LOG (Logarithm Base 10))

Function name LOG_010
Function version 1.0
Function state stable
Compatibility with IEC61131-3 not compatible

Graphic symbol :

Input / Output :

Name Belonging Group Access Types of data Description
EN Left Power Flow IEC1131-3 enable input
A Normal R , RW F , B , W , L , S Input variable A
Q Normal W , RW F , B , W , L , S Result pf the operation Q = log (A)
ENO Right Power Flow IEC1131-3 enable output

Description :

The Logarithm base 10 calculates the logarithm in base 10 of the value in A and place the result in Q. The eventual overflow in the result (Q) is ignored.
The logarithm in base 10 of number less or equal to zero is not an error, but calculates Q equal to -186528051 for Q of type flag, byte, word and long; for Q of type float Q is–1,477827475e+038.