sizes, the HMI screen being viewed, etc)
The general memory of the free system, available as volatile data memory, is indicated by parameter “memfree” in the MMIQ2 device.