F_TRIG (Falling Edge Detector)

Function name F_TRIG_010
Function version 1.0
Function state stable
Compatibility with IEC61131-3 compatible

Graphic symbol :

Input / Output :

Name Belonging Group Access Types of data Description
EN Left Power Flow IEC1131-3 enable input
CLK Normale R , RW F Variabile d`ingresso
Q Normale W , RW F Risultato dell`operazione
ENO Right Power Flow IEC1131-3 enable output

Description :

The value of the variable Q is 1 (one), if it is noticed a state transition from ON to OFF of the link CLK. The value of the variable Q is 0 (zero) in all the other cases.

Important :
If from the first evaluation of the link CLK it is noticed the state of OFF, the programmable controller system (Qmove) will ignore that value until it will not notice the state of ON, at this point F_TRIG notices the negative transition and it will start to work normally.