TBL_FIND ( Table Find )

Function name TBLFIND_010
Function version 1.0
Function state stable
Compatibility with IEC61131-3 not compatible

Graphic symbol :

Input / Output :

Name Belonging Group Access Types of data Description
EN Power Flow sinistro IEC1131-3 enable input
TBL Nome array Nome tabella
CMD Normale R , RW B , W , L Tipologia ricerca desiderata
PTN Normale R , RW F , B , W , L , S Dato da ricercare nella tabella
INDXIN Normale R , RW B , W , L , S Indice tabella da cui iniziare ricerca
INDXOUT Normale W , RW B , W , L , S Indice tabella risultatante
ENO Power Flow destro IEC1131-3 enable output

The operation Table find search in the table (TBL), starting from the record specified from INDXIN, the value (PTN) corresponding to the research criterions pointed out from CMD. The command parameter (CMD) is assigned to a numeric value comprised from 1 to 4, corresponding respectively to the relations =, <>, < and >. If it’s found a record in the table corresponding to the research criterion, it is pointed by INDXOUT. To search the next corresponding record you need to increase INDXIN before recalling again the operation Table find. If there are no records corresponding to the research criterion, INDXOUT will get a value of zero.

Conditions error that set ENO = 0: