

1. Introduction

The CANOPEN device is an object that can be used for configuring, monitoring and managing a CANOpen network. CANopen is a communication protocol based on CAN bus. For every reference to CiA documents please refer to Protocol: the international organization that develops and promotes the protocols based on CAN bus (http://www.can-cia.org/cia).

1.1 Device declaration

In the configuration section INTDEVICE unit must be declared so that you have the hardware necessary to use the CANOPEN device. In the INTDEVICE section of the unit of configuration must be added the following definition:

; Device declaration
<device_name>  CANOPEN TCamp  Speed Port


<device_name>the name given to the device
CANOPENkeyword that identifies the device analog positioner
TCampsample time device (1÷255 ms)
Speedindicates the value in Kbps of speed. Accepted values are 1000, 500, 250 and 125. On some hardware, you can also set the value 0. In this case the CANbus speed is set with the dip-switches. The value of the selected speed will be visible in the parameter speed
Portindicates the CAN unit to which the device is to be referred. If your hardware is slated to only one port CAN use the value 0
:important:Attention: It is necessary that each definition are present on the same line.

1.2 Operation

The main features of the CANOPEN device are:

Here is a list of currently available QDO:

indexNameDefault valueAccessRange of valuesShort description
1 aiperiod100RW0÷32767Update time analog and count inputs expressed in ms
2 setdrivemode-RW0÷255Sets the drive to work with indicated mode and DS402 specification
3 targetpos-W-Sets the source location for the drive. Your writing should be done with the drive not operational. This parameter is automatically set with the QDO setdrivemode.
4 divfactor2RW0÷4Sets the divider for positions. The value is the divisor expressed as an exponent of 2. (example: 2 means 22 = 4)
5 Slave Link Status-R Indicates the linkup of the slaves. The State of bit 0 corresponds to the status of links of the slave with address 1
6 Slave Link Up-W Adds to the CANOpen network one slave in link down. Bit 0 corresponds to the slave with address 1
7 Sync Mode RW0÷1Sets the message SYNC mode (0 for DS401, 1 for DS402 in interpolation mode)
8 Guard Time RW-Sets the Guard Time of the NodeGuarding protocol
9 SDO timeout RW-Sets the timeout value of the SDO messages

Example of a unit created for Qview 6 with local declaration and CANOPEN device declared as REFERENCE.

	ErrorCode		B OUT			
	SlavesLinkDown		L OUT	; link down state (bit0=slaveID1, bit1=slaveID2, ecc)
	IF tmLinkStatus
    	        CanOpen.index = 5
		WAIT CanOpen.st_send
		IF NOT CanOpen.qdoerr
			SlavesLinkDown = CanOpen.data
                        ErrorCode = 0
			ErrorCode = 1
    WAIT 1

