Tabela de conteúdos


1. Introduction

FREQ is an internal device that allows you to measure the frequency of a digital signal. Also integrates a pulse counter one way a first-order low-pass digital filter on the measure, a function of scaling and a duty cycle.

The main features of the device are:

2. Device declaration

In order to use the device you must declare it in the appropriate INTDEVICE section of the configuration unit.

; Internal device declaration 
<device_name>  FREQ  TCamp  IntL


<device_name>the name given to the device
FREQkeyword that identifies the FREQ device
TCampsample time device in milliseconds (1÷250)
IntLinterrupt line associated to digital input to which is applied the signal to monitor
:todo:Attention: All fields of the declaration are necessary and must be present on the same line.
Set “X.X” or “X” If a resource is not available or cannot be used.
Disable a resource means disable all functionality of the device using it.

3. Operation

3.1 Antiglitch filter

The “antiglitch filter” block execute a digital filtering on the input signal for troubleshooting. It samples the input signal at regular intervals and determines the exit status by checking the status of the majority of the samples. The size of the filter depends on a parameter of the QMOVE system (“QMOVE:sys004” system variable).

:info:The existence of the “antiglitch filter” block and it's features depend on the product that you are using.
Consult the documentation relating to the product for more information.

3.2 Edge detect

The “edge detect” block capture the output signal from the antiglitch filter and measuring the time between two consecutive fronts to get the frequency measurement. The rising or falling is selected using capture parameter. The frqmin parameter determines the maximum time after which the block value becomes zero.

3.3 Edge counter

The “Edge counter” block creates a counter of faces captured by “edge detect” block.

3.4 Upper limiter

Il blocco “Upper limiter”, come dice la parola stessa, limita i valori di uscita del blocco “edge detect” fino a frqmax.

3.5 Scaling

The “scaling” block execute mathematical operations of multiplication, division and sum, of the block output “upper limiter” value with the scaleA, scaleB and scaleC parameters to get the value measured (outUm) in the desired entity.
The formula to get the measured value is:
outUm = (outbit * scaleA / scaleB) + scaleC

3.6 Low pass filter

The “Low pass filter” block execute a digital filter of the first order (type of the classic RC filter) on the measured value. The time constant of the filter can be set using tfilter parameter.

