
P1K31FR30-001 - 3 axis bridge saw: Installation Manual

Document P1K31FR30-001
DescriptionUser manual
Drawn up Riccardo Furlato
Approved Draft
Release Description Notes Date
01 New Manual 26/05/14


All rights reserved on this manual. No part of this document can be copied or reproduced in any form without prior written authorisation. QEM does not insure or guarantee its contents and explicitly declines all liability related to the guarantee of its suitability for any purpose. The information in this document can be changed without notice. QEM shall not be held liable for any error or omission in this document. QEM® is a registered trademark.Microsoft® and MS-DOS® are registered trademarks and Windows® is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

1. Hardware J1-K31-FR30


1.1 Function Keys and LEDs

Key Icon Function Led Key Icon Function Led
F1…F3 Not Used
F4 Enclosures Enclosure open status F5 Not used
F6 Y Laser
Laser status F7 X Laser
Laser status
F8 Water
Water status F9 Alarm = ON -
F10 Quit or prolonged MAIN - F11 Semiautomatic = ON Semiautomatic status
F12 Table UP Table up F13 Table DOWN Table Down
F14 Table Rotation Anticlockwise - F15 Table Rotation Clockwise -
F16 Disk
Blink is starting, On is started F17 Mill
Blink is starting, On is started
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.2 Symbols and Buttons

Button Description ———————– Top Bar Symbol Description
Press to confirm Manual
Select Emergency
Previous screen Automatic
Next screen Function mode
Reserved Area Not initialized
Open file on SD card Setup Locked/Unlocked
Work preview
:info: Yellow settings can be changed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.3 Startup


to bypass


to bypass



:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:

SETUP parameters
Axis calibration
Load default parameters
Diagnostic Table Center
Unlock Setup Area
No password for 24 hours
Lock Setup Area
Password access only
Set system Date and Time
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2.1 Load Default parameters

:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:



Load Default


To Cancel

3. SETUP parameters

:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:

3.1 General Parameters

:tch: GEN :->:
PG-01 : DECIMAL POINT X/Y/Z-10 - 2Number of decimal points for X, Y and Z axis positions
For inches the position is shown with “DECIMAL POINT + 1”.
PG-02 : DECIMAL POINT W-20 - 2Number of decimal point for W axis position
PG-03 : DECIMAL POINT H-20 - 2Number of decimal point for H axis position
PG-04 : MAX RPM DISKrpm24800 - 3000Maximum setting of disk rpm.
PG-05 : LASER TIMEs300 - 9999If > 0 the laser is automatic with Y axis movement. When axis stops laser powers off after this time.
If = 0 the laser can only be activated by F7 func key
PG-06 : WATER CONTROL TIMEs50 - 9999If there is a water fault, the alarm is given after this time.
PG-07 : DISABLE WATER CONTROL-00 - 10: water control enabled;
1: water control disabled.
PG-08 : BUZZER HMI-00 - 10: buzzer enabled
1: buzzer disabled.
PG-09 : ALARM SOUND TIMEs100 - 999Time the Alarm sounds when the machine is in an alarm state.
PG-10 : UNIT MEASURE-00 - 10: mm
1: inches
All setup parameters are given in mm.
PG-12 : HOMING MODE-10 - 30:Homing necessary to unlock all other operations;
1:Homing not necessary, all functions are unlocked;
2 = Homing necessary for automatic cycle, without only manual movements are possible
3:Homing necessary to unlock all other operations.
The Homing starts automatically.
PG-13 : Not Used
PG-14 : MIN ANALOG INPUT READINGbit50 - 1000If > = all analog inputs are forced to zero.
PG-15 : INTERPOLATION SPEED OVERRIDE-00 - 10: override applied to calculated speed
1: override applied to set speed
PG-16 : CORNER TYPE-00 - 10: corner with smoothed center
1: Not Used
PG-17 : CORNER ERRORmm0.50 - 999.9Distance error from corner start and center.
PG-18 : RAPID SPEEDmm/min10000 - 9999Feedrate of straight traverse during work execution or G code execution
PG-19 : MAX CURRENTA100.00 - 100.0Maximum analogic input for spindle current.
PG-20 : SPINDLE SPEED OK DELAY s00 - 99.9990: machine waits input I 15 for spindle speed ok
>0: machine only waits delay time
PG-21 : MILL MAX RPM rpm30000 - 3000Maximum mill rpm.
PG-22 : HOMING SEQUENCE -00 - 10: single axis homing;
1: after Z axis homing, the others are together.

3.2 X, Y, Z axis setup





Parameter U.M. Default Range Description
PX-01 : MEASUREmm0.10 - 99999.9Distance, in unit measure, of the axis movement to obtain the pulses set in PX-01.
PX-02 : PULSE-10 - 999999Encoder pulses for the distance set in PX-1.
PX-01/PX-02 is the axis resolution. It must be 1 ~ 0.000935.
PX-03 : TOLERANCEmm0.500 - 99.99Distance around target position.
If an axis stops inside this distance, the positioning is correct.
PX-04 : ENABLE TIMEs0.2000 - 9.999Enable time before axis starts moving.
PX-05 : DISABLE TIMEs0.2000 - 9.999Disable time after axis stops.
PX-06 : ENABLE AXIS OUTPUT-10 - 1Enable axis output mode.
0: output ON before axis movement and OFF after axis stop
in times set in PX-04 and PX-05.
1: output always ON
when machine is not in alarm state.
PX-07 : JOG FUNCTION-10 - 1Jog function type.
0: In jog, axis control is open loop.
1: In jog, axis control is closed loop.
PX-08 : MAXIMUM QUOTAmm99999.9-99999.9 - 99999.9Maximum quota for the axis. Software limit switch.(x)
PX-09 : MINIMUM QUOTAmm-99999.9-99999.9 - 99999.9Minimum quota for the axis. Software limit switch.(x)
PX-10 : HOMING OFFSETmm0-99999.9 - 99999.9Set position at the end of homing procedure.(x)
PX-11 : HOMING TYPE-00 - 30: Axis goes to homing sensor, inverts movement and goes to PX-10.
1: Axis goes to homing sensor, inverts movement and sets PX-10 position as encoder zero signal.
2: Axis homing without movement. Set PX-10 position on homing sensor signal.
3: homing disabled.
PX-12 : HOMING DIRECTION-00 - 10:forward;
PX-13 : HOMING FAST SPEEDmm/min100 - 9999999Homing sensor search speed.
PX-14 : HOMING SLOW SPEEDmm/min100 - 9999999Axis speed after inversion in homing.
PX-15 : HOMING SEQUENCE ENABLE-10 - 10: Axis not included in automatic homing sequence.
1: Axis included in automatic homing sequence.
PX-16 : ACCELERATION TIME IN AUTOs1.000 - 9.99Time from 0 to axis maximum speed in automatic.
PX-17 : DECELERATION TIME IN AUTOs1.000 - 9.99Time from axis maximum speed to 0 in automatic.
PX-18 : ACCELERATION TIME IN MANs1.000 - 9.99Time from 0 to axis maximum speed in manual.
PX-19 : DECELERATION TIME IN MANs1.000 - 9.99Time from axis maximum speed to 0 in manual.
PX-20 : WAIT TOLERANCE TIMERs0.500 - 99.99Time between axis stop and tolerance control.
PX-21 : AUTOMATIC SPEED FORWARDmm/min100 - 9999999Axis forward speed during automatic cycle.
PX-22 : AUTOMATIC SPEED BACKWARDmm/min100 - 9999999Axis backward speed during automatic cycle.
PX-23 : MANUAL FAST SPEEDmm/min100 - 9999999Axis fast speed during manual jog movement.
PX-24 : MANUAL SLOW SPEEDmm/min100 - 9999999Axis slow speed during manual jog movement.
PX-25 : MINIMUM MOVEMENTmm0.10 - 999.9Encoder fault control: minimum movement for the axis.
PX-26 : VOLTAGE THRESHOLDV1.00 - 10.0Encoder fault control : minimum voltage to start encoder control.
PX-27 : END CYCLE PARKING -00 - 1Enable Parking position at the end of automatic cycle.
0: disabled
1: enabled
PX-28 : MAXIMUM SPEEDmm/min1000 - 9999999Axis maximum speed with 10Vdc applied.
PX-29 : FEEDFORWARD%100.00 - 200.0Feed-forward register for PID regulation.
PX-30 : PROPORTIONAL GAIN-00 - 9.999Proportional gain register for PID regulation.
PX-31 : INTEGRAL TIMEs00 - 9.999Integral register for PID regulation.
PX-32 : DERIVATIVE TIMEs00 - 9.999Derivative register for PID regulation.
PX-33 : MAX FOLLOWING ERRORmm9999.990 - 9999.99Maximum error between calculated and real axis position.
PX-34 : OFFSETV0-99.9999 - 99.9999Analogic output offset for drive compensation.
PX-35 : MAX INTERPOLATION SPEED%80.00 - 100.0Maximum interpolation speed.
Percentage of maximum speed in PX-28.
PX-36 : HOMING SENSOR LOGIC-00 - 10: Sensor NO (normally open).
1: Sensor NC (normally close).

