

1. Parameters list

1.1 osmode

Short description Operative system state
Dimension Byte
Default value -
Access type Read
Unit measure -
Valid range 0÷5
Parameter ID -
Write conditions -


Reflects the operative system state. Where:

0 = OSINI (Initialization)
1 = OSRES (Reset)
2 = OSRDY (Ready)
3 = OSRUN (Run)
4 = OSSTP (Stop)
5 = OSERR (Error)

1.2 oserr

Short description Operative system error code
Dimension Byte
Default value -
Access type Read
Unit measure -
Valid range 0÷10
Parameter ID -
Write conditions -


Reflects the operative system error code. Where:

1 = OSBUSER (Bus Error)
2 = OSCKSER (CheckSum Error)
3 = OSIDXOB (Index Out of Bound)
4 = OSPRGOR (Program Over Range)
5 = OSSTPOR (Step Over Range)
6 = OSDVZER (Division By Zero)
7 = OSSTXER (Syntax Error)
8 = OSWDGER (WatchDog Error)
9 = OSSTKER (Stack Error)
10 = OSFLHER (Flash error)

1.3 osflags

Short description Operative system flags
Dimension Byte
Default value -
Access type Read
Unit measure -
Valid range -
Parameter ID -
Write conditions -


Reflects the operative system internal flags. Where:

bit 0 (LSB) TSKWDER (Task Watchdog Error)
bit 1 BATTERY (wrong battery)
bit 2 BKDIS (backup disabled)
bit 3 TTASKLOST (timed task list)
bit 4 BKNEW (new backup procedure)
bit 5 BKPRESENT (backup present)
bit 6 BKVALID (backup valid)
bit 7 (MSB) empty

systimehL-RShown the system timer LONG_H that has resolution 1 msec.
systimelL-RShown the system timer LONG_L that has resolution 1 msec.
taskmedtimeL-RIndicates the average time of your program's execution (tenths of a msec.)
taskmaxtimeL-RIndicates the maximum execution time of the program (tenths of a msec.)
taskmintimeL-RIndicates the minimum execution time of the program (tenths of a msec.)
sizeappL-RIndicates the size of the QCL application (bytes) stored in flash
sizeretL-RIndicates the size of the retentive memory used (bytes)
memfreeL-RIndicates the amount of volatile memory (bytes) still available

L-R-WSystem variables

B-RBootloader: firmware identification string
frwversionB-RBootloader: firmware version
frwmajrelB-RBootloader: firmware major release
frwminrelB-RBootloader: firmware minor release
frwhwidL-RBootloader: firmware hardware ID
frwcksL-RBootloader: firmware checksum

L-RBootloader: user value
fwxversionB-RSupport external controller firmware version
fwxmajrelB-RExternal controller firmware support major release
fwxminrelB-RExternal controller firmware support minor release
temperatureB-RInternal temperature expressed in °C
par01L-R-WParameter for future use
par02L-R-WParameter for future use
par03L-R-WParameter for future use
par04L-R-WParameter for future use
par05L-R-WParameter for future use

1.4 States table

st_backupF--Indicates that there is a valid backup
st_01F--State for future use
st_02F--State for future use
st_03F--State for future use
st_04F--State for future use
st_05F--State for future use

1.5 Commands table

RESTARTF-WRestart of the system.
BACKUPF-WStart the backup procedure (if present)
RESTOREF-WStart the application restore procedure (if present)
CMD01F-WCommand for future use
CMD02F-WCommand for future use
CMD03F-WCommand for future use
CMD04F-WCommand for future use
CMD05F-WCommand for future use