

1. Introduction

1.1 Installation

1.1.1 Device declaration in the configuration unit

In the configuration unit, the BUS section must be declared so that so that you have the hardware resources required for the implementation of the device ANPOS. There must be at least a bi-directional counter and a 16-bit resolution analog output. The device can also used an input and an interrupt line for preset search functions.
In the INTDEVICE section of the configuration unit must be add the following definition:

; Device declarations
<device_name>  ANPOS  TCamp  ICont  IntL  IAZero  IOutA
:info:It is necessary that each definition are present on the same line. In case you don't want to assign a resource,
for example IAZero, you must enter in the appropriate field the X.X or X string.


<device name>Name assigned to device
ANPOSKeyword that identifies the devices analog positioner.
TCampSample time device 1÷255 ms)
IContBidirectional counter input
IntLNumber of the interrupt line dedicated to the encoder zero pulse during the research phase of presets.
Allowed values: 1÷8 (to prevent the device uses this resource, put the X character)
IAZeroInput of enabled to acquire the transducer's zero pulse during the preset search (to prevent device use this resource type the characters X.X)
IOutAHardware address of the DAC from analog output
; Device declarations
Asse_X    ANPOS 2   2.CNT02  3  3.INP01  3.AN01

1.2 Operation

1.2.1 Position detection

The ANPOS device acquires the position of axis via bi-directional transmitter signals; these signals are used by an internal counter. This counter does not show directly the position of the axis in the unit of measure required by your application. The cntratio parameter is used to express the relationship between pulses transducer and the corresponding application units. The permitted values for this parameter are 0,00374 ÷ 4 with five precision digits. The report must be introduced in parameter as an integer, and then multiplied by 100000.
cntratio = (value in um) x 10 decimal digits / (corresponding transmitter pulse) x 100000 Decimal point

If for the selected measure unit is also provided for the presence of a decimal point, the positions must be represented always as an integer value and represent space on the measure unit without the decimal point. The resolution must be calculated with the same formula and the numerator the measure without decimal point. The decimal point will be entered in the value representing the time viewers (example as properties in the terminal operator). Speed

The speeds are always expressed in whole units of measure in the unit of time choice. From this it emerges that the device must know the location of the decimal point of the unit of measure and this is done with the decpt parameter. This parameter can take 0÷3 values. Example

:info:To activate this device send the INIT command.

To calculate the resolution you have to consider the space runs represented in terms of the measuring mm unit. For this the resolution is:
cntratio = (18.2 x 101 / 500) x 100000 = 36400

The settings must be:
Axis:cntratio = 36400
Axis:decpt = 1

To run a placement at 146 cm, put
Axis:setpos = 1460

For setting the 10 centimeters per second must put:
Axis:unitvel = 1
Axis:setvel = 10

1.2.2 Analogue output calibration

:info:Before starting actual placements you must make sure
that electrical connections and mechanical appliances have not cause malfunctions.

For axis management, thee ANPOS device using an analogue output with 16-bit resolution with 10 V range ± and sign; with the calibration function this analog output can be driven with a constant value in order to test links and functionality. Preliminary motion Output settings

The ANPOS device raises the voltage value of the analogue output on the basis between the maximum speed of the axis and the maximum output voltage proportion. La proporzionalità è ottenuta with the maxvel parameter, maximum axis speed representative on the analog voltage (10 V). The axis must behave symmetrical analog voltage to zero, therefore the speed must be the same on both the positive and negative voltage at maximum.
Before you determine the value of the maximum speed, must establish the unit of time to use for the representation of the speed in the device; the unitvel parameter defines the unit of time of speed (Um/min or Um/s). Theoretical method for maximum speed determination

The theoretical method is a calculation that was performed on the basis of the maximum speed of the motor. Set the maximum revolutions per minute engine declared, we get the maximum speed.
Setting in the maxvel parameter the maximum speed value calculated. Convenient way to determine the maximum speed

The practical way is based on the reading of the speed detected by the device in the vel variable, giving the drive a voltage. To provide the voltage to drive the device should be placed in a position of calibration as described in the previous paragraph. If the system permits, supply voltage operation of 10 V and read the speed value in the vel parameter. If, on the backwards, is an excerpt of the output voltage (1, 2, … 5 V), calculate the maximum speed with the proportion: vout : 10 [V] = vel : maxvel

Enter the maximum speed value found in maxvel parameter.

