

1. Parameters table

Name D R A Description
language B R R-W Indicates the number of the selected language for the Display messages.
Equivalent to the LANGUAGE display variable.
brightness W R R-W Indicates the percentage value 0-100.0% the brightness of the backlight lamp.
If 0 (zero), the lamp is turned OFF (where possible).
clrtime W R R-W It is the time, in milliseconds, after which pressing the CLEAR button will erase any data.
dclicktime W R R-W Only for systems with touch.
It is the time, in milliseconds, necessary to detect the double click.
The 0 (zero) value disable the function.
key L - R Represents the State of the modifier keys at all times.
Each key is represented by a bit as to the following mask:
keyf L - R Represents at any time the status of the F1 to F32 function keys. Each key is represented by a bit as to the following mask:
keyf2 L - R Represents at any time the status of the F33 to F64 function keys.
Each key is represented by a bit as to the following mask:
keybtype B R R-W Select the type of virtual keyboard. ( to define )
Note: This parameter should also be a display variable to plan what to do in an event “On Page In”.
leds L - R-W Parameter that is used to light the LEDs from F1 to F32 function keys.
Each bit of the parameter is associated with an LED as with the form of the keyf parameter.
leds2 L - R-W Parameter that is used to light the LEDs from F33 to F64 function keys.
Each bit of the parameter is associated with an LED as with the form of the keyf2 parameter.
blinkleds L - R-W Parameter that is used to create the flashing LEDs from F1 to F32 function keys.
Each bit of the parameter is associated with an LED as with the mask of the keyf parameter.
N.B. To flash a led is must write the value of that led in the leds parameter and in the blinkleds parameter.
blinkleds2 L - R-W Parameter that is used to create the flashing LEDs from F33 to F64 function keys.
Each bit of the parameter is associated with an LED as with the mask of the keyf2 parameter.
N.B. To flash a led is must write the value of that led in the leds2 parameter and in the blinkleds2 parameter.
error B - R Indicates if there are any errors in device.
Error code list:
0 = no error
1 = no application present
2 = checksum no match
3 = file format no match
4 = incorrect display size
5 = out of memory
6 = error readin the page
7 = error in erase operation
8 = internal error
9 = error in write memory
10 = error in read operation
11 = internal error
12 = image present but not possible
13 = font not supported
14 = internal error
sizeqtp L - R Indicates the size of the QTP application (bytes) stored in flash
memqtp L - R Indicates the amount of memory (bytes) used for decompression of the QTP application and for the creation of basic structures.
mempage L - R Indicates the amount of memory (bytes) used for running page.
memfree L - R Indicates the amount of volatile memory (bytes) still available.
page W - R Indicates the number of active display page.
Equivalent to PAGE display variable.
pagein W - R-W Allows you to change the active page of the display.
Equivalent to writing on the PAGE display variable.
timepage W - R Indicates the page execution time in milliseconds.
tposx W - R Only for systems with touch.
Indicates the X coordinate, in pixels, of the latest pressure point.
tposy W - R Only for systems with touch.
Indicates the Y coordinate, in pixels, of the latest pressure point.
tpressure W - R Only for systems with touch.
Indicates the pressure value (to be defined).
tclickstate B - R Only for systems with touch.
Indicates the pressure value:
0 = touch not pressed
1 = touch pressed
buzzermode B R R-W Indicates the mode of operation of the buzzer.
0 = key status; Activates for 100msec each time you press a key on the keyboard or the touch-screen.
1 = manual activation; Allows you to control activation by using the buzzerstate variable.
buzzerstate B R R-W Indicates the status of the buzzer and allows registering with different tones.
0 = not active
1 = active standard tone
2 = active low tone (not implemented)
3 = active high tone (not implemented)
scrsave B R R-W Only for systems with touch. (not implemented)
Allows you to define the use of a screen-saver.
0 = disable
1…10 = indicates the number of minutes of inactivity after which the keypad is off the screen or activate a screensaver (to define).
par01 L - R-W Parameter for future use
par02 L - R-W Parameter for future use
par03 L - R-W Parameter for future use
ret01 L R R-W Retentive parameter for future use
ret02 L R R-W Retentive parameter for future use

1.1 States table

Name D R A Description
st_calib F - R Only for systems with touch.
Active during the procedure of the touch calibration.
st_setup F - R Active during setup screen.
st_touch F - R Active indicates the touch presence.
st_01 F - - State for future use
st_02 F - - State for future use
st_03 F - - State for future use
st_04 F - - State for future use
st_05 F - - State for future use

1.2 Commands table

Name D R A Description
CALIBRATE F - W Only for systems with touch.
Activates the touch calibration procedure.
SETUP F - W Viewing the setup page. (not implemented)
CMD01 F - W Command for future use
CMD02 F - W Command for future use
CMD03 F - W Command for future use
CMD04 F - W Command for future use
CMD05 F - W Command for future use