CTU ( Up Counter )

Function name CTU_010
Function version 1.0
Function state stable
Compatibility with IEC61131-3 compatible

Graphic symbol :

Input / Output :

Name Belonging Group Access Types of data Description
EN Left Power Flow IEC1131-3 enable input
CU Normal R , RW F , B , W , L , S Increase counter on the raising front
R Normal R , RW F , B , W , L , S Reset counter
PV Normal R , RW B , W , L , S Preset counter
Q Normal W , RW F , B , W , L , S Counter state
CV Normal W , RW B , W , L , S Present value of the counter
ENO Right Power Flow IEC1131-3 enable output

Description :

The function block CTU is used to count the pulses noticed in the input CU. Each raise front of the input CU increases the counter of a unit. The value of the counter can be cancelled setting a value different from 0 (zero) in the input R. The output CV provides the current value of the counter. If the value of the counter is less of the limiting value PV, the output Q will have the Boolean value 0 (zero). The output Q is set to 1 when the limiting value is reached or exceeded, and, in that case, the counter stops counting the raising front of the input CU.