1.2.3 Handling

:info:Before handling the Board, check the proper operation of emergency equipment and protection.

The procedures were allowed to complete the first phase of device settings. Now you can run smooth movement of the axis.

This first movement was done without speed feedback space. The placement may have been executed with some error introduced by the non-linearity of the components or imperfection in the maximum velocity calibration. Then if you enable feedback of space this error goes away.

1.2.4 PID+FF adjustment

The placement made in the preceding paragraph has been made without considering any position errors.
To check the correct position of the axis continuously and automatically, you must have a feed-back on the position; for this reason introduces the control PID + FF algorithm including proportional, integral, derivative actions and feed-forward; the value of the analog output is given by the summation of actions feed forward, proportional, derivative and integrative.
This section describes a series of actions to adjust the parameters that affect this control.
In order to achieve a satisfactory adjustment is sufficient to use only the feedforward and proportional actions; integral and derivative actions are used only for adjustments under special conditions. Feed forward action

The feed-forward helps make the system more ready on positioning, by providing the analog output voltage proportional to the theoretical speed of positioning.
The contribution of this action can be adjusted with the feedfw parameter; this parameter is expressed as a portion of millesimal theoretical speed; so, to introduce such as 98.5% you must set 985 (MILS). Proportional action

This action provides an proportional output to the instantaneous axis position error. The size of the proportional action is defined by the pgain parameter that defines the sensitivity of the system.
The pgain parameter is introduced in thousandths; the unit value of the gain (1000) provides an analog output to maximum value (10 V) concerning the maximum speed error. For maximum speed error means the space taken by axis - at the max speed - for the duration of the sampling time of the device. Integral action

Integrates the position error of the system over time set in integt parameter updating the output until the error is reset.
More decreases the integration time of the error, more faster the recovery system error, but the system may become unstable and swung. Derivative action

Anticipates the change of the motion of the system tends to eliminate the overshoot the positioning. The size of change is calculated over time set in derivt parameter.
More higher the time of derivation of error and more faster is the transient error recovery system, But if you enter a value that is too high the system becomes unstable, tending to fluctuate.

1.2.5 Search Preset

Searching for presets is a procedure to synchronize the counter (posit parameter) with the real position of the axis. Can be performed in 3 different ways according to the prsmode parameter. Preliminary considerations

If enable the preset search with the PRESET command, the axis towards the position where you active the enable zero-pulse input of transducer with speed define by prsvel. The st_prson state you turn to report the current preset. When, in this motion, the axis active the input, reverses direction and starts with sprsvel speed.
The operation depends from the selected mode of loading (Mode 0 or Mode 1). Preset search - Mode 0

:info:This procedure involves the movement of the axis and the use of the zero pulse enable input of the transducer.

The deactivation of the enable input zero-pulse transducer, the preset quota is loaded on the counter (parameter posit=prspos).
Next, you disable the st_prson status and activate the st_prsok state to signal the end of search. This state remains active until the starting of a new procedure of presets; at the system startup this State is always to zero. See the picture 1.

Picture 1: Loading presets using the only enabling cam. Preset search - Mode 1

:info:This procedure involves the movement of the axis and the use of the zero pulse and zero pulse enable input of the transducer.

At the deactivation of the enable input zero-pulse transducer, enables reading of the first zero-pulse provided by the transducer and on this signal, loads the preset quota in counting (parameter posit=prspos).
To load the share presets with 'Mode 1', the card which is attached to the zero-pulse trasducer must transmit this signal on one of the 8 hardware interrupt lines. The device must have been defined to use the same hardware interrupt line (see the definition in the .CNF file).
Subsequently, the axis is positioned at an presets quota, to disable the st_prson state and enable the st_prsok state for to signal the end of search; This State remains active until the starting of a new preset procedure. At the startup of the instrument the st_prsok parameter is always to zero. See the picture 2.

Picture 2: Loading presets using the enable cam and the zero pulse of transducer. Preset search - Mode 2

:info:This procedure does not provide for the handling of the axis and the use of the zero pulse enable transducer input.

With this procedure, the search for preset does not perform any positioning. The load command of the preset quota is provided by the activation of the enable zero encoder input and the st_prsok state is set to one.
If the input is active, the load is continuously, while if at the startup the input is already active, the first upload is executed only after its deactivation and activation.

