



0.1 Introduction

QPaint 5 is a graphics development environment for programming a QEM HMI terminal. This manual provides the main characteristics of a QPaint program. The description of the QPaint environment will often refer to concepts of the Qview development environment, which is the QEM software development environment for automation control.
The QPaint project can access all variables, parameters and other data structures declared in the Qview project. The “synchronisation” of the QPaint project with the Qview variables is represented in the figure below:

The compilation of the QView project generates a file with the same project name and “.sym” extension. The QPaint project can use this file to access all the data.
QPaint is a development environment that creates an operator interface without a programming language, using intuitive tools that give an immediate preview of the graphics in the end result.

0.2 Quick Start


This quickstart gives a basic outline of information needed for a rapid startup of a new QPaint project .

0.2.1 New Project


* File - New Project…

QPaint asks the Qem hardware model for the Project:

0.2.2 Symbols file importing

One first operation is to import the file that gives access to the symbols declared in the assiciated QView project. Select:

To open the window:

Click Import and specify the symbols file. This file is generated by QView during the project compilation and has the same name as the QView project, with a “.sym” extension.

0.2.3 FIXME Pages

A QPaint project is made up of a series of Pages for viewing on the HMI display, where the operator interacts. The list of pages, given in the top

lefthand corner, can be identified by a number or name:

The Page menu FIXME manages the project pages FIXME :

0.2.4 FIXME Oggetti

Graphic oggetti§ with various purposes can be added to the pages. To select what §oggetto to add to a §pagina use the vertical bar shown

below: Value Object

The oggetto that views a variable or parameter value. String Object

The oggetto used to show§write fixed§ text in the page. ValString Object

The oggetto used to §apparire a dynamic message dependant on the value of a Qview variable. UniString Object

The same oggetto as String Object but using PC fonts and especially Unicode fonts that implement different characters: Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic,

Chinese, etc. UniValString Object

The same oggetto as ValString Object but with the same characteristics as UniString Object. §Image Object

This oggetto adds an image to the page. The image must be taken from the project image library, accessed by selecting:

Image Manager can load images into the library and modify their dimensions. ValImage Object

This oggetto adds a dynamic image to the page according to the value of a QView variable value. All images used in this type of oggetto must

have the same dimensions. The images must be taken from the image library in Image Manager. Vector Image Object

This oggetto creates an area in the page for drawing elementary shapes. This oggetto must always be associated to a Word array. There are

FIXME Qview functions that provide basic drawing §primitive (e.g. lines, rectangles, arcs, circles, etc.). Box Object

This oggetto creates rectangular frames FIXME boxes. Touch Area

This oggetto creates a touch area that activates events FIXME legati to the user touching the screen. This oggetto can only be used on displays

with touch screens. The events:

actions can be associated to each of these events. The actions are §tipo generico and not tied to touch-screen §concetto, so they will be

described later.

0.2.5 Events and Actions

§Oltre alla composizione della graphics, programming can also be implemented in the project. §Il principio è quello di avere a disposizione a series of events da cui scegliere. Ad ogni event io can be associated with actions. Moreover

these event-action associations can be programmed so they are effective in all the pages or only in the page being viewed. For this there are

two FIXME contexts:

  1. Project - Global Events Editor
  2. Page - Page Events Editor

Both Editors have two areas as shown below

The events are entered on the left and the actions associated to a selected event are entered on the right . Events

A list of the events: Actions

An event can be associated with to several of the following actions:

0.2.6 FIXME Terminal Variable

Ogni progetto QPaint project contains variables sempre presenti che supply information related to the actual §terminale. These variables have a pre-set name, some are only read and others are also write:

NameType Read/Write Description
L R FIXME Codice del tasto premuto. Ad ogni bit corrisponde un tasto della tastiera.
L R Codice del tasto funzione premuto. Ad ogni bit corrisponde un tasto della tastiera.
L R Codice del tasto funzione premuto (Secondo gruppo). Ad ogni bit corrisponde un tasto della tastiera.
L RW Codice per attivare/disattivare i LED. Ad ogni bit corrisponde un LED.
L RW Codice per attivare/disattivare i LED (Secondo gruppo). Ad ogni bit corrisponde un LED.
B, B, B, B, B, W RW Ora e data.
F R Segnala che in questo momento è attivo l'inserimento di un valore
L R Valore della pagina visualizzata in questo momento.

There are many others, since these are only the most common when developing a project. (see FIXME )

1. Controls by QView


The management of the HMI (human-machine interface) can also be achieved by an exchange of information with a QView project. These are the

most important operations in managing an HMI:

Often it is best to manage the HMI basic operazioni directly from the QView project. Vediamo come questo sia possibile.