Pulse position mode
PX-37 : APPROACH POSITIONmm10.00 - 999.9If > 0 pulse positioning enabled.
Position before target to start pulse positioning.
PX-38 : PULSE AMPLITUDEV0.10 - 10.0Pulse amplitude in Volt.
PX-39 : PULSE TIMEs0.200 - 99.99Time of a single pulse step.
PX-40 : PULSE DELAYs0.200 - 99.99Time between two steps.
PX-41 : PULSE TIMEOUTs00 - 99Pulse positioning maximum time.

Parameters valid only for X axis
PX-42 : TABLE CENTER COORDINATEmm1000.0-99999.9 - 99999.9Axis coordinate of the rotary table.
PX-43 : OFFSET DRILL-DISKmm0.0-99999.9 - 99999.9Distance between disk center and drill center.
PX-44 : RAMP TYPE-00 - 10: Linear ramps.
1: Epicyclic ramps.

Parameters only for Y axis
PY-42 : TABLE CENTER COORDINATEmm1000.0-99999.9 - 99999.9Axis coordinate of the rotary table.(x)
PY-43 : TOLERANCE ALARM DISABLE-00 - 10: alarm enabled
1: alarm disabled
PY-44 : OFFSET DRILL-DISKmm100.0-99999.9 - 99999.9Distance between disk center and drill center.
PY-45 : RAMP TYPE-00 - 10: Linear ramps.
1: Epicyclic ramps.

Parameters only for Z axis
PZ-42 : TOLERANCE ALARM DISABLE-00 - 10: alarm enabled
1: alarm disabled
PZ-43 : RAMP TYPE-00 - 10: Linear ramps.
1: Epicyclic ramps.

3.3 W axis setup

:tch: :->:

Parameter U.M. Default Range Description
PW-01 : AXIS ENABLE-00 - 10: axis disabled
1: axis enabled
PW-02 : MEASURE°0.10 - 99999.9Distance, in unit measure, of the axis movement to obtain the pulses set in PX-01.
PW-03 : PULSE-10 - 999999Encoder pulses for the distance set in PX-1.
PX-01/PX-02 is the axis resolution. It must be 1 ~ 0.000935.
PW-04 : TOLERANCE°0.500 - 99.99Distance around target position.
If an axis stops inside this distance, the positioning is correct.
PW-05 : ENABLE TIMEs0.2000 - 9.999Enable time before axis starts moving.
PW-06 : DISABLE TIMEs0.2000 - 9.999Disable time after axis stops.
PW-07 : SLOW POSITION°5.000 - 99.99Target position when axis has slow speed before the final target.
PW-08 : FORWARD INERTIA°00 - 99.999Inertia space at the end of forward movements.
PW-09 : BACKWARD INERTIA°00 - 99.999Inertia space at the end of backward movements.
PW-10 : INERTIA MODE-00 - 2At the end of positioning:
0: inertia not calculated
1: calculated if out of tolerance
2: always calculated
PW-11 : WAIT TOLERANCE TIMERs1.0000 - 9.999Time between axis stop and tolerance control.
PW-12 : BACKLASH MODE-00 - 40: no backlash
1: forward backlash
2: backward backlash
3: forward backlash without speed slow down
4: backward backlash without speed slow down
PW-13 : OVER POSITION°00 - 999.99Over quota for backlash.
PW-14 : AUTOMATIC FAST SPEED%10.00 - 100.0Axis fast speed during automatic cycle.
PW-15 : AUTOMATIC SLOW SPEED%5.00 - 100.0Axis slow speed during automatic cycle.
PW-16 : MANUAL FAST SPEED%10.00 - 100.0Axis fast speed during manual jog movement.
PW-17 : MANUAL SLOW SPEED%5.00 - 100.0Axis slow speed during manual jog movement.
PW-18 : HOMING FAST SPEED%10.00 - 100.0Homing sensor search speed.
PW-19 : HOMING SLOW SPEED%1.00 - 100.0Axis speed after inversion in homing.
PW-20 : AXIS IN AUTO HOMING -10 - 10: Axis not included in automatic homing sequence.
1: Axis included in automatic homing sequence.
PW-21 : HOMING OFFSET°0-99999.9 - 99999.9Set position at the end of homing procedure.
PW-22 : HOMING TYPE-00 - 30: Axis goes to homing sensor, inverts movement and goes to PW-22.
1: Axis searches the homing sensor, inverts movement and set PW-22 quota on encoder zero signal.
2: Axis homing without movement. Set PW-22 quota on homing sensor signal.
3: homing disabled.
PW-23 : HOMING DIRECTION-10 - 10:forward;
PW-24 : MAXIMUM QUOTA°9999.99-9999.99 - 9999.99Maximum quota for the axis. Software limit switch.
PW-25 : MINIMUM QUOTA°-9999.99-9999.99 - 9999.99Minimum quota for the axis. Software limit switch.
PW-26 : MINIMUM SHIFT°0.100 - 99.99Encoder fault control: minimum shift for the axis.
PW-27 : MINIMUM TIMERs2.0000 - 99.99Encoder fault control : sample time to check minimum shift.
PW-28 : BRAKE LOGIC-10 - 10: Brake output N.O.
1: Brake output N.C.
PW-29 : BRAKE TIMERs1.0000 - 9.999Enable time before axis starts moving and after axis stop.
PW-30 : ACCELERATIONV/s20.000 - 99.99Acceleration value.
PW-31 : DECELERATIONV/s20.000 - 99.99Deceleration value.

Pulse position mode
PW-32 : PULSE ENABLE-00 - 10: Pulse positioning disable.
1: Pulse positioning enable.
PW-33 : APPROACH QUOTA°0.300 - 999.99Quota before target where pulse positioning begins.
PW-34 : PULSE TIMEs0.1000 - 9.999Time of a single pulse step.
PW-35 : PULSE DELAYs0.1000 - 9.999Time between two steps.
PW-36 : PULSE NUMBER-400 - 9999Maximum number of pulse step.
PW-37 : PULSE AMPLITUDEV0.10 - 10.0Pulse amplitude in volt.

Table position locks
PW-38 : ENABLE LOCK-00 - 10: lock engage disable
1: lock engage enable.
PW-39 : LOCK DELAYs0.2000 - 9.999Time between lock engage and brake output
PW-40 : LOCK 1 POSITION°0-9999.99 - 9999.99Position for lock 1
PW-41 : LOCK 2 POSITION°90.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Position for lock 2

PW-42 : ENABLE CONVERSION-00 - 10: position linear conversion disable.
1: position linear conversion enable.
PW-43 : REAL POSIT 2°45.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis real position in sector 2
PW-44 : CONV. POSIT 2°45.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis converted position in sector 2
PW-45 : REAL POSIT 3°90.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis real position in sector 3
PW-46 : CONV. POSIT 3°90.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis converted position in sector 3
PW-47 : REAL POSIT 4°135.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis real position in sector 4
PW-48 : CONV. POSIT 4°135.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis converted position in sector 4
PW-49 : REAL POSIT 5°180.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis real position in sector 5
PW-50 : CONV. POSIT 5°180.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis converted position in sector 5
PW-51 : REAL POSIT 6°225.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis real position in sector 6
PW-52 : CONV. POSIT 6°225.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis converted position in sector 6
PW-53 : REAL POSIT 7°270.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis real position in sector 7
PW-54 : CONV. POSIT 7°270.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis converted position in sector 7
PW-55 : REAL POSIT 8°315.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis real position in sector 8
PW-56 : CONV. POSIT 8°315.00-9999.99 - 9999.99Axis converted position in sector 8

3.4 H axis setup

:tch: :->:
Parameter U.M. Default Range Description
PH-01 : INCLINATION TYPE - 1 0 - 1 0: axis inclination with Z axis
1: axis inclination only head
PH-02 : MOTOR - 0 0 - 2 0: axis without encoder and motor
1: axis with only encoder
2: axis with encoder and motor
PH-03 : empty - - - -
PH-04 : MEASURE ° 0.01 0 - 9999.99 Distance, in unit measure, of the axis shift to obtain the pulses set in parameter PULSE.
PH-05 : PULSE - 1 0 - 999999 Pulses of the encoder corresponding to the distance set in parameter MEASURE.
Measure/Pulse is axis resolution. It has to be between 1 and 0.000935.
PH-06 : TOLERANCE ° 0.050 0 - 99.999 Interval around target quota. If axis stops in this interval , the positioning is correct.
PH-07 : ENABLE TIME s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Enable time before axis starts moving.
PH-08 : DISABLE TIME s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Disable time after axis stops.
PH-09 : SPACE IN SLOW ° 5.00 0 - 99.99 Space in slow speed. Target quota when axis speed slows down before final target.
PH-10 : FORWARD INERTIA ° 0 0 - 99.999 Inertia space at the end of forward movements.
PH-11 : BACKWARD INERTIA ° 0 0 - 99.999 Inertia space at the end of backward movements.
PH-12 : INERTIA MODE - 0 0 - 2 At the end of positioning:
0: inertia not calculated
1: calculated if out of tolerance
2: always calculated
PH-13 : WAIT TOLERANCE TIMER s 1.000 0 - 9.999 Time between axis stop and tolerance control.
PH-14 : BACKLASH MODE - 0 0 - 4 0: no backlash
1: forward backlash
2: backward backlash
3: forward backlash without speed slow down
4: backward backlash without speed slow down
PH-15 : OVER POSITION ° 0 0 - 999.99 Over quota for backlash.
PH-16 : AUTOMATIC FAST SPEED % 10.0 0 - 100.0 Axis fast speed during automatic cycle.
PH-17 : AUTOMATIC SLOW SPEED % 5.0 0 - 100.0 Axis slow speed during automatic cycle.
PH-18 : MANUAL FAST SPEED % 10.0 0 - 100.0 Axis fast speed during manual jog movement.
PH-19 : MANUAL SLOW SPEED % 5.0 0 - 100.0 Axis slow speed during manual jog movement.
PH-20 : HOMING FAST SPEED % 10.0 0 - 100.0 Axis speed at the start of homing.
PH-21 : HOMING SLOW SPEED % 1.0 0 - 100.0 Axis speed after movement inversion in homing.
PH-22 : HOMING SEQUENCE ENABLE - 1 0 - 1 0: Axis not included in automatic homing sequence.
1: Axis included in automatic homing sequence.
PH-23 : HOMING OFFSET ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Set position at the end of homing procedure.
PH-24 : HOMING TYPE - 0 0 - 3 0: Axis searches the homing sensor, inverts movement and set PH-24 quota.
1: Axis searches the homing sensor, inverts movement and set PH-24 quota on encoder zero signal.
2: Axis homing without movement. Set PH-24 quota on homing sensor signal.
3: homing disabled.
PH-25 : HOMING DIRECTION - 1 0 - 1 0:forward;
PH-26 : MAXIMUM QUOTA ° 9999.99 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Maximum quota for the axis. Software limit switch.
PH-27 : MINIMUM QUOTA ° -9999.99 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Minimum quota for the axis. Software limit switch.
PH-28 : MINIMUM SHIFT ° 0.10 0 - 99.99 Encoder fault control: minimum shift for the axis.
PH-29 : MINIMUM TIMER s 2.000 0 - 99.999 Encoder fault control : sample time to check minimum shift.
PH-30 : BRAKE LOGIC - 1 0 - 1 0: Brake output N.O.
1: Brake output N.C.
PH-31 : BRAKE TIMER s 1.000 0 - 9.999 Enable time before axis starts moving and after axis stop.
PH-32 : ACCELERATION V/s 20.00 0 - 99.99 Acceleration value.
PH-33 : DECELERATION V/s 20.00 0 - 99.99 Deceleration value.

