
Introducing a date and time (day, mounth, year, hours, minutes, seconds) the VC10MkTime function gives the number of seconds elapsed from 00:00 of the 1 January 1970 until the introduced date.
This is useful to be able to make comparisons between dates.
The function also runs day and month values greater than its natural limits (day > 31 or mounth > 12), automatically calculating the date.


VC10MkTime (aglParam, glSumSec)


IN ARRGBL aglParam[01] L Day [>0]
IN ARRGBL aglParam[02] L Month [>0]
IN ARRGBL aglParam[03] L Year [1970÷2037]
IN ARRGBL aglParam[04] L Hour [0÷23]
IN ARRGBL aglParam[05] L Minutes [0÷59]
IN ARRGBL aglParam[06] L Seconds [0÷59]
OUT ARRGBL aglParam[07] L Day of the week:
0 = sunday
1 = monday
2 = tuesday
3 = wednesday
4 = thursday
5 = friday
6 = saturday
OUT ARRGBL aglParam[08] L Number of days gone by than the 1 January of the year introduced
OUT ARRGBL aglParam[09] L Error type:
0 = No
1 = Day ≤ 0
2 = Month ≤ 0
3 = Year introduced off limits [1970÷2037]
OUT GLOBAL glSumSec L Sum of seconds elapsed from 00:00 of 1 January 1970 until date introduced


You want to activate a digital output (ofUscita01) When the date and current time exceeds a previously set date and time.

;Current Date
aglParam[1] = 25
aglParam[2] = 6
aglParam[3] = 2009
aglParam[4] = 15
aglParam[5] = 30
aglParam[6] = 55
VC10MkTime (aglParam, glSumSec)
glSecActual = glSumSec			;Value in seconds of the current date
;Data to compare
aglParam[1] = 1
aglParam[2] = 1
aglParam[3] = 2010
aglParam[4] = 18
aglParam[5] = 00
aglParam[6] = 00
VC10MkTime (aglParam, glSumSec)
glSecExpiry = glSumSec			;Value in seconds of the expiration date
IF glSecActual GT glSecExpiry
	SETOUT ofUscita01

Operation notes