System Variables

The development environment provides a series of ready-made variables that can be used by putting the word “QMOVE.” before the name. For example “QMOVE.is_suspend”, “QMOVE.sys001”, etc. This paragraph is designed to illustrate the 16 system variables called sys001-sys016, whose meaning depends on the firmware that is being used.


This is a read only variable that indicates the status of the FUNC (bit 0) and BOOT (bit 1) buttons. The following settings are possible:
0 = no button pressed.
1 = FUNC button pressed.
2 = BOOT button pressed.
3 = FUNC and BOOT buttons pressed.


This variabile allows to read a dump of the SW1 dip-switches. The dump is acquired only after the controller is powered. The Bit 0 corresponds to dip 1 and so on.

NOTE: Some dips are not connected to the microprocessor and is therefore always read at logic level 0.


This variable allows the command of led's L1-L2-L3-L4. The bit 0 corresponds to L1, the bit1 to L2 and so on.


This variable allows toxet the anti-glitch filter on the phase signals in the two-way counters. The setting is expressed in KHz and refers to the signal frequency of one phase. The setting range is 30-220. The default setting is 220KHz. The variable can also be reread. The filter can be modified at any time.


Not used.