Pulse position mode
PH-34 : PULSE ENABLE - 0 0 - 1 0: Pulse positioning disable.
1: Pulse positioning enable.
PH-35 : APPROACH POSITION ° 0.30 0 - 999.99 Position before target where pulse positioning begins.
PH-36 : PULSE TIME s 0.100 0 - 9.999 Time of a single pulse step.
PH-37 : PULSE DELAY s 0.100 0 - 9.999 Time between two steps.
PH-38 : PULSE NUMBER - 40 0 - 9999 Maximum number of pulse step.
PH-39 : PULSE AMPLITUDE V 0.1 0 - 10.0 Pulse amplitude in volt.

Axe position locks
PH-40 : ENABLE SPINE - 0 0 - 1 0: Conic spine insertion disable.
1: Conic spine insertion enable.
PH-41 : LOCK DELAY s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Time between spine insertion and brake output.
PH-42 : LOCK 1 POSITION ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Position for lock 1
PH-43 : LOCK 2 POSITION ° 90.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Position for lock 2

PH-44 : ENABLE CONVERSION - 0 0 - 1 0: position linear conversion disable.
1: position linear conversion enable.
PH-45 : REAL POSIT 2 ° 22.50 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis real position in sector N°2.
PH-46 : CONV. POSIT 2 ° 22.50 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis converted position in sector N°2.
PH-47 : REAL POSIT 3 ° 45.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis real position in sector N°3.
PH-48 : CONV. POSIT 3 ° 45.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis converted position in sector N°3.
PH-49 : REAL POSIT 4 ° 67.50 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis real position in sector N°4.
PH-50 : CONV. POSIT 4 ° 67.50 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis converted position in sector N°4.
PH-51 : REAL POSIT 5 ° 90.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis real position in sector N°5.
PH-52 : CONV. POSIT 5 ° 90.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis converted position in sector N°5.
PH-53 : REAL POSIT 6 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis real position in sector N°6.
PH-54 : CONV. POSIT 6 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis converted position in sector N°6.
PH-55 : REAL POSIT 7 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis real position in sector N°7.
PH-56 : CONV. POSIT 7 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis converted position in sector N°7.
PH-57 : REAL POSIT 8 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis real position in sector N°8.
PH-58 : CONV. POSIT 8 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis converted position in sector N°8.

4. Diagnostics



:tch: :dn:
:tch: :dn:
:tch: :dn:
:tch: :dn:


Fw name : firmware code and relative checksum
Task time : average CPU cycle time
Maximum Time and Minimum Time indexing for the scan
CPU time : total time CPU is in RUN state (hh:mm)

4.2 Inputs

State of digital inputs
= ON
Analog input readings
BOURNS input reading

4.3 Outputs

State of the digital outputs.
= ON

4.4 Encoder Counts

Axis position

State of encoder channels.
= ON

FOLLERR: = realtime following error
MAX: POS:/NEG: = min - max follow errors

4.5 Analog outputs

Analog output voltage

5. Axis Calibration

:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:





5.1 Resolution


  • Press and check the ENCODER box increases(Analog out +1 Volt)
  • Press and check the ENCODER box decreases (Analog out -1 Volt)
  • A - A' = The maximum space
  • Take note of the start position (A)
  • Zero-set the ENCODER:
  • Move the axis from A to A'
  • Take note of the reading in ENCODER box and write it in the PULSE box
  • Measure the distance from A to A' = space delta
  • Enter the A - A' space delta in the MEASURE box


  • PULSE must alway be greater than MEASURE (the best is “MEASURE x 10 = PULSE”)
  • Enter MEASURE in the selected unit measure. E.G. if a unit measure of 1/10mm is selected and the space delta is 133.5mm, enter 1335 in the MEASURE box

5.2 P.I.D.


The PI + FF calibration procedure:
Space feedback corrects the axis position according to the follow error reading.
Settings in yellow can be modified for the calibration.
Service data is in green and only used for the setup procedure.

