


C = Calculation functions

Lo scopo della DC10ElGear funzione is to calculate the areas of electronic cam for managing a slave of a Gearing.
The gearing is a system that links a Slave axis an axis Master by a ratio of timing adjustable.
Below is a chart showing the progress of the Slave respect to Master. The zero point on the graph represents the time when given the command to STARTCAM the Slave. The ratio set in the sample chart is 1:2 (aslParam[1] = 500)
N.B.: The stretch marked as “tacc” there may be no if you set the acceleration time to zero. With zero acceleration time Slave's departure is to “step”, reached in 'zero time' the speed of the Master.


DC10ElGear (aslParam, codeG, codeM, codeQm, codeQs, codeQma, codeQsa,Error)


IN ARRSYS aslParam [1] L Synchronous Slave/Master relationship (1000=1:1) (possibility of minimum variation of 1‰)
IN ARRSYS aslParam [2] L Maximum speed Slave (UM/sec) [1÷999999]
IN ARRSYS aslParam [3] L Acceleration time Slave to go from zero to max speed. Setting 0 the start is to “step”. (s/100) [1÷999999]
IN ARRSYS aslParam [4] L Master reference speed, used to calculate the accelerations (UM/sec) [1÷999999]
IN ARRSYS aslParam [5] L “Measure” parameter of used device [1÷999999]
IN ARRSYS aslParam [6] L “Pulse” parameter of used device [1÷999999]
OUT ARRSYS CodeG L Array containing calculated G Code (40 elements) (OUT)
OUT ARRSYS CodeM L Array containing claculated M Code (40 elements) (OUT)
OUT ARRSYS CodeQm L Array containing calculated CodeQm (40 elements) (OUT)
OUT ARRSYS CodeQs L Array containing calculated CodeQs (40 elements) (OUT)
OUT ARRSYS CodeQma L Array containing CodeQma (40 elements) (OUT)
OUT ARRSYS CodeQsa L Array containing CodeQsa (40 elements) (OUT)
OUT SYSTEM Error B Var of occurred error (OUT)


After calling the function, the error variable takes certain values, the meaning of these values is summarized below:
0: calculation executed without errors
1: Sync ratio equal to 0
2: Slave max speed less than or equal to 0
3: Master speed less than or equal to 0
4: “Measure” parameter less than or equal to 0
5: Calculated Slave speed greater than the maximum Slave speed


In our example, we want to calculate the cam shaft when the gfCalcElGear flag goes to 1. Writing on the cam is done by the DW20WrCam function.

     IF gfCalcElGear
             gfCalcElGear = 0
             aslParam[1] = 2000	;Slave/Master relationship (2:1)
             aslParam[2] = 4000	;Maximum Slave speed
             aslParam[3] = 0	;Acceleration Slave time (0=disabled:starting without ramps)
             aslParam[4] = 1500	;Master reference speed
             aslParam[5] = 1000	;"Measure" parameter of device
             aslParam[6] = 4000	;"Pulse" parameter of device
             DC10ElGear (aslParam, codeG, codeM, codeQm, codeQs, codeQma, codeQsa,Error)
             IF NOT Error
                  SettIniz = 1
                  NumSet = 4

Operation notes