1.3 Parameters table

NameDimensionDefault valueAccess typeUnit of measureValid rangeWrite conditionsDescription
speedWord-RKbps1000, 500, 250, 125 o 0-Transmission speed
Shows the relevant setting on the device for the transmission speed.
maxrxerrWord0RW---Maximum number of receive errors
Shows the maximum number of receive errors.
maxtxerrWord0RW---Maximum number of errors in transmission
Shows the maximum number of errors in transmission.
busloadWord0RPercentage0÷100-Bus load
Indicates the network traffic load as a percentage, the value is updated every 500 ms.
maxtrafficWord0RWPercentage0÷100-Maximum load detected in bus
Shows the maximum percentage of traffic detected on the bus from the last reset of this parameter.
errflagsWord0RW-0÷32768-Error flag indicator
The value is the result of the conversion to decimal values of some bit flags, at every mistake every flag is placed at 1, to clear them you can set the parameter to 0. All of these error messages are sent from the chip that manages communication CAN.
bit0 overrun error
bit1 rx buffer full error
bit2 idle character detect
bit3 bus-off state
bit4 transmitter error passive
bit5 receiver error passive
bit6 transmitter warning
bit7 receiver warning
bit8 acknowledge error
bit9 CRC error
bit10 form error
bit11 stuff bit error
bit12 bit 0 error
bit13 bit 1 error
bit14 received message queue full
bit15 transmit message queue full
bit16 receiver busy
unitByte0RW---CANOpen unit's identification number
Identifies the number of CANOpen drive that will use the READSDO and WRITESDO commands.
indexLong0RW-0÷65535-Index of Dictionary objects
Identifies the index of the Dictionary objects.
subindexWord0RW-0÷255-Sub-Index of Dictionary objects
Identifies the sub-index of the Dictionary objects in the case that the object is of complex type.
lengthWord0RWbytes--Dimension SDO
Indicates the size in bytes of the SDO read or written.
dataLong0RW---SDO or QDO value
Indicates the QDO or SDO value to be read or written.
string1÷16Byte0RW---SDO value
Indicates the SDO value read or written in the case that the data is of type VISIBLE_STRING or OCTET_STRING.
sdoerrByte0R---Error while the SDO processing
Indicates an error made while of the SDO reading or writing. The value must be read after st_send is placed to 1. The error codes are:
6 Invalid unit
10 invalid group number
11 invalid SDO
12 communication error
13 length invalid SDO
17 wrong unit
28 invalid message length
29 transmission error
34 not valid object length
qdoerrByte0R---Error while QDO processing
Indicates an error made while of the QDO reading or writing. The value must be read after st_send is placed to 1. The error codes are:
1 object not available
2 error in the QDO running
3 value of the QDO used beyond the limits
sdoabortWord0R---SDO abort code
CAN protocol error messages. (Not yet implemented)
emcyunitByte0R---Emergency unit
Indicates the number of units located in emergency.
emcycodeWord0R---Emergency message code
Indicates the emergency message code.
emcyregByte0R---Error log emergencies
Emergency message error log.
emcyman1÷5Byte0R---Error constructor
These parameters allow you to read the value of the “manufacturer specific error register” field of the emergency message.
errcodeByte0R-0÷100st_error=1Error identification code
Indicates the type of failure intervened in the system. When st_error = 1 is present on the errcode variable the type of failure intervened and in the errvalu variable and e an indication on the cause of the error.
errvalueByte0R-0÷100-Identifying code of the cause of the error
Indicates the cause of the error in the system. The code is valid only if st_error = 1.
wrncodeByte0R-0÷100-Identification code warning
Indicates the type of warning in the system. The st_warning state indicates a minor event that guarantees the operation of the device.
When st_warning is equal to 1, are present on the wrncode variable the type of warning intervened (see the table) and in the wrnvalue variable an indication as to the cause of the warning.
wrnvalueByte0R-0÷100-Identification code of the cause of the warning
Indicates the cause of the warning in the system.
1: attempt to write access on a parameter where the conditions for writing were not met,
2: attempt to execute a command when the conditions weren't met.

1.4 Status table

NoaeShort descriptionDescrizption
st_send1SDO or QDO commands executed
When the State takes the value 1 indicates that the SDO command (READSDO or WRITESDO) or QDO (READQDO or WRITEQDO) it's executed.
st_emcy0State of emergency
The device has received an emergency message when the State is worth 1.
st_error0Error presence
Indicates the error status of the device, to recognize the type of error you must refer to the errcode and errvalue variables:
0: error not present,
1: error present
st_warning0The presence of a warning
Indicates the device warning status, to recognize the type of warning you must refer to the wrncode eand wrnalue variables:
0: warning not present,
1: warning present

1.5 Commands table

READSDOst_send=1Reading an SDO
Read command. The following parameters must be set: unit, index, subindex.
Upon activation of the st_send state you can verify the parameters to check for an error. If the operation went successful then in data or string1÷16 parameters, you will find the value of the object and in the length parameter you find the size of the data.
WRITESDOst_send=1Writing an SDO
Command of writing an SDO. The following parameters must be set: unit, index, subindex, length and data.
Upon activation of the st_send state you can verify the parameters to check for an error.
READQDOst_send=1Reading an SDO
Read command a QDO. The following parameters must be set: unit, index, subindex.
Upon activation of the st_send state you can verify the qdoerr parameter to check for an error.
WRITEQDOst_send=1Writing an SDO
A write command QDO. The following parameters must be set: unit, index, subindex, length and data.
Upon activation of the st_send state you can check the qdoerr parameter to check for an error.
READEMCYst_emcy=1Reading an emergency message
It commands an emergency message reading. When the st_emcy state becomes active means that the device has received an error message, and you can read it with this command. The emcyunit, emcycode, emcyreg and emcyman1÷5 parameters represent the data in your message.
RSERRst_error=1Reset error state
Reset the st_error state.
RSWRNst_warning=1Reset warning state
Reset the st_warning state.