
P1K31FR30-001 - 3 axis bridge saw: Installation Manual

Document P1K31FR30-001
DescriptionUser manual
Drawn up Riccardo Furlato
Approved Draft
Release Description Notes Date
01 New Manual 26/05/14


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Campi numerici gialli …possono essere impostati FIXME

0.2 Function leds


Led IconaFunzioneLedIconaFunzione
F4 Barriere F5 non usato non usato.
F6 Laser Y
F7 Laser X
F8 EV acqua
F9 Allarme = ON
F10 Esci F11 Semiautomatico = ON
F12 Alza banco F13 Abbassa banco
F14 Rotazione antioraria banco F15 Rotazione oraria banco
F16 Disco
F17 Fresa

0.3 Symbols

Symbol Description
Function mode
Not initialized
Locked/Unlocked setup

0.4 Up-bar

Symbol Description

Barra alta (sfondo grigio)

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FIXME La pagina resta attiva con il messaggio “WAITING FOR POWER SYSTEM” finché non viene tolta l'emergenza.

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:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:

2.1 Pagine installatore - Accesso ai parametri di default

:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:
- :->:

2.2 Pagine installatore - Accesso ai parametri di default

:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:
- :->:

2.3 Pagine installatore - Accesso alla diagnostica

:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:
:tch: :->: :tch:

2.4 Pagine installatore - Taratura assi

:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:
- :->:


Toccare il valore del parametro e modificare con il tastierino numerico.
Per confermare premere il tasto

3.1 Caricamento dei parametri di default

- :->:

Per caricare i dati di default

Per annullare

3.2 General Parameters

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PG-01 X/Y/Z 小数点 X/Y/Z DECIMAL POINT - 1 0 ~ 2

Inches will show “DECIMAL POINT + 1 |

PG-02 W 小数点 W DECIMAL POINT - 2 0 ~ 2 Number of decimal points for W axis position
PG-03 H 小数点 H DECIMAL POINT - 2 0 ~ 2 Number of decimal points for H axis position
PG-04 最大刀碟转速 MAXIMUM DISK RPM rpm 2480 0 ~ 3000 Maximum limit of disk rpm.
PG-05 标线器时间 LASER TIME s 30 0 ~ 9999 If > zero the laser is automatic when Y axis moving.
When axis stops after this time, laser powers off automatically.
If time is zero the laser can only be operated by F7 button
PG-06 水控制时间 WATER CONTROL TIME s 5 0 ~ 9999 Time waited before a water fault gives an alarm
PG-07 关闭水控制 DISABLE WATER CONTROL - 0 0 ~ 1

1= water control disabled |

PG-08 HMI 蜂鸣器 HMI BEEPER - 0 0 ~ 1

1= beeper disabled |

PG-09 蜂鸣器报警时间 ALARM BEEPER TIME s 10 0 ~ 999 Time of Alarm beeper when in alarm state
PG-10 测量 UNIT MEASURE - 0 0 ~ 1

1= inch
In Setup all parameters are in mm |

PG-11 语言 LANGUAGE - 1 01/02/14


PG-12 归位模式 HOMING MODE - 1 0 ~ 3

1= Homing not necessary, all functions are unlocked
2= Homing necessary for automatic cycle, only manual is unlocked
3= Homing necessary to unlock all functions .FIXME Homing starts automatically without pressing a button |

PG-13 未使用 Not Used - 0 Not used
PG-14 最少模拟输入 MINIMUM ANALOG INPUT bit 5 0 ~ 1000 If less all analog inputs are forced to zero.

1= override applied to set speed |

PG-16 换向类型 DIRECTION CHANGE TYPE - 0 0 - 1

1= not implemented |

PG-17 换向调整 DIRECTION CHANGE ADJUSTMENT mm 0.5 0 - 999.9 Direction change adjustment with curve radius on corner (x)
PG-18 快速 FAST SPEED mm/min 1000 0 - 9999 Speed for straight cut and default value for other blocks.
PG-19 最大电流 = 10V MAXIMUM CURRENT = 10Volt A 100.0 0 - 100.0 Maximum current of analogic input for spindle current
PG-20 主轴速度就需时间 SPINDLESPEED OK TIME s 0 0 - 99.999

>0= machine waits only this time” |

PG-21 最大磨转速 MAXIMUM MILL RPM rpm 3000 0 - 3000 Maximum limit of mill rpm.
PG-22 归位序列 HOMING SEQUENCE - 0 0 - 1

