GEI ( greater or equal with hysteresis)

Function name GEI_010
Function version 1.0
Function state stable
Compatibility with IEC61131-3 compatible

Graphic symbol :

Ingressi / uscite :

Name Group Access Data types Description
EN Left Power Flow IEC1131-3 enable input
A Normal R , RW F , B , W , L , S Variable compared with B
B Normal R , RW F , B , W , L , S Variable compared with A
H Normal R , RW F , B , W , L , S Hystereses
Q Normal RW , W F , B , W , L , S Variable with comparison state
ENO Right Power Flow IEC1131-3 enable output

Description :

The function executes a comparison of greater or equal. It compares A greater or equal to B and gives a boolean result set in the Q variable.
The Q variable:
1 (one) when variable A is greater or equal to variable B.
0 (zero) when variable A is less than B - H.