The system leds “pow, run, stop, err” are found on the front panel and on the rear of controllers with display and only on the top of controllers without display.

The user leds “L1, L2, L3 e L4” are found on the rear:

“System Leds” Signals


led_on.jpg Led ON

led_off.jpg Led OFF

led_lamp.jpg Led Blinking

powGreenled_on.jpgPower on
led_on.jpgOnly this led on, signals the CPU reset status
runGreenled_on.jpgCPU in RUN status
led_lamp.jpgCPU in READY status
stopYellowled_on.jpgWith pow on, signals the STOP status of the CPU
With pow off, signals the BOOT status of the CPU
errRedled_lamp.jpgWith pow off, signals a hardware error. See paragraph Hardware Error codes
With pow blinking, the flash rate gives the type of error. See paragraph err led signals

Err led signals

ErrorDescriptionRecommended action
1 Bus errorBus configuration different to application software.Check the correspondence between the QMOVE application (BUS section of configuration unit) and the product configurations (cards mounted in BUS).
2 CheckSum ErrorNegative outcome on the integrity control of retentive variables . (see Reset Error Checksum)Restore the machine data from a backup (.DAT file) or cancel the error with in system functions and enter the values manually.
3 Index Out of BoundAn array index is pointing on an inexistent elementOpen a unit editor in Qview development environment and use the “Edit→Go to PC” command to find the program line that is cause of the error. In general the index value has a value <1 or >array dimension.
4 Program Over RangeThe program selection index in the DATAGROUP has attempted to access an inexistent program.With the Qview development environment open the editor of a unit and user the “Edit→Go to PC” command to highlight the program line that has caused the error. In general the value used as index is lower than 1 or over the array dimension.
5 Step Over RangeThe step selection index in the DATAGROUP has attempted to access an inexistent step.With the Qview development environment open the editor of a unit and user the “Edit→Go to PC” command to highlight the program line that has caused the error. In general the value used as index is lower than 1 or over the array dimension.
6 Division By ZeroThe denominator of a division operation of the application program has a zero value.With the Qview development environment open the editor of a unit and user the “Edit→Go to PC” command to highlight the program line that has caused the error.
7 Syntax ErrorThe application program has an invalid instructionThis error may appear because the program counter has met the QCL END instruction.
8 Watch Dog ErrorA CAN module does not function correctly, or a specialist card has a hardware problemWith the Qview development environment open the “Monitor→Bus” panel and the righthand column called “Watchdog Bus” indicates the card that caused the problem.
9 Stack ErrorThe applciation program has used all permitted levels of calls to subroutinesWith the Qview software environment open the editor of a unit and use the “Edit→Go to PC” command to highlight the program line that caused the error. Analyse the unit execution flow, the call to subroutines nestings have a limit, over which this error is generated.

Hardware error codes

During the startup sequence, if a malfunction of any peripheral is detected, the system blocks and the error is signaled by the flashing led led_lamp.jpgerr while the other system led's remain off.

The number of flashes indicates the type of error according to the following table :

Number of flashesError
1 Display
3 Media
4 Bootloader
5 FW
6 Bus
7 Signal not active
8 Signal not active
9 Exception


:important:Each of these signals indicates a serious error situation. The product must be sent to the QEM aftersales service.

“User Led” signal

led_on.jpg L1YellowProgrammable in the application program by the QMOVE system variable:sys003 and used by the system functions
led_on.jpg L2
led_on.jpg L3
led_on.jpg L4