1= after Z axis homing, the others are done together |

(x) 参数小数点 依赖 PG-01 参数 parameter decimal point depends on PG-01

3.3 X, Y, Z 轴 设置 X, Y, Z axis setup

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PX-01 测量 MEASURE mm 0.1 0 - 99999.9 Distance of the axis movement to obtain the pulses set in parameter PULSE (x)
PX-02 脉冲 PULSE - 1 0 - 999999

Measure/Pulse is the axis resolution. It must be between 1 and 0.000935 |

PX-03 公差 TOLERANCE mm 0.5 0 - 99.99 Distance around target position that is considered correct.(xx)
PX-04 启用时间 ENABLE TIME s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Time before axis is ok to start moving
PX-05 关闭时间 DISABLE TIME s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Time after axis is ok to stop
PX-06 启用轴输出 ENABLE AXIS OUTPUT - 1 0 - 1

0= output ON before axis movement and OFF after axis stop, after time set in PX-04 and PX-05
1= always on (except in alarm state) |

PX-07 点动功能 JOG FUNCTION - 1 0 - 1 Jog function type
0= jog is open loop
1= jog is closed loop
PX-08 最大位置 MAXIMUM POSITION mm 34463.09.00 -99999.9 - 99999.9 Maximum axis position. Software limit switch(x)
PX-09 最少位置 MINIMUM POSITION mm -34463.09.00 -99999.9 - 99999.9 Minimum axis position. Software limit switch(x)
PX-10 归位补偿 HOMING OFFSET mm 0 -99999.9 - 99999.9 Distance between zero and sensor.
PX-11 归位类型 HOMING TYPE - 0 0 - 3 0= Axis searches the homing sensor, reverses movement and set PX-10 position
1= Axis searches the homing sensor, inverts movement and set PX-10 position on encoder zero signal
2= Axis homing without movement. Set PX-10 position on homing sensor signal
3= homing disabled
PX-12 归位方向 HOMING DIRECTION - 0 0 - 1 0= forward
1= backward
PX-13 快速归位 HOMING FAST SPEED mm/min 10 0 - 9999999 Homing sensor searching speed
PX-14 慢速归位 HOMING SLOW SPEED mm/min 10 0 - 9999999 Axis speed after reverse movement in homing
PX-15 归位缺省值 HOMING DEFAULT - 1 0 - 1 0= Axis not included in automatic homing
1= Axis included in automatic homing
PX-16 自动加速时间 AUTOMATIC ACCELERATION TIME s 1.00 0 - 9.99 Time from 0 to maximum speed
PX-17 自动减速时间 AUTOMATIC DECELERATION TIME s 1.00 0 - 9.99 Time from maximum speed to 0
PX-18 手动加速时间 MANUAL ACCELERATION TIME s 1.00 0 - 9.99 Time from 0 to maximum speed
PX-19 手动减速时间 MANUAL DECELERATION TIME s 1.00 0 - 9.99 Time from maximum speed to 0
PX-20 公差延迟时间 TOLERANCE CONTROL DELAY s 0.50 0 - 99.99 Time between axis stop and tolerance control
PX-21 自动向前速度 AUTOMATIC SPEED FORWARD mm/min 10 0 - 9999999 Axis forward speed in automatic cycle.
PX-22 自动向后速度 AUTOMATICSPEED BACKWARD mm/min 10 0 - 9999999 Axis backward speed in automatic cycle.
PX-23 手动快度 MANUAL FAST SPEED mm/min 10 0 - 9999999 Axis fast speed during manual jog movement.
PX-24 手动慢速 MANUAL SLOW SPEED mm/min 10 0 - 9999999 Axis slow speed during manual jog movement.
PX-25 最少运动 MINIMUM MOVEMENT mm 00.01.00 0 - 999.9 Encoder fault control: minimum movement for the axis.(x)
PX-26 最少电压 MINIMUM VOLTAGE V 01.00.00 0 - 10.0 Encoder fault control : minimum voltage to start encoder control.
PX-27 工作周期终点停放位置 END WORK CYCLE PARKING - 0 0 - 1