1.1 Detect the FIXME pressure on a button

The variables to know if a button has been pressed are


Each bit of these variables is assigned to a

button FIXME della tastiera. The variables are only accessible by QPaint and are not FIXME visibili in the QView project. To be able to transfer

the variable values to the QView project, three variables have to be included in the QView project:

  Key    L   ;This will be match to $KEY
  KeyF   L   ;This will be match to $KEYF
  KeyF2  L   ;This will be match to $KEYF2

In the QPaint project select:

This will make the QPaint project continously copy (OnAlways) the values of its three variables FIXME in§ the Qview variables. The QView

project can declare the constants related to the §pressione of each button:

KEY_1		268435456	;  "1"
KEY_2		1048576		;  "2"
KEY_3		4096		;  "3"
KEY_4		536870912	;  "4"
KEY_5		2097152		;  "5"
KEY_6		8192		;  "6"
KEY_7		1073741824	;  "7"
KEY_8		4194304		;  "8"
KEY_9		16384		;  "9"
KEY_0		8388608		;  "0"
KEY_CLR		-2147483648	;  "CLR"
KEY_HELP	64		;  "HELP"
KEY_DECPT	32		;  "."
KEY_SIGN	16		;  "+/-"
KEY_ESC		33554432	;  "ESC"
KEY_UP		131072		;  "UP"
KEY_PGUP	512		;  "PGUP"
KEY_LEFT	67108864	;  "LEFT"
KEY_NEXT	262144		;  "NEXT"
KEY_RIGHT	1024		;  "RIGHT"
KEY_INS		134217728	;  "INS"
KEY_DOWN	524288		;  "DOWN"
KEY_PGDN	2048		;  "PGDN"
KEY_F1		33554432	; "F1" 
KEY_F2		67108864	; "F2" 
KEY_F3		134217728	; "F3" 
KEY_F4		268435456	; "F4" 
KEY_F5		536870912	; "F5" 
KEY_F6		131072		; "F6" 
KEY_F7		262144		; "F7" 
KEY_F8		524288		; "F8" 
KEY_F9		1048576		; "F9" 
KEY_F10		2097152		; "F10"
KEY_F11		1		; "F11"
KEY_F12		2		; "F12"
KEY_F13     	4		; "F13"
KEY_F14     	8		; "F14"
KEY_F15     	16		; "F15"
KEY_F16     	32		; "F16"
KEY_F17     	64		; "F17"
KEY_F18     	128		; "F18"
KEY_F19     	256		; "F19"
KEY_F20     	512		; "F20"
KEY_F21		1024		; "F21"
KEY_F22		2048		; "F22"
KEY_F23		4096		; "F23"
KEY_F24		8192		; "F24"
KEY_F25		16384		; "F25"
KEY_F26		32768		; "F26"

The code to execute a given action if a tasto FIXME is pressed:

  ;Put here the code to do when the operator press "1" key

1.2 Knowing the page §visualizzata

As in the previous chapter, a variable has to be included in the Qview project to be able to FIXME accogliere the



of the QPaint project. §Quindi dichiaro:

  Page  L  ;This will be match§ to $PAGE

e poi aggiungo an action associated to the OnAlways event:

§In questo modo posso eseguire different operations depending on the page being viewed:

  IF Key EQ KEY_1
    ;Put here the code to do when the operator press "1" key on the "MENU_PAGE" page

1.3 Commanding change page

To command a page change on the HMI by a single code line in the QView project, first declare a Qview variable:

  PageIn  L  ;This will be used to request the page change

then add a OnChangeVar event as shown in the figure:

So when the value of PagIn variable is changed in a code line of the Qview project, the Goto Page action is activated and changes the page,

viewing the page FIXME con indice il new value of the PageIn variable.

The new QCL code:

  IF Key EQ KEY_1
    PageIn = PAGE_1       ;Change page request: go to "PAGE_1" page
    WAIT(Page EQ PAGE_1)  ;Wait the change page has done

It can be seen that a WAIT instruction is added to wait until the requested page change is effectively made before continuing with the

remaining code lines.

1.4 Dataentry active

To know the status of a data entry another variable must be included in the QVIEW project:

  DEOn  F  ;This will match FIXME to $DATAENTRYON

add another action associated to the OnAlways event:

then if the page change is not possible during the data entry, the code must be changed:

  IF (Key EQ KEY_1) AND (DEOn EQ 0)
    PageIn = PAGE_1       ;Change page request: go to "PAGE_1" page
    WAIT(Page EQ PAGE_1)  ;Wait the change page has done