1.3 Special functions

1.3.1 Multi-axis management

In some applications are required to place a large number of axes by moving a single axis at a time. The design choice falls on installing just one drive that depending on the axis to be placed electrically connects the motor interested in positioning; the transducer is always bound to its axis.
The ANPOS device allows you to control access to the DAC device REGON and REGOFF commands. In this way through the QCL application defines a set of device many axes to be placed; in the definition, all devices use the same DAC resource. (IOutA).
Normally all devices must be in the st_regoff = 1 state so you will not have access to the DAC apparatus. Before you start positioning, with the REGON command, the device is brought to the st_regoff = 0 state. Runs the positioning and, at the completion, the device is returned in the st_regoff = 1 State with the REGOFF command. For no reason two devices simultaneously must be found in the st_regoff =0
state. When the device is placed in the regoff position, the analog output remains fixed at the last voltage value called before the REGOFF command.

1.3.2 Change quota and counting in motion

:info:Changing the quota is accepted only if the new position is reached with direction in use and if the axis is not already when slowing down to reach the quota previously set.

In some applications is needed to define the target quota during the motion, according to external events to the device. This feature translates into the ability to write to the current setpos parameter even with current placements.

When positioning you can also change the value of the posit counter. This function is usually used when a device must under certain conditions, continue a speed profile for a very long time, that exceeds the time axis takes to reach the limit quota (maxpos or minpos).

1.3.3 Change speed and moving ramp time

When positioning it is possible to vary the speed of the axis without affecting the location to get to. This operation can lead to an increase or a decrease in velocity, even more points with the same placement. This operation is accomplished with new writing in the setvel parameter.

When positioning can be varied even acceleration/deceleration times. For example, the device can start a placement with a very short ramp and once they reach the speed set, varied the tacc parameter and do a change of speed with a very long ramp.
For special applications the ramp time can be varied even during a change of speed, in this case the new time is put into immediately execution.

1.3.4 Delta counter

:info:The command can be sent only if the axis is stopped, condition of st_still = 1.

The device always shows the absolute position of the axis; to execute the incremental placements is need a tool to subtract or add some value to the count (posit) without introducing errors. The change can also count with a direct writing to the new value in the posit parameter.
Wanting to steal 100 units of measure from the counter you can:
Axis:posit = Axis:posit - 100

:info:The changing at the value of resolution (cntratio) or the writing of the posit variable, causes the reset of the remnants of the conversion.

This operation introduces an error because it imposes the location 'posit = -100', when the axis could have an intermediate position between a unit of measurement and subsequent (ex. 100.3). This fraction (0.3) is lost and the repetition of these steps will the accumulation of a considerable error.
The DELCNT command sum the count an amount equal to the parameter delta without losing the fraction part of the position:
Axis:delta = -100
The DELCNT command may be sent only with stationary axis (st_still=1) Example

The axis position is of 2 units and is located at point A. You want to add to the posit counter three measure units.
With instructions:
Axis:posit = Axis:posit + 2
the axis takes the new B position.
With instructions :
Axis:delta = 2
C position is reached.

Note that with the first instructions the axis took a delta less than 3 units and this introduced an error.
If you need to send the succession DELCNT commands, It is convenient to calculate the value to be summed and send once the command; otherwise beware not to send subsequent commands without a read statement on device parameter. Example

Axis:delta = 3
WAIT Axis:st_init
Axis:delta = 40

1.4 Commands and parameters table

1.4.1 Symbols used

The parameter name, condition or command is taken back to the left side of the table.

Indicates whether the parameter or state is retentive (upon initialization of the device maintains the previously defined state), or the state assumes upon initialization of the device.
If the device does not need to initialize the 'R' field dicates the value that the parameter or state accept to the startup card.
R = Retentive
0 = Upon initialization of the device the value is forced to zero.
1 = Upon initialization of the device the value is forced to one.
- = Upon initialization of the device is presented significant value.

Indicates the size of the parameter.
F = Flag
B = Byte
W = Word
L = Long
S = Single Float Conditions

Describes all the conditions necessary so that the parameter is considered correct or because the command is accepted.
In some cases, limit values are specified for the acceptance of the parameter: if set any values outside the limits, the data is accepted; but must be monitoring the application that provided to ensure the proper functioning.
To run a command, all the conditions must be met; otherwise the command does not run.