Parameter nameUnit measureDefault RangeDescription
VOLTAGE OUTV0.0-10.0 – 10.0Output voltage, with 0.1V precision, sent directly to the device
OFFSETV0.0000-99.9999 – 99.9999Voltage added to the analog output to compensate any supply voltage irregularities
SPEEDmm/min--The real axis speed
MAX SPEEDmm/'10000 – 9999999Axis speed at an analog output of 10V
POSITIONmm--The real axis position
DELTAmm0.0-Delta space between two positions
SET SPEEDmm/'0-Axis speed during positioning
ACC. TIMEs1.00-Acceleration time during positioning
DEC. TIMEs1.00-Deceleration time during positioning
FEEDFORWARD%100.00.0 – 200.0Percentage speed multiplier to generate the feed-forward quota of the analog output
PROP. GAIN-0.0100.000 – 9.999The follow error multiplier to generate the proportional quota of the analog output
T INTEGRALs0.0000.000 – 9.999The integration time coefficient of the follow error.
The error integration multiplier to generates the integral quota of the analog output
MAX FOLLOW ERR.mm99999.90.0 – 99999.9The maximum drift between the calculated axis position and real axis position
FOLLOW real follow error reading

First complete the following procedures:

IMPORTANT! Essential conditions for the all procedures:
Ensure that the emergency button shuts off the power to the motors so that the machine can be put in a safety condition.

All emergency conditions on the machine must be eliminated.


1:tch: to start calibration
3Regulate the OFFSET (directly by , or automatically ) so that POSITION does not vary (or varies very slowly)
4:tch: to quit calibration

Rotation direction and count
An output voltage > 0 increases POSITION
1:tch: to start calibration
2Enter VOUT = 1.0
3Check that POSITION increases
4:tch: to exit calibration and check that VOUT goes to 0 immediately
5 If the motor does not rotate in the correct direction, change the drive setup or cabling

Maximum speed
Setting the maximum axis speed (10V output)
1:tch: to enter calibration
2Enter VOUT > 1.0 (as close to 10V as possible)
3Note the SPEED reading
4Calculate the MAX SPEED: MAX SPEED = (10 x SPEED) / VOUT
5:tch: to exit calibration and check that VOUT goes to 0 immediately
6Enter the above calculation result in MAX SPEED

Space Feedback
Important: first complete all previous procedures
1Enter FEEDFORWARD = 100.0
2Enter PROP. GAIN = minimum setting (0.001)
3If FOLLOW ERR is not 0, now this reading will reduce with an axis movement
4Enter DELTA = any distance and SET SPEED = a speed (nearly MAX SPEED)
5:tch: to start the axis movements
6The axis moves forward by the distance in DELTA at the speed in SET SPEED
7The axis then returns to the start position and repeats the movement
8During the movements note the FOLLOW ERR reading and vary FEEDFORWARD and PROP. GAIN to keep it as low as possible.
Setting rules
  • Gradually increase PROP. GAIN until the axis does not vibrate when stopped. Then slightly reduce the setting to until ok
  • Rule for varying FEEDFORWARD
>0 <0

9 When the axis movement overshoots MAX FOLLOW ERROR you will see the warning symbol , it does not create an alarm stop
10:tch: to quit the procedure

5.3 Linearization


if the mechanics is not linear in this page you can fill a conversion chart between positions read from the transducer (real angle) and posizon correct (linearized). Table Center Correction


Center Correction Procedure

  1. Select Manual mode.
  2. Zero-set the Z axis on the slab top.
  3. Power the disk and wait until it reaches set speed.
  4. :tch: START to make the 5 cuts as shown. The cuts are made at 5 mm depth.
  5. Measure the 3 distances (X-, X+, Y) and enter them in PC03, PC04, PC05.
  6. :tch: CALC to make the corrections. PC01 and PC02 will change reading. CALC can only be used once, to repeat exit the screen and enter again.
  7. :tch: SAVE to save the corrections.
  8. Exit and enter this screen again to repeat points 1, 2 and 3.
  9. Check that PC03 = PC04 and PC05 = L mm.
Parameter Unit Measure Default Range Description
PC01 : X CENTERmm1699.100 - 999999.99Copy of X table center
PC02 : Y CENTERmm1765.600 - 999999.99Copy of Y table center
PC03 :mm0.00-999.99 ~ 999.99Measure as shown for the X center correction
PC04 :mm0.00-999.99 ~ 999.99
PC05 :mm0.000 ~ 9999.99Measure as shown for the Y center correction
L:mm200.000 ~ 999999.99L = side of the cut
Z:mm5.000 ~ 999999.99Depth of the cuts

6. Disk RPM Chart

:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:
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