3.6.1 Notes on operation of the device

4. Parameters table

Name Dimension Default value Access type Unit of measure Valid Range Write conditions Description
frqmax Long Retentive RW Hz/100 or Hz/1000 0÷2147483647 - Maximum frequency
Is the maximum value that can take outfrq. PFor higher frequency signals to frqmax, outfrq is set equal to frqmax.
frqmin Long Retentive RW Hz/100 or Hz/1000 0÷2147483647 - Minimum frequency
Is the minimum detectable frequency from the device. For lower frequencies, the output of the “edge detect” block worth zero.
frqmin It also affects the time limit beyond which no input signal is detected; for example, by setting frqmin equal to 1Hz, the device detects no signal and then poses to zero outfrq after 1 sec. By setting, frqmin equal to 0.01 Hz the lack of the signal will be detected after 100 sec. By setting frqmin equal to 0 is how to set 0.01Hz if outfrq it is expressed in hundredths of hertz or 0.001Hz if outfrq is expressed in thousandths of hertz
capture Byte Retentive RW - 0÷5 - Capture mode and resolution signal frequency measurement
Defines the signal capture mode (front and frequency/duty) and resolution of frequency measurement (hundredths or thousandths of an hertz).
0 the “edge detect” and “edge counter” blocks are disabled so the device provides the value of the outfrq always equals zero while outcnt do not increase more.
1 the “edge detect” block capture the falling edge of the input signal and the value of outfrq is expressed in hundredths of Hertz. The “edge counter” block, also increases its output value outcnt on the falling edge of the input signal.
2 the “edge detect” block capture the rising edge of the input signal and the value of outfrq is expressed in hundredths of Hertz. The “edge counter” block, also increases its output value outcnt on the rising edge of the input signal.
3 the “edge detect” block catch the falling edge of the input signal and the value of outfrq is expressed in thousandths of Hertz. The “edge counter” block, also increases its output value outcnt on the falling edge of the input signal.
4 the “edge detect” block catch the rising edge of the input signal and the value of outfrq is expressed in thousandths of Hertz. The “edge counter” block, also increases its output valuindicates the 50.00 %).
scaleA Long Retentive RW - -2147483648÷2147483647 - Coefficient A in the Scaling function
Is the parameter for which multiplies the frequency value detected by the “edge detect” block in the scaling function. To setting the parameter to 0 the measured value will always have value 0.
scaleB Long Retentive RW - -2147483648÷2147483647 - Coefficient B in the Scaling function
Is the parameter for which divides the frequency value detected by the “edge detect” block in the scaling function. To setting the parameter to 0 the measured value will always have value 0.
scaleC Long Retentive RW - -2147483648÷2147483647 - Coefficient C in the Scaling function
Is the parameter that is added to the result obtained by multiplying the value of the detected frequency from “edge detect” block multiplied by the ratio between parameters scaleA and scaleB of the scaling function.
tfilter Word Retentive RW ms 0÷32767 - The filter time constant
Time constant.
in the event that tfilter is less than or equal to the sampling time of the device is disabled, the filter and the outUmF parameter updates with the same value as outUm.
par01 Long Retentive RW - -2147483648÷2147483647 - Generic parameter
Parameter available for future implementations.
par02 Long Retentive RW - -2147483648÷2147483647 - Generic parameter
Parameter available for future implementations.
outfrq Long - R Hz/100 or Hz/1000 0÷frqmax - Frequency detected
Is the output value of the “edge detect” block.
outUm Long - R - - - Measured value
Is the value of the detected frequency passed by the scaling function.
outUmF Long - R - - - Measured filtered value
Is the value of the low-pass digital filter applied.
outcnt Long - RW - - - Pulse counter
Is the output value of the “edge counter” block then the number of rising or falling (depending on the capture parameter) detected by the “edge detect” block.
outvar Long - RW - - - Generic variable
Parameter that is currently not implemented.
errcode Byte 0 R - -128÷127 - Error identification code
Indicates the type of error occurred in the device. The code is valid only if st_error = 1. For more information see the dedicated chapter
errvalue Byte 0 R - -128÷127 - Identifying code of the cause of error
Indicates the cause of the failure in the device. The code is valid only if st_error = 1. For more information see the dedicated chapter
wrncode Byte 0 R - -128÷127 - Identification code warning
Indicates the type of warning in device. The code is valid only if st_warning = 1. For more information see the dedicated chapter
wrnvalue Byte 0 R - -128÷127 - Identification code of the cause of warning
Indicates the cause of the warning in device. The code is valid only if st_warning = 1. For more information see the dedicated chapter

5. States table

NameDefaul valueDescription
st_010Input state
Source input state (interrupt line or frequency counter number).
st_020Generic state
Parameter available for future implementations.
st_error0Error presence
Indicates the error status of the device, to recognize the type of error you must refer to errcode and errvalue variables:
0: error not present,
1: error present
st_warning0Presence of a warning
Indicates the warning state of the device, to recognize the type of warning you must refer to wrncode and wrnalue variables:
0: warning not present,
1: warning present

6. Commands table

CMD01-Generic command
Command available for future implementations.
CMD02-Generic command
Command available for future implementations.
RSERR-Reset of the error state
Reset the st_error state.
RSWRN-Reset of the warning state
Reset the st_warning state.

7. Errors and alarms

7.1 Errors

When the device fails to perform operations are caused by incorrect programming by the user reports this condition through activation of the st_error state. The device, also, makes available, through the values information errcode and errvalue parameter, some information for a better understanding of the type of error and what condition the generated. This information and the error state st_error, continue until you run the appropriate RSERR command that will remove them.
The following table specifies the values assumed by errcode:

0no errors
1interrupt line associated to digital input not supported by hardware

Through the errvalue parameter you can get more detailed information about the error.
The following table specifies the values assumed by errvalue:

0no details about the error

7.2 Alarms

When the parameters of the device are programmed with out-of-range values they are not accepted and maintain their previous value. The device reports this condition through activation of the st_warning state. The device also provides, through the values parameter information wrncode andwrnvalue, some information to better understand the type of warning and what condition the generated. This information and the status of warning st_warning, continue until you run the appropriate RSWRN command that will remove them.
The following table specifies the values assumed by wrncode:

0no warning

Through the wrnvalue parameter you can get more detailed information about the warning.
The following table specifies the values assumed by wrnvalue:

0no details about the warning