Indicates the access mode.
R = Read.
W = Write.
RW = Read / Write.

1.4.2 Commands

Controls were ranked by decreasing priority. For example, in the case of contemporary INIT and EMRG controls, is acquired first the INIT command.

INITst_init = 1Initialization
Initializing command device.
If the device is not initialized does not perform the calculations related to the axis and then sits idle.
To startup you can download all parameters in DPR; then, with the INIT command the axis will be inizialiazzato, by performing the calculations only once.
Enable the st_init state.
EMRGst_init = 1Emergency
Emergency stopping axis poses, without deceleration ramp, any ongoing positioning. It also disabled the axis space reaction.
RESUMEst_init = 1
st_emrg = 1
Restore of emergency condition of axis; it's enable the axis space reaction.
To the start, the axis resume the the positioning.
STARTst_init = 1
st_regoff = 0
st_emrg = 0
st_cal = 0
st_still = 1
Controls the positioning to the setpos quota and setvel speed.
STOPst_init = 1
st_regoff = 0
st_emrg = 0
st_cal = 0
st_still = 0
Stops any ongoing axis positioning.
The axis stop follows the deceleration ramp in use. The axis remains in reaction to space.
LOOPONst_init = 1Loop ON
Enables the reaction of space axis.
The analog output sharpen every external action that attempts to move the axis from the reached position (drift, user, …). This operation resets any tracking follerr error.
LOOPOFFst_init = 1Loop OFF
Disable the reaction of space axis.
The axis can be moved from this position without that the analogue output contrasts the movement.
CNTLOCKst_init = 1Counter lock
Blocks the acquisition of axis counter even if the transducer continues to send signals. At this stage the axis shift is not detected. Disables loading of presets on the counter.
Activates the st_cntlock state.
CNTUNLOCKst_init = 1Counter unlock
Unlock the axis counter.
Resumes reading of the signals sent from the transducer and the updating counter.
Disable the st_cntlock state.
CNTREVst_init = 1Counter reverse
Invert the phases of the transducer in the card.
Reverses the direction of the count (increase/decrease).
Activates the st_cntrev state.
CNTDIRst_init = 1Counter direct
Counting the axis is reversed.
Disable the st_cntrev state.
PRESETst_init = 1
st_regoff = 0
st_emrg = 0
st_cal = 0
st_still = 1
Start axis presets search.
Start to preset search procedure in the way set with prsmode and prsdir parameters. If the preset search is already running, the command performs the reverse search.
Activates the st_prson state and disable the st_prsok state.
CALONst_init = 1Calibration ON
The analog output is used as a voltage source; in this case you cannot use it for positioning the axis. The output value is settable at will through the vout variable.
CALOFFst_init = 1
st_cal = 1
Calibration OFF
The analog output is not used as voltage generator, so it can be used for managing placements.
MANFWst_init = 1
st_regoff = 0
st_prson = 0
st_still = 1
Manual forward
Controls the forward manual positioning (towards maxpos) the set speed.
MANBWst_init = 1
st_regoff = 0
st_prson = 0
st_still = 1
Manual backward
Controls the back manual positioning (towards minpos) the set speed.
REGOFFst_init = 1
st_still = 1
Regulation OFF
Disable the adjustment and upgrading of the DAC, as well as all the movement commands.
REGONst_init = 1
st_regoff = 1
Regulation ON
Restorte the adjustment and updating the DAC, as well as all the movement commands.
DELCNTst_still = 1
st_init = 1
Delta counter
This command is accepted only if the axis is stopped; the counter (axis position) is modified by adding algebraically the value specified in the delta variable.