1= enabled |

PX-28 最大速度 MAXIMUM SPEED mm/min 100 0 - 9999999 Axis maximum speed with 10Vdc output
PX-29 正反馈 FEEDFORWARD % 100.00.00 0 - 200.0 Feedforward register for PID regulation.
PX-30 比例增益 PROPORTIONAL GAIN - 0 0 - 9.999 Proportional gain register for PID regulation.
PX-31 整体的时间 INTEGRAL TIME s 0 0 - 9.999 Integral register for PID regulation.
PX-32 导数时间 DERIVATIVE TIME s 0 0 - 9.999 Derivative register for PID regulation.
PX-33 最大追踪错误 MAXIMUM FOLLOWING ERROR mm 10000.39.00 0 - 9999.99 Maximum error between theoretic and real axis position(xx)
PX-34 驱动器补偿 DRIVE OFFSET V 0 -99.9999 - 99.9999 Analogic output offset for drive compensation.
PX-35 最大插值速度 MAXIMUM INTERPOLATION SPEED % 80.00.00 0 - 100.0 Maximum interpolation speed. Percentage of maximum speed in PX-28.
PX-36 归位器检测开关状态 HOMING SENSOR LOGIC - 0 0 - 1 0= Sensor NO (normally open)
1= Sensor NC (normally close).“
PX-37 靠近位置 APPROACH POSITION mm 10.00.00 0 - 999.9 If more than 0 enables pulse positioning and where it begins before the target (x)
PX-38 脉冲幅度 PULSE AMPLITUDE V 00.01.00 0 - 10.0 Pulse amplitude in volt.
PX-39 脉冲时间 PULSE TIME s 00.20.00 0 - 99.99 Time of a single pulse step
PX-40 脉冲延迟 PULSE DELAY s 00.20.00 0 - 99.99 Time between two steps.
PX-41 脉冲超时 PULSE TIMEOUT s 0 0 - 99 Pulse positioning maximum time.

3.3.1 参数 只为 X 轴 Parameters only for X axis

PX-42 台中心 TABLE CENTER POSITION mm 1000.0 -99999.9 - 99999.9 Axis position of the rotary table center (x)
PX-43 磨-刀碟补偿 MILL-DISK OFFSET mm 0.0 -99999.9 - 99999.9 Distance between disk center and mill center.
PX-44 RAMP TYPE -0 0 - 1 0= Linear ramps
1= Epicyclic ramps

3.3.2 参数 只为 Y 轴 Parameters only for Y axis

PY-42 台中心 TABLE CENTER POSITION mm 1000.0 -99999.9 - 99999.9 Axis position of the rotary table center (x)
PY-43 公差报警关闭 TOLERANCE ALARM DISABLE - 0 0 - 1 0= alarm enabled
1= alarm disabled
PY-44 磨-刀碟补偿 MILL-DISK OFFSET mm 100.0 -99999.9 - 99999.9 Distance between disk center and mill center.
PY-45 RAMP TYPE - 0 0 - 1 0= Linear ramps
1= Epicyclic ramps

3.3.3 参数 只为 Z 轴 Parameters only for Z axis

PZ-42 公差报警关闭 TOLERANCE ALARM DISABLE - 0 0 - 1 “0: alarm enabled
1: alarm disabled”
PZ-43 RAMP TYPE - 0 0 - 1 0= Linear ramps
1= Epicyclic ramps

(x) 参数 小数点 依赖 PG-01 参数 parameter decimal point depend on PG-01 value. (xx) 参数 小数点 依赖 PG-01 参数 加一 parameter decimal point depend on PG-01 value plus one.

