

1. Introduction

The MMIQ device is need to create a human-machine interface system (HMI) programmable using the development environment Qpaint.
The device provides a range of information on the interface panel with a speed of update can be set by means of the sampling time.

1.1 Installazione


In the configuration unit, in the BUS section, must be declared an instrument whose firmware contains the MMIQ device.
In the INTDEVICE section must be add the following definition:

; Internal device declaration
<device name>   MMIQ         TCamp


<device name>The name assigned to the device.
MMIQKeyword that identifies the device.
TcampTime sampling device (1÷10 ms). Example

; Internal device declaration
DEV   MMIQ        0001

1.2 Operation


The key and keyf parameters are used to recognise which key was pressed. The values associated with each key are given in the chapter of this manual “Commands and parameters”.
Any bit of the key and keyf parameters is associated with a button, so if you want to determine the pressing of several keys it helps to check that these parameters assume a value equal to the sum of the values associated with the keys.

1.2.2 LEDS

The leds and blinkleds parameters are used to access (or flashing) and turn off the leds on the keyboard.
Normally there is one led for each function key.
To access (or flashing) and turn off the led you must assign to the code associated with the function key.
Every bit of the leds and blinkleds parameters is associated with an led.

1.3 Commands and parameters table

1.3.1 Symbols used

The name of the parameter, state or command is shown at the left of the table.

Indicates if the parameter or state is retentive (upon initialization of the device maintains the previously defined state), or the state assumes upon initialization of the device.
If the device does not need to initialize the “R” field indicates the value that the parameter or state take to the power on of the card.
R = Retentive
0 = Upon initialization of the device the value is forced to zero.
1 = Upon initialization of the device the value is forced to one.
- = Upon initialization of the device is presented significant value.

Indicates the size of the parameter.
F = Flag
B = Byte
W = Word
L = Long
S = Single Float Conditions

Are described all the conditions that must exist is considered correct or because the command is accepted.
In some cases, limit values are specified for the acceptance of the parameter: If there are any values outside the limits set, the data is in any case accepted; therefore appropriate controls of the application must be provided to ensure the proper functioning.
To run a command, all conditions must be met; otherwise the command is not sent.

Indicates the access mode.
R = Read.
W = Write.
R-W= Read / Write.

1.3.2 Commands / Parameters for the keyboard

Represents the state of the keys at all times. Each key is represented by one bit.
For the bit assignments refer to the following:
KEY_1 268435456
KEY_2 1048576
KEY_3 4096
KEY_4 536870912
KEY_5 2097152
KEY_6 8192
KEY_7 1073741824
KEY_8 4194304
KEY_9 16384
KEY_0 8388608
KEY_CLR -2147483648
KEY_ESC 33554432
KEY_UP 131072
KEY_LEFT 67108864
KEY_NEXT 262144
KEY_INS 134217728
KEY_DOWN 524288
keyfL-R-Function Key
Represents the state of the function keys at all times. Each key is represented by one bit.
For the bit assignments refer to the following:
KEY_F1 33554432
KEY_F2 67108864
KEY_F3 134217728
KEY_F4 268435456
KEY_F5 536870912
KEY_F6 131072
KEY_F7 262144
KEY_F8 524288
KEY_F9 1048576
KEY_F10 2097152
KEY_F11 1
KEY_F12 2
KEY_F13 4

1.3.3 Commands / Parameters for the leds

ledsL0R-W-Leds status
Parameter that is used to turn on the function key LED.
Every bit of this parameter is associated with a LED.
For the value associated with keyf parameter.
blinkledsL0R-W-Blink Leds status
Parameter used to blink the leds of function keys.
Every bit of this parameter is associated with a LED.
For the value associated with keyf parameter.
N.B. Because an led can blink You must bind the value for that led both the leds parameter that the blinkleds parameter.

1.3.4 Generic Commands / Parameters

Name D R A Conditions Description
language B R R-W - Language
Parameter to set the language to view. Values range from 0 to the number of languages introduced -1.
Reverse B R R-W Not manage
in the non-graphical
Parameter to set the reverse mode of the display.
Range 0÷1
contrast W R R-W - Contrast
Parameter to set the contrast of the display. Range 1÷99.
For values that are near to 99 the display appears dark, While for values that are near to 1 it is clear.
clrtime W R R-W - Clear time
Parameter to set the time associated with the CLEAR key.
When inserting a data, if the CLEAR button is pressed for more than that time, the data introduced will be reset.
error B 0 R - Error
Indicates if there are any errors in device. In detail:
0 = no error
1 = no application present
2 = checksum no match
3 = file format no match
4 = incorrect display size
5 = out of memory
6 = error readin the page
7 = error in erase operation
8 = internal error
9 = error in write memory
10 = error in read operation
11 = internal error
12 = image present but not possible
13 = font not supported
14 = internal error
memuse B 0 R - Memory used
Indicates the percentage of memory used to store the QPaint application files.

1.4 Limitations

No limitation.

1.5 Application example

; Switching ON of a LED at the function key pressed
; (only power ON the F1 LED and everyone else power OFF).
IF   DEV:keyf EQ KEY_F1
     DEV:leds = KEY_F1
     DEV:keyf EQ KEY_F1
; Swithing ON of two LED at the two function keys pressed
; (is only ON/OFF the LED relative to the key pressed).
IF   DEV:keyf EQ KEY_F1
     DEV:leds = DEV:leds ORB KEY_F1
     DEV:leds = DEV:leds ANDB (-1-KEY_F1)
IF   DEV:keyf EQ KEY_F2
     DEV:leds = DEV:leds ORB KEY_F2
     DEV:leds = DEV:leds ANDB (-1-KEY_F2)