1.4.3 Parameters

Name D R A Conditions Description
cntratio L R R-W st_still = 1 Counter ratio
Defines how the transducer pulses must be multiplied so that the acquisition of movements is expressed in the unit of measure desired. By setting the count variation is 100000 1 bit per pulse transducer.
Valid Range: 347 ÷ 400000
maxpos L R R-W st_still = 1 Maximum position
Defines the maximum quota reached by the axis; the value set is to be considered also as an upper limit for the introduction of quotas of work. Value expressed in units of measurement (Um).
Valid Range: -999999 ÷ 999999
minpos L R R-W st_still = 1 Minimum position
Defines the minimum quota reached by the axis; the set value is considered as the lower limit for the introduction of quotas of work. Value expressed in units of measurement (Um).
Valid Range: -999999 ÷ 999999
prspos L R R-W st_still = 1 Preset position
Defines the value that is loaded on the counting with the preset search procedure.
Valid Range: minpos÷maxpos
maxvel L R R-W st_still = 1 Maximum velocity
Defines the maximum speed axis (analogue reference +/-10V). The value is per unit of time of the set speed Velocity unit. Value expressed in Um/s or Um/min.
Valid Range: 0 ÷ 999999
prsvel L R R-W st_still = 1 Preset velocity
Defines the speed of the axis during the search procedure of presets.
The input value is per unit of time of the set speed (Velocity unit).
Valid Range: 0 ÷ maxvel
sprsvel L R R-W st_still = 1 Preset search velocity
In the preset search procedure, defines the axis speed in the acquisition zero-pulse phase. The input value is per unit of time of the set speed (Velocity unit).
Valid Range: 0 ÷ prsvel
toll L R R-W st_still = 1 Tolerance
Defines a count range around locating dimensions.
If the placement ends within this range, it is considered correct. Value expressed in (Um).
Valid Range: -999999 ÷ 999999
maxfollerr L R R-W None Maximum following error
Defines the maximum acceptable deviation between the theoretical position and the actual position of the axis. Value, in bits, transducer.
Valid Range: 0 ÷ 2147483648
rampmode B R R-W se st_still = 1
writing always
enable, if st_still =
0 the new value
is stored but
only if the
new time of
acc. and dec.
allow to
reach the
set quota.
Acceleration/deceleration time mode
Used when choosing between acceleration and deceleration ramps equal or differentiated.
Allowed values:
0 = equal ramps
1 = differentiated ramps
taccdec W R R-W se st_still = 1 writing
always enable, if st_still
= 0 the new value is
stored but
processed only if the
new nuovi tempi of acc. and
dec. allow to
reach the set quota.
Acceleration/deceleration time
Is the time required to go from 0 speed to maximum velocity and vice versa; the parameter is used if rampmode = 0. Value expressed in hundredths of a second.
Valid Range: da 0 a 999
tacc W R R-W se st_still = 1 writing
always enable, if st_still
= 0 the new value is
stored but
processed only if the
new time allows you to
reach the setting
Acceleration time
Defines the necessary time for the axis to accelerate from zero to maximum speed (condition of stopped axis) at maximum speed. Value expressed in hundredths of a second.
Valid Range: from 0 to 999
tdec W R R-W se st_still = 1 writing
always enable, if st_still
= 0 the new value is
stored but
processed only if the
new time allows you to
reach the setting
Deceleration time
Defines the necessary time for the axis to decelerate from maximum speed to zero (condition of stopped axis). Value expressed in hundredths of a second.
RaValid Range: from 0 to 999
tinv W R R-W None Direction inversion delay
Is used to avoid mechanical stress caused by too rapid direction changes movement. Value expressed in hundredths of a second.
Valid Range: from 0 to 999
toldly W R R-W None Tolerance delay
Defines the time between the arrival of the axis in the tolerance range and its status report. Value expressed in hundredths of a second.
Valid Range: from 0 to 999
pgain W R R-W None Proportional gain
If set the 1000 value, the coefficient is 1,000
Is the factor that is multiplied against the tracking error produces the proportional portion of control output.
Valid Range: from 0 to 32767
feedfw W R R-W None Feed forward