3.4 W axis setup

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PW-01 轴启用 AXIS ENABLE - 0 0 - 1 0= axis disabled
1= axis enabled
PW-02 测量 MEASURE ° 0.01 0 - 9999.99 Distance of the axis movement to obtain the pulses set in parameter PULSE
PW-03 脉冲 PULSE - 1 0 - 999999 Encoder pulses corresponding to the distance in MEASURE.
Measure/Pulse is the axis resolution. It must be between 1 and 0.000935
PW-04 公差 TOLERANCE ° 0.050 0 - 99.999 Distance around target position that is considered correct
PW-05 启用时间 ENABLE TIME s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Time before axis is ok to start moving
PW-06 关闭时间 DISABLE TIME s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Time after axis is ok to stop
PW-07 慢速距离 DISTANCE IN SLOW ° 5.00 0 - 99.99 Distance when axis speed slows down before final target
PW-08 向前惯性 FORWARD INERTIA ° 0 0 - 99.999 Inertia distance at the end of forward movements.
PW-09 向后惯性 BACKWARD INERTIA ° 0 0 - 99.999 Inertia distance at the end of backward movements
PW-10 惯性模式 INERTIA MODE - 0 0 - 2 At the end of positioning
0= inertia not calculated
1= calculated if out of tolerance
2= always calculated
PW-11 公差延迟时间 TOLERANCE CONTROL DELAY s 1.000 0 - 99.99 Time between axis stop and tolerance control
PW-12 反弹模式 BACKLASH MODE - 0 0 - 4 0= no backlash
1= forward backlash
2= backward backlash
3= forward backlash without speed slow down
4= backward backlash without speed slow down
PW-13 开外位置 OVER POSITION ° 0 0 - 999.99 Over position for backlash
PW-14 自动快度 AUTOMATIC FAST SPEED % 10.0 0 - 100.0 Axis fast speed during automatic cycle
PW-15 自动慢速 AUTOMATIC SLOW SPEED % 5.0 0 - 100.0 Axis slow speed during automatic cycle
PW-16 手动快度 MANUAL FAST SPEED % 10.0 0 - 100.0 Axis fast speed during manual jog movement
PW-17 手动慢速 MANUAL SLOW SPEED % 5.0 0 - 100.0 Axis slow speed during manual jog movement
PW-18 归位快度 HOMING FAST SPEED % 10.0 0 - 100.0 Axis speed at the start of homing
PW-19 归位慢速 HOMING SLOW SPEED % 1.0 0 - 100.0 Axis speed after movement inversion in homing
PW-20 归位缺省值 HOMING DEFAULT - 1 0 - 1 0= Axis not included in automatic homing
1= Axis included in automatic homing
PW-21 归位补偿 HOMING OFFSET ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Set position at the end of homing procedure
PW-22 归位类型 HOMING TYPE - 0 0 - 3 0= Axis searches the homing sensor, inverts movement and sets PW-22 position
1= Axis searches the homing sensor, inverts movement and sets PW-22 position on encoder zero signal
2= Axis homing without movement. Set PW-22 position on homing sensor signal.
3= homing disabled.
PW-23 归位方向 HOMING DIRECTION - 1 0 - 1 0= forward
PW-24 最大位置 MAXIMUM POSITION ° 9999.9 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Maximum position for the axis. Software limit switch
PW-25 最少位置 MINIMUM POSITION ° -9999.9 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Minimum position for the axis. Software limit switch
PW-26 最少运动 MINIMUM MOVEMENT ° 0.10 0 - 99.99 Encoder fault control: minimum axis movement
PW-27 最少时间 MINIMUM TIME s 2000 0 - 99.99 Encoder fault control: sample time to check minimum movement
PW-28 刹车逻辑 BRAKE LOGIC - 1 0 - 1 0= Brake output N.O.
1= Brake output N.C.
PW-29 刹车时间 BRAKE TIME s 1.000 0 - 9.999 Enable time before axis starts moving and after axis stop
PW-30 加速 ACCELERATION V/s 20.00 0 - 99.99 Acceleration setting
PW-31 减速 DECELERATION V/s 20.00 0 - 99.99 Deceleration setting
PW-32 脉冲启用 PULSE ENABLE - 0 0 - 1 0= Pulse positioning disabled
1= Pulse positioning enabled
PW-33 靠近位置 APPROACH POSITION ° 0-30 0 - 999.99 Position before target where pulse positioning begins
PW-34 脉冲时间 PULSE TIME s 0.100 0 - 9.999 Time of a single pulse step
PW-35 脉冲延迟 PULSE DELAY s 0.100 0 - 9.999 Time between two steps
PW-36 编号脉冲 NUMBER OF PULSES - 40 0 - 9999 Maximum number of pulse steps
PW-37 脉冲振幅 PULSE AMPLITUDE V 0.1 0 - 10.0 Pulse amplitude in volt
PW-38 锁启用 ENABLE LOCKS - 0 0 - 1 0= Locks disabled
1= Locks enabled
PW-39 锁延迟 LOCK DELAY s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Time between spine insertion and brake output
PW-40 锁位置1 LOCK 1 POSITION ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Position for lock 1
PW-41 锁位置2 LOCK 2 POSITION ° 90.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Position for lock 2
PW-42 启用线性化 ENABLE LINEARIZATION - 0 0 - 1 0= position linearization disabled
1= position linearization enabled
PW-43 不线性化位置2 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 2 ° 45.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 2
PW-44 线性化位置2 LINEARIZED POSITION 2 ° 45.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 2
PW-45 不线性化位置3 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 3 ° 90.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 3
PW-46 线性化位置3 LINEARIZED POSITION 3 ° 90.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 3
PW-47 不线性化位置4 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 4 ° 135.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 4
PW-48 线性化位置4 LINEARIZED POSITION 4 ° 135.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 4
PW-49 不线性化位置5 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 5 ° 180.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 5
PW-50 线性化位置5 LINEARIZED POSITION 5 ° 180.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 5
PW-51 不线性化位置6 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 6 ° 225.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 6
PW-52 线性化位置6 LINEARIZED POSITION 6 ° 225.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 6
PW-53 不线性化位置7 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 7 ° 270.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 7
PW-54 线性化位置7 LINEARIZED POSITION 7 ° 270.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 7
PW-55 不线性化位置8 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 8 ° 315.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 8
PW-56 线性化位置8 LINEARIZED POSITION 8 ° 315.0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 8

