Negative Transition-Sensing Coil

Function name NTSCL_010
Function version 1.0
Function state stable
Compatibility with IEC61131-3 compatible

Graphic symbol :

Input / Output :

Name Belonging Group Access Types of data Description
reference Normal R , RW F , B , W , L , S Reference variable of the contact

Description :

For reference variable of FLAG type :
The state of the left link is copied in the right link. The state of the associated Boolean variable (indicated with reference) is ON, from an evaluation of this element until the next, when on the left link it is revealed a state transition from ON to OFF. The state of the associated Boolean variable (indicated with reference) will be OFF all the other times.

It at the first evaluation of this element is revealed the state of OFF in the left link the programmable controller system (Qmove) will ignore that value until it will notice the state of ON, at this point the negative transition-sensing coil will start working normally.

For reference variable of BYTE, WORD, LONG and SINGLE type:
The state of the left link is copied in the right link. The value of the associated variable (indicated with reference) is 1 (one), from an evaluation of this element till the next, when the left link is revealed a state transition from ON to OFF. The value of the associated variable (indicated with reference) will be 0 (zero) all the other times.

It at the first evaluation of this element is revealed the state of OFF in the left link the programmable controller system (Qmove) will ignore that value until it will notice the state of ON, at this point the negative transition-sensing coil will start working normally.

The QEM ladder editor allows the use of a reference used with a negative transition-sensing coil in coils of other types or as output value of a function block, in that case the value of the associated variable (indicated with reference) depends from the interaction from the various functionalities