If set the 1000 value, the percentage is 100%.
Is the coefficient percentage that multiplied by the speed, generates the feed-forward control output.
Valid Range: from 0 to 32767
integt W R R-W None Integral time
Is the time, in milliseconds, that produces the basic integration of tracking error.
The integration of that error multiplied by that coefficient raises the integral part of the control output.
Valid Range: from 0 to 32767
derivt W R R-W None Derivative time
Is the time, in milliseconds, that produces the coefficient derivative of the tracking error. The derivation of that error multiplied by that coefficient raises the integral part of the control output.
Valid Range: from 0 to 32767
prsmode B R R-W None Preset mode
Defines the type of preset search:
0 = For research of enabling zero-pulse, the axis movement begins in speed, bump into the cam by enabling, reverses the direction of slowing and, on the cam front relative at the signal drop, loads the preset quota.
1 = For research of enabling zero-pulse, the axis movement begins in speed, bump into the cam by enabling, reverses the direction and slowly acquires the first zero-pulse (After disabling of the cam signal).
2 = Does not activate the search procedure presets with axis handling. The counter is updated at the presets to the activation of the enabling zero-pulse.
prsdir B R R-W None Preset direction
Defines the direction of movement of the cam for the research of the zero axis pulse enable.
0 = the axis goes forward.
1 = the axle head back
unitvel B R R-W st_still = 1 Velocity unit
Defines if time unit of speed is expressed in minutes or seconds.
0 = Um/min
1 = Um/sec
decpt B R R-W st_still = 1 Decimal point
Defines the accuracy with which you wish to set the presets and view the counts in relation to the axis.
Valid Range: from 0 to 3.
offset W R R-W None Offset
DAC output offset in bits.
Defines the bit value of the analog output correction in order to compensate for any drift in the system. Value, in bits DAC.
Valid Range: from -32768 to 32767
setpos L R R-W se st_still = 1 writing
always enable, if
st_still = 0 writing
enabled if the new
quota can be
achieved with the same
direction of
The parameter is
altered if done
a search of presets
with prsmode = 0 o 1.
Setted position
Defines the placement quota reached from the x axis at setvelx velocity.
Valid Range: from minpos to maxpos
N.B.The value is altered if you tell the enquiry procedure presets search with prsmode = 0 o 1.
setvel L R R-W se st_still = 1 writing
always enable, if
st_still = 0 the new
value is
stored but
processed only
If the axis is not in
deceleration to
reach the setting quota.
The parameter is
altered if done
a search of presets
with prsmode = 0 o 1.
Setted velocity
Is the of positioning speed value. Value expressed in Um/s or Um/min.
Valid Range: 0 ÷ maxvel
vout B 0 R-W st_cal = 1 Volt out
It's the output voltage value is expressed in tenths of a volt, to be used in the calibration procedure.
Valid Range: -100 ÷ 100
vel L 0 R None Velocity
Is the value of the instantaneous speed of the axis. Value expressed in Um/s or Um/min.
frq L 0 R None Frequency
Is the value of the instantaneous frequency of the axis. Value expressed in Hz.
posit L R R-W se st_still = 1 writing
always enable, if st_still = 0
the new value is
processed only if
the axis is not decelerating
to reach the setting quota.
Actual position
Is the value of the instantaneous position of the axis. Value expressed in (Um).
follerr L 0 R None Following error
Is the instantaneous value of the tracking error. Value, in bits, transducer.
ffwdreg L 0 R None Feed-forward register
Is the instantaneous value of the register of feed-forward, expressed in bits.
propreg L 0 R None Proportional register
Is the instantaneous value of the register proportional expressed in bits.
intreg L 0 R None Integral register
Is the instantaneous value of the integral register expressed in bits.
derreg L 0 R None Derivative register
Is the instantaneous value of the register derivative, in bits.
delta L R R-W None Delta counter
Is the value that is added to the count when sending a DELCNT command. Value expressed in (Um).
Valid Range: -999999 ÷ 999999

