

1. Introductipon

The CALENDAR device is used to get and set the current date and time information.

1.1 Device declaration

The device does not use hardware resources. It is not necessary to define the sampling time because the operation is carried out in a time not significantly. In the INTDEVICE section of the configuration unit must be add the following definition:

; Device declaration
<device_name>  CALENDAR


<device_name>device name assigned
CALENDARkeyword that identifies the device calendar.

Declaration example:

; Device declaration

1.2 Operation

The device continuously updates the current date and time data.

1.3 Parameters table

Name Dimensions Default value Access type Unit of measure Valid Range Write conditions Description
sec Byte - RW s (seconds) from 0 to 59 - Seconds
The parameter indicates the seconds the current time.
min Byte - RW minutes from 0 to 59 - Minutes
The parameter indicates the minutes of the current time.
hour Byte - RW hours from 0 to 23 - Hour
The parameter indicates the time current local time.
date Byte - RW days from 1 to 31 - Day
The parameter indicates the day of the current date.
month Byte - RW mounth from 1 to 12 - Mounth
The parameter indicates the month of the current date using the following
1 January
2 February
3 March
4 April
5 May
6 June
7 July
8 August
9 September
10 October
11 November
12 December
year Word - RW year from 2000 to 2100 - Year
The parameter indicates the current year.

1.4 States table

There aren't the states.

1.5 Coomands table

There aren't commands.