3.5 H 轴 设置 H axis setup

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Parameter U.M. Def. Range Description
PH-01 斜类型 TILT TYPE - 1 0 - 1 0: axis tilt with Z axis
1: axis tilt with full head
PH-02 马达 MOTOR - 0 0 - 1 0: axis without motor
1: axis with motor
PH-03 编码器 NOT USED - - - FIXME
PH-03 编码器 ENCODER - 1 0 - 1 0: axis without encoder
1: axis with encoder
PH-03 编码器 ENCODER - 1 0 - 1 0: axis without encoder
1: axis with encoder
PH-04 测量 MEASURE ° 0.01 0 - 9999.99 Distance of the axis movement to obtain the pulses set in parameter PULSE
PH-05 脉冲 PULSE - 1 0 - 999999 Pulses of the encoder corresponding to the distance set in parameter MEASURE.
Measure/Pulse is axis resolution. It has to be between 1 and 0.000935
PH-06 公差 TOLERANCE ° 0.050 0 - 99.999 Distance around target position that is considered correct FIXME (xx)
PH-07 启用时间 ENABLE TIME s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Enable time before axis starts moving
PH-08 关闭时间 DISABLE TIME s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Disable time after axis stops
PH-09 慢速距离 SLOW DISTANCE ° 5.00 0 - 99.99 Distance when axis speed slows down before final target
PH-10 向前惯性 FORWARD INERTIA ° 0 0 - 99.999 Inertia space at the end of forward movements
PH-11 向后惯性 BACKWARD INERTIA ° 0 0 - 99.999 Inertia space at the end of backward movements
PH-12 惯性模式 INERTIA MODE - 0 0 - 2 At the end of positioning
0= inertia not calculated
1= calculated if out of tolerance
2= always calculated
PH-13 等待公差时间 WAIT TOLERANCE TIME s 1.000 0 - 9.999 Time between axis stop and tolerance control.
PH-14 反弹模式 BACKLASH MODE - 0 0 - 4 0: no backlash
1: forward backlash
2: backward backlash
3: forward backlash without speed slow down
4: backward backlash without speed slow down
PH-15 开外位置 OVER POSITION ° 0 0 - 999.99 Over position for backlash
PH-16 自动快速度 AUTOMATIC FAST SPEED % 10.0 0 - 100.0 Axis fast speed during automatic cycle
PH-17 自动慢速 AUTOMATIC SLOW SPEED % 5.0 0 - 100.0 Axis slow speed during automatic cycle
PH-18 手动快速度 MANUAL FAST SPEED % 10.0 0 - 100.0 Axis fast speed during manual jog movement
PH-19 手动慢速 MANUAL SLOW SPEED % 5.0 0 - 100.0 Axis slow speed during manual jog movement
PH-20 归位快速度 HOMING FAST SPEED % 10.0 0 - 100.0 Axis speed at the start of homing
PH-21 归位慢速 HOMING SLOW SPEED % 1.0 0 - 100.0 Axis speed after change of direction in homing
PH-22 归位缺省值 HOMING DEFAULT - 1 0 - 1 0: Axis not included in automatic homing sequence
1: Axis included in automatic homing sequence
PH-23 归位补偿 HOMING OFFSET ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Set position at the end of homing procedure
PH-24 归位类型 HOMING TYPE - 0 0 - 3 0: Axis searches the homing sensor, changes direction and sets PH-24 position
1: Axis searches the homing sensor, changes direction and sets PH-24 position on encoder zero signal
2: Axis homing without movement. Sets PH-24 position on homing sensor signal
3: homing disabled
PH-25 归位方向 HOMING DIRECTION - 1 0 - 1 0= forward
1= backward.”
PH-26 最大位置 MAXIMUM POSITION ° 9999.9 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Maximum position for the axis. Software limit switch
PH-27 最少位置 MINIMUM POSITION ° -9999.9 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Minimum position for the axis. Software limit switch
PH-28 最少运动 MINIMUM MOVEMENT ° 0.10 0 - 99.99 Encoder fault control: minimum axis movement
PH-29 最少时间 MINIMUM TIME s 2.000 0 - 99.999 Encoder fault control: sample time to check minimum movement
PH-30 刹车逻辑 BRAKE LOGIC - 1 0 - 1 0= Brake output N.O.
1= Brake output N.C.
PH-31 刹车时间 BRAKE TIME s 1.000 0 - 9.999 Time before axis ok to start moving and after axis stops
PH-32 加速 ACCELERATION V/s 20.00 0 - 99.99 Acceleration setting
PH-33 减速 DECELERATION V/s 20.00 0 - 99.99 Deceleration setting
PH-34 脉冲启用 PULSE ENABLE - 0 0 - 1 0= Pulse positioning disabled
1= Pulse positioning enabled
PH-35 靠近位置 APPROACH POSITION ° 0.30 0 - 999.99 position before target where pulse positioning begins
PH-36 脉冲时间 PULSE TIME s 0.100 0 - 9.999 Time of a single pulse step
PH-37 脉冲延迟 PULSE DELAY s 0.100 0 - 9.999 Time between two steps.
PH-38 编号脉冲 NUMBER OF PULSES - 40 0 - 9999 Maximum number of pulse steps
PH-39 脉冲振幅 PULSE AMPLITUDE V 0.1 0 - 10.0 Pulse amplitude in volt
PH-40 锁启用 ENABLE LOCK - 0 0 - 1 0= Lock disabled
1= Lock enabled
PH-41 锁延迟 LOCK DELAY s 0.200 0 - 9.999 Time between lock engage and brake output
PH-42 锁位置1 LOCK 1 POSITION ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Lock 1 position
PH-43 锁位置2 LOCK 2 POSITION ° 90.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Lock 2 position
PH-44 启用线性化位置 ENABLE LINEARIZATION - 0 0 - 1 0= position linearization disabled
1= position linearization enabled
PH-45 不线性化位置2 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 2 ° 22.50 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 2
PH-46 线性化位置2 LINEARIZED POSITION 2 ° 22.50 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 2
PH-47 不线性化位置3 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 3 ° 45.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 3
PH-48 线性化位置3 LINEARIZED POSITION 3 ° 45.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 3
PH-49 不线性化位置4 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 4 ° 67.50 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 4
PH-50 线性化位置4 LINEARIZED POSITION 4 ° 67.50 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 4
PH-51 不线性化位置5 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 5 ° 90.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 5
PH-52 线性化位置5 LINEARIZED POSITION 5 ° 90.00 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 5
PH-53 不线性化位置6 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 6 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 6
PH-54 线性化位置6 LINEARIZED POSITION 6 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 6
PH-55 不线性化位置7 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 7 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 7
PH-56 线性化位置7 LINEARIZED POSITION 7 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector N°7.
PH-57 不线性化位置8 UNLINEARIZED POSITION 8 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis unlinearized position in sector 8
PH-58 线性化位置8 LINEARIZED POSITION 8 ° 0 -9999.99 - 9999.99 Axis linearized position in sector 8

3.6 Tarature


3.6.1 Taratura della risoluzione

  • Premere il tasto (Out analogica +1 Volt), controllare che il valore del campo ENCODER aumenti
  • Premere il tasto (Out analogica -1 Volt), controllare che il valore del campo ENCODER diminuisca
  • A - A' = Spazio più lungo possibile
  • Segnare la posizione di partenza (A)
  • Azzerare il valore ENCODER:
  • Eseguire il movimento da A ad A'
  • Trascrivere nel campo PULSE, il valore visualizzato nel campo ENCODER
  • Misurare il delta spazio A - A'
  • Scrivere il valore di delta spazio A - A' nel campo MEASURE


  • Il valore di PULSE dovrà sempre essere superiore al valore di MEASURE (il valore ottimale è “MEASURE x 10 = PULSE”)
  • Introdurre il valore MEASURE nell'unità di misura scelta. Esempio: se l'unità di misura scelta è 1/10mm e la misura di delta spazio è 133.5mm, introdurre il valore 1335 nel campo MEASURE
  • I valori di Pulse e Misure qui inseriti , verranno trascritti automaticamente nei parametri GP-XX

3.6.2 Taratura P.I.D.


FIXME Descrivere i pulsanti e i parametri

3.6.3 Linearizzazione


FIXME Descrivere i parametri e come eseguire la linearizzazione dell'encoder quando non è in asse con il centro banco

Inserire pulsante “ Abilitazioni ” FIXME
Inserire descrizione delle abilitazioni …ovvero come è stata costruita la macchina vedi pagine iniziali sui tipi di macchine che si possono costruire con questa apparecchiatura FIXME
Poi , descrivere come caricare i default FIXME
Indicare come settare i parametri che sono specifici per la meccanica predisposta per questa macchina FIXME
Quindi si dovrà indicare come verificare gli ingressi e le uscite FIXME

4. Diagnostics


Fw name : firmware in the controller and relative checksum
Task time : the average cycle time of the CPU with indexing of the Maximum Time and the Minimum Time for the scan
CPU time : total time from when the CPU is in the RUN state (hh:mm)

4.2 Inputs

Visualizzazione dello stato degli ingressi digitali suddivisi per connettore
= ON
Visualizzazione del valore degli ingressi analogici
Visualizzazione del valore dell'ingresso BOURNS

4.3 Outputs

Visualizzazione dello stato delle uscite digitali suddivise per connettore.
= ON

4.4 Counters

Posizioni di ogni asse in unità di misura lineare o angolare
Stato di attivazione delle fasi encoder.
= ON
FOLLERR: = errore di inseguimento attuale
MAX: POS:/NEG: = valore minimo e massimo raggiunti dall'errore di inseguimento

4.5 Analog outputs

Valore di tensione dell'uscita analogica

★ Sostituire la pagina con quella riportata adattandola a questa specifica applicazione ( presa dalla levigatrice )FIXME

★ Scrivere : “ Controllare tutti gli ingressi digitali “ FIXME

Per risparmiare ingressi ho modificato gli ingressi dei fine corsa degli assi
Per ogni asse non ci sono più due ingressi ma bensì uno solo …a mio avviso più che sufficiente
Poi , ho modificato i Jog …a mio avviso …utilizzando il portale ho visto che è facile sbagliare
è meglio selezionare l'asse e avere una unica interrutore a leva per movimentarlo …questo, a mio avviso favorisce il non fare errori
Poi , non è serio che lo Start e lo Stop macchina sia sullo strumento …quindi ho previsto due ingressi dedicati
Poi , ho modificato gli ingressi di Feedback dell'asse W e Asse H
…spostandoli dalle fasi encoder a degli ingressi digitali.
Nota : quando l'asse H è manuale ….per il feedback del punzone potremo utilizzare i fine corsa 24 e 25 …liberando cosi l'ingresso 23
A questo punto ..rivisti gli ingressi …potremo avere due ingressi liberi …il 23 e il 32 …e le fasi encodere potremo riservarle solo per casi particolari

4.6 Controllo dei finecorsa

Controllo dei finecorsa hardware

Controllo dei finecorsa 0° - 90° del disco

5. Hardware and connections

5.0.1 I/O List Ingressi digitali (n. 32)

I 1 JOG X + (move X in + direction) CN11 J1K31-FR30
I 2 JOG X - (move X in - direction)
I 3 JOG Y + (move Y in + direction)
I 4 JOG Y - (move Y in - direction)
I 5 JOG Z + (move Z in + direction / up)
I 6 JOG Z - (move Z in - direction / down)
I 7 Start work
I 8 Stop work
I 9 Enable manual state CN12 J1K31-FR30
I 10 Enable automatic state
I 11 Reset work and zero axes
I 12 High speed JOG. (ON = high, LOW = slow)
I 13 Water pressure OK
I 14 Auxiliary OK
I 15 Splindle speed ok
I 16 Rotation table W in working position
I 17 Drivers OK CN13 J1K31-FR30
I 18 Perimetral protection OK
I 19 X limit switch
I 20 Y limit switch
I 21 Z limit switch
I 22 Feedback for unlock position 1 (usually 0°) axis W
I 23 Feedback for unlock position 1 (usually 90°) axis W
I 24 Y position OK for tilting table
I 25 Horizontal disk
I 26 Vertical disk CN14 J1K31-FR30
I 27 X Homing Switch
I 28 Y Homing Switch
I 29 Z Homing Switch
I 30 W Homing Switch
I 31 H Homing Switch
I 32 free Ingressi digitali veloci (n. 4)

I01 Turn revolution sensor CN11 J1K31-FR30
I02 Mill inverter on CN12
I03 Disk inverter on CN13
I04 Inverter ok CN14 Ingressi digitali index (n. 1)

IDX free CN20 J1K31-FR30 Digital outputs (n. 32)

O1 Automatic cycle active state CN7 J1K31-FR30
O2 free
O3 Alarm sound (active according with PG-09 parameter)
O4 Rotary table high
O5 Rotary table low
O6 free
O7 Enable X axis
O8 Laser 2
O9 Enable Y axis CN8 J1K31-FR30
O10 Break Y axis
O11 Enable Z axis
O12 Break Z axis
O13 Enable W axis
O14 Enable movment W axis
O15 Break W axis
O16 Enable H axis
O17 Enable movment H axis CN9 J1K31-FR30
O18 Break H axis
O19 EV water
O20 Laser 1
O21 Reset drive. (Active for 2 sec when reset active alarms)
O22 free
O23 End automatic work
O24 Machine OK (active if alarm state is not active)
O25 Enable Mill inverter CN10 J1K31-FR30
O26 Enable Disk inverter
O27 Electrocoil to unlock perimetral protections
O28 free
O29 Active lock position 1 (usually 0°) for W axis
O30 Active lock position 2 (usually 90°)for W axis
O31 Active lock position 1 (usually 0°) for H axis
O32 Active lock position 2 (usually 90°)for H axis Quadrature encoder inputs (n° 8)

CNT01position X CN15 J1K31-FR30
CNT02position Y CN16
CNT03position Z CN17
CNT04position W CN18
CNT05position H CN19
CNT06interpolation override burns CN20
CNT07 (*)free CN21
CNT08 (*)free CN22

(*) Not available in FR hardware version Analog inputs (n. 4)

NameDescription ConnectorHardware
AI1Potentiometer to set the X speed in cut direction CN28 J1K31-FR30
AI2Potentiometer to set the X speed in opposite cut direction
AI3Spindle motor actual current CN29
AI4Spindle actual rotation speed Analog outputs (n. 8)

AO1X Speed CN26 J1K31-FR30
AO2Y Speed
AO3Z Speed
AO4W Speed
AO5H Speed CN27 J1K31-FR30
AO6Spindle rotation speed set
AO7 (*)free
AO8 (*)free

(*) Not available in FR hardware version

( 1 ) or horizontal disk if parameter PH3 ENCODER is zero
( 2 ) or vertical disk if parameter PH3 ENCODER is zero

NC - O significa contatto Normalmente chiuso ( Closed ) , l'azione verrà fatta quando il contatto si apre ( Open )
NO - C significa contatto Normalmente aperto ( Open ) , l'azione verrà fatta quando il contatto si chiude ( Closed )
NO - C significa contatto Normalmente aperto ( Open ), l'azione verrà fatta quando il contatto si chiude ( Closed ) in modo continuo (Continuous )

Uscite digitali Center



Questa pagina offre uno strumento per poter correggere le quote X e Y della posizione del centro banco.
Una volta visualizzata questa pagina le coordinate X e Y del centro banco verranno copiate rispettivamente in PC01 e PC02.
Le fasi da seguire sono le seguenti:

  1. Selezionare la modalità manuale.
  2. Assicurarsi che l'asse Z sia stato azzerato sulla superficie da incidere. Eventualmente accedere alla pagina di manuale per farlo.
  3. Avviare il disco e attendere che sia arrivato in velocità.
  4. Toccare il tasto START sul display e lasciar eseguire l'incisione dei 5 tagli come mostrato in figura. Le incisioni dei lati del quadrato verranno eseguite alla profondità specificata nel parametro Z. L'incisione centrale verrà eseguita a profondità fissa di 5 mm.
  5. Una volta eseguita l'incisione si devono eseguire le 3 misure indicate e si devono scrivere nei parametri PC03, PC04, PC05.
  6. A questo punto si può premere il tasto CALC sul display per eseguire le correzioni. Si noteranno i valori PC01 e PC02 cambiare. Il tasto CALC può essere usato una sola volta e quindi se si vogliono modificare le misure inserite e ricalcolare le correzioni, bisogna uscire dalla pagina e rientrare.
  7. Se si accetta la correzione, allora si devono salvare i nuovi valori premendo il tasto SAVE. Si uscirà automaticamente dalla pagina.
  8. A questo punto è possibile rientrare in questa pagina ed eseguire ancora l'incisione (punti 1, 2 e 3) per verificare che PC03 e PC04 siano tra loro uguali e PC05 sia pari a L mm.
Nome parametroUnità di misuraDefaultRangeDescrizione
PC01 : X CENTERmm1699.100÷999999.99Copia della coordinata X del centro del banco.
PC02 : Y CENTERmm1765.600÷999999.99Copia della coordinata Y del centro del banco.
PC03 :mm0.00-999.99 ÷ 999.99Misure come da disegno per la correzione della coordinata X del centro.
PC04 :mm0.00-999.99 ÷ 999.99
PC05 :mm0.000÷9999.99Misure come da disegno per la correzione della coordinata Y del centro.
L:mm200.000÷999999.99Lato L dell'incisione praticata.
Z:mm5.000÷999999.99Profondità del taglio dei lati

Press to exit

5.1 Enable

Premere il pulsante nell'area 1.