1.4.4 States

Name D R A Conditions Description
st_init F 0 R None Initialization
Reporting of device initialized.
0 = device is not initialized.
1 = device initialized.
To startup by default loads the value zero.
st_emrg F 0 R None Emergency
Reporting of axis in an emergency.
0 = axis not in emergency.
1 = axis in emergency.
st_toll F 0 R None Tolerance
Reporting of axis in tolerance in relation to the share put in execution by the START command. Signaling axis in tolerance may be delayed with toldly parameter.
0 = axis not in tolerance.
1 = axis in tolerance.
To startup by default loads the value zero.
st_prsok F 0 R None Preset Ok
Reporting of axis in tolerance in relation to the share put running from the START command. Signaling axis in tolerance may be delayed with toldly parameter.
0 =axis not in tolerance.
1 = axis in tolerance.
To startup by default loads the value zero.
st_still F 0 R None Still
Signalling of stationary axis.
0 = moving axis.
1 = axis stopped.
To startup by default loads the value 1.
st_prson F 0 R None Preset ON
Axis preset search ongoing reporting.
0 = preset search not in progress.
1 = preset search in progress
To startup by default loads the value zero.
st_movdir F 0 R None Movement direction
Indication of the direction of movement.
0 = forwards.
1 = backwards.
To startup by default loads the value zero.
st_loopon F 0 R None Loop ON
Reporting of axis in reaction to space.
0 = axis not in reaction to space.
1 = axis in reaction to space.
To startup by default loads the value zero.
st_foller F 0 R None Following error
Axis tracking error signal (restrain 500 ms).
0 = axis not in tracking error.
1 = axis in tracking error.
To startup by default loads the value 1.
st_regoff F 0 R None Regulation
Indicates that the setting is disabled and that upgrading the DAC is not performed.
st_cal F 0 R None Calibration
Reporting of axis as voltage source.
0 = voltage source axis disable.
1 = voltage source axis enable.
To startup by default loads the value zero.
st_cntlock F R R None Counter locked
Reporting of unlocked axis.
0 = unlocked axis counter.
1 = blocked axis counter.
st_cntrev F R R None Counter revers
Inverted axis counter report.
0 = Axis count not inverted.
1 = Axis count inverted.
This status is maintained at power-off.
st_cntrev F R R None Counter revers
Inverted axis count report.
0 = Axis count not inverted.
1 = Axis count inverted.
This status is maintained at power-off.

1.5 Limitations

No limitation

1.6 Application example

1.6.1 The configuration file

; Module Name: Ex_Anpos.CNF                 Project: Ex_ANPOS
; Autor: QEM srl                            Date: 01/05/99
; System: QMove1 / QCL3                     Library: 1LIB3B04
; Functionality: ANPOS management example   Release: 0
;------------------------------------- Note ------------------------------------------
; [1] - Sample application using device ANPOS
; Constants Defining
; Variable Definition SYSTEM
slQuotaPos   L                          ;Variable for placement quota
slVelAsse   L                           ;Variable for axis speed
; Variable Definition GLOBAL
gfMovMan   F                            ;Flag signalling movements
                                        ;manuals in progress
gfMovAuto   F                           ;Flag signalling movements
                                        ;ongoing automatic
; Variable Definition TIMER
; Definition DATAGROUP
; Bus Configuration
     1  1CPUB   02
     2  1MIXA   00
     3  .
     4  .
; Variable Definition INPUT
ifAvMan     F    2.INP01                ;Forward manual input
ifInMan     F    2.INP02                ;Backrìward manual input
ifStart     F    2.INP03                ;START input axis
ifStop      F    2.INP04                ;STOP input axis
; Variable Definition OUTPUT
ofToll      F    2.OUT01                ;Output shaft tolerance
ofAxeFermo  F    2.OUT02                ;Output of stopped axis
; Device declaration
;Name   Type   TCamp   Counter   Inter   AbilZero  OutAnal
Asse    ANPOS  0004    2.CNT01     1       2.INP01   2.AN01

1.6.2 ANPOS management

; File Name: TASK_00.MOD
; Project : EX_ANPOS
; Description: Positioning Management
; Initialization work Axis
Axis:cntratio = 100000                     ;Encoder resolution = Space in 1 tourn
                                           ;encoder(Um) / tourn pulse encoder
Axis:maxvel = 100000                       ;Max. speed = Axis speed with
                                           ;10V analog output (CALON/
Axis:maxpos = 999999                       ;Maximum quota
Axis:minpos = -999999                      ;Minimum quota
Axis:maxfollerr = 10000                    ;Tracking error
Axis:unitvel = 0                           ;Unit time speed
Axis:decpt = 0                             ;Decimal digits
Axis:rampmode = 0                          ;Type of used ramps
Axis:taccdec = 100                         ;Acceleration and deceleration time
Axis:tacc = 0                              ;Acceleration time (not used)
Axis:tdec = 0                              ;Deceleration time (not used)
Axis:tinv = 0                              ;Inversion axis time
Axis:toll = 5                              ;Tolerance
Axis:toldly = 10                           ;Time delay activation tolerance
Axis:prsmode = 0                           ;Preset search type
Axis:prspos = 0                            ;Preset quota
Axis:prsdir = 0                            ;Preset search direction
Axis:prsvel = (20 * Asse:maxvel)/100       ;Preset speed (20% of the
max. speed)
Axis:sprsvel = (10 * Asse:maxvel)/100      ;Pulse speed zero
                                           ;search (10% of the max. speed)
Axis:offset = 0                            ;Offset voltage
Axis:pgain = 10                            ;Proportional gain
Axis:feedfw = 1000                         ;Feedforward
Axis:integt = 0                            ;Integral time
Axis:derivt = 0                            ;Derivative time
INIT Axis                                  ;Initializes the device
WAIT Axis:st_init                          ;Wait until the device is initialized
CNTUNLOCK Axis                             ;Unlock counter
WAIT NOT Axis:st_cntlock                   ;Wait until the count is unlocked
CNTDIR Axis                                ;Sets the direction of the counter
WAIT NOT Axis:st_cntrev                    ;Wait until it is set the direction
                                           ;of the counter
REGON Axis                                 ;Enable the adjustment
WAIT NOT Axis:st_regoff                    ;Wait for enabling regulation
RESUME Axis                                ;Remove the axis from the emergency state
WAIT NOT Axis:st_emrg                      ;Wait until the axle is not in emergency
LOOPON Axis                                ;Snap reaction shaft loop
WAIT Axis:st_loopon                        ;Wait that is hooked on loop
                                           ;reaction of the axis
IF (slVelAxis EQ 0)                        ;In case the set of speed
                                           ;the axis is zero
  slVelAxis = 50                           ;Sets a positioning speed
IF (slQuotaPos EQ 0)                       ;In the event that the quota of
                                           ;positioning the axis is to zero
  slQuotaPos = 2000                        ;Sets a quota of positioning
; Positioning tasks
; ------------------------------- used variables -------------------------------------
; slVelAxis: Adjustable variable that represents the axis speed
; (declared in % of the max. speed)
; slQuotaPos: Adjustable variable that represents the share of axis positioning
; ---------------------------------- used flags----- ---------------------------------
; gfMovMan: manual operation in progress
; gfMovAuto: Automatic movement in progress
; Outputs management
ofToll = Axis:st_toll                   ;Sets the output of tolerance as
                                        ;the tolerance state
ofAxeFermo = Axis:st_still              ;Sets the output of stationary axis as
                                        ;the status of stationary axis
; Automatic movements managing
IF ifStart                                      ;Waits for the START input
  IF NOT gfMovMan                               ;Check that there are no movements
    IF Axis:st_still                            ;Check that the axis is stopped
      Axis:setvel=(slVelAxis*Axis:maxvel)/100   ;Sets the axis speed
      Axis:setpos = slQuotaPos                  ;Sets the placement quota
      START Axis                                ;Run the start of axis
      gfMovAuto = 1                             ;Automatic movement in progress reports
IF ifStop                                       ;Waits for the STOP input
  IF NOT Axis:st_still                          ;Check that the axle is not stationary
    STOP Axis                                   ;Run the stop of the axis
IF gfMovAuto                                    ;Check reporting movement
                                                ;ongoing automatic
  IF Axis:st_still                              ;Check that the axis is stopped
    gfMovAuto = 0                               ;Reset status of automatic movement
; Manual movements management
IF ifAvMan                                      ;Awaiting the entry of manual operation
  IF NOT (gfMovAuto OR gfMovMan)                ;Check that there are no movements
                                                ;automatic or manual
    IF Axis:st_still                            ;Check that the axis is stopped
      Axis:setvel=(slVelAxis*Axis:maxvel)/100   ;Sets the axis speed
        MANFW Axis                              ;Forward axis in manual
        gfMovMan = 1                            ;Manual movement in progress reports
IF ifInMan                                      ;Awaiting the entry of manual operation
  IF NOT (gfMovAuto OR gfMovMan)                ;Check that there are no movements
                                                ;automatic or manual
    IF Axis:st_still                            ;Check that the axis is stopped
      Axis:setvel=(slVelAxis*Axis:maxvel)/100   ;Sets the axis speed
      MANBW Asse                                ;Forward axis in manual
      gfMovMan = 1                              ;Manual movement in progress reports
IF gfMovMan                                     ;If the axis moves in manual
  IF NOT (ifAvMan OR ifInMan)                   ;If the inputs of forwards or backwars
                                                ;Manual are OFF
    STOP Axis                                   ;Stop the axis
    gfMovMan = 0                                ;Remove the reporting of axis
                                                ;Manual movement
; Final operations
  WAIT 1