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MDI_P1R44F-009 : Installer Manual

1. Informations

1.1 Release

Document: mdi_p1r44f-009
Description: Installation manual p1r44f-009
Editor: Andrea Zarantonello
Approver: Giuliano Tognon
Language: English
Release documento Description Note Data
01 New manual 30/11/2022


The copyrights of this manual are reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form without the prior written authorization of QEM.

QEM presents no assurances or guarantees on the contents and specifically disclaims any liability relating to the guarantees of suitability for any particular purpose. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. QEM assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

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2. Setup

Machine view from above:

n: Description:
1 Raw slab
2 Belt Encoder

Limit sensor bar
First sensor: F
Last sensor: L
4 Center of the sensors / centre of the bridge axis travel
5 Bridge
6 Polishing heads
7 Belt direction
8 Orthogonal Offset
0 count Counting 0 of the bridge

2.1 Setup access

Access to setup can be done from the MENU page, by entering the password 035.

2.1.1 SETUP Introduction

Parameter list divided into

generic parameters
parameters associated with the bridge
parameters associated with heads
parameters associated with the sensor bar
parameters associated with the conveyor belt
ENLARGEMENT ON MAXIMUM EDGES: allows you to polish the horizontal edges better.
This parameter is useful when you're working with fairly straight edges (not jagged)

2.2 Generic Setup

Parameter name Unit of measure Default Range Description
PG03 : DECIMAL POINT - 1 0 ÷ 3 It is the position of the decimal point in the quotas display.
PG05 : ORTHOGONAL STEP mm 50.0 - Distance between the limit switches of the sensor bar. It acquires the shape of the slab.
PG06 : HORIZONTAL STEP mm 50.0 - Space set by encoder. It acquires the shape of the slab.
PG08 : LINE MEASURE mm 1 0 ÷ 999999 Indicates the space, in units of measurement, covered by the conveyor belt to obtain the encoder pulses set on the pulse parameter.
PG09 : LINE PULSE - 1 0 ÷ 999999 Indicates the pulses multiplied by 4 provided by the conveyor belt encoder to obtain the space set in the measure parameter.
The ratio between measure and pulse is the resolution of the encoder and must have values between 1 and 0.000935.
PG11 : SELF-LEARNING. BRIDGE - OFF 0 ÷ 1 Enables the self-learning option of the minimum and maximum height of the slab to optimize the swiveling of the bridge.
PG13 : OPERATOR SIDE - FWD 0 ÷ 1 Indicates at the cycle stop event where the bridge must be positioned.
FWD = on the maximum quota, BWD = on the minimum quota.
PG15 : AUTO / MAN SELECTOR - ON 0 ÷ 1 Enable manual / automatic selector.
PG16 : PRESTART TIME s 3.0 0 ÷ 9999.9 Time between the start command and the actual starting of the machine (the warning signal is active during this time).
If it's less than the motor activation time, the greater time of the two is applied.
PG17 : LUBRIF. TIME ON s 0.0 0 ÷ 9999.9 Lubrication output time ON.
PG18 :LUBRIF. TIME OFF s 0.0 0 ÷ 9999.9 Lubrication output time OFF.
PG19 : ENGINES TIME ON s 1,000 0 ÷ 99.999 Pause time between the activation of one motor and the next (in sequential activation).
PG20 : ENGINES TIME OFF s 0.200 0 ÷ 99.999 Pause time between the deactivation of one motor and the next (in sequential deactivation).
s 0.000 0 ÷ 99.999 Waiting time to start the sequential deactivation of the motors, starting when there are no more pieces on the belt.
PG25 : HEAD OUTPUT - CONST CONST ÷ PULSE Operating mode of the head activation output.
CONST = the output remains active for the entire time the head is used,
PULSE = the output remains active for a set time (PG27).
PG26: LINE OUTPUT - CONST CONST ÷ PULSE Operating mode of the conveyor belt activation output.
CONST = the output remains active for the entire time the conveyor belt is used,
PULSE = the output remains active for a set time (PG27).
PG27 : PULSE TIME s 0.000 0 ÷ 99.999 Activation time of the head and conveyor belt outputs if they are enabled as impulsive.
PG28 : LINE DELAY s 0.000 0 ÷ 99.999 Conveyor belt activation delay time after the bridge has started.
PG30 : BRUSH EARLY mm 0.0 -9999.9 ÷ 9999.9 Advance space for brush descent.
PG31 : BRUSH DELAY mm 0.0 -9999.9 ÷ 9999.9 Delay space for brush ascent.
PG32 : REFERENCE VEL m / ' 0.0 0 ÷ 9999.9 Reference speed for the use of the advances and delays of the brush.
If set to 0, no speed proportion is made but the set quotas are used.
PG34 : RAMP TYPE - 1 0 ÷ 1 Type of ramp.
0 = linear ramp.
1 = S ramp
PG35 : HEAD SEGMENTATION - 4 4 - 6 Segmentation of the head machining area
PG36 : MAX SET SPEED m/min 50 0 ÷ 999.9 Maximum belt settable speed
PG37 : MIN SET SPEED m/min 0.0 0 ÷ 999.9 Minimum belt settable speed

2.3 Setup Belt

Belt axis resolution

Parameter name Unit of measure Default Range Description
MEASURE mm 0.1 0 ÷ 99999.9 Indicates the space, in units of measure, covered by the belt to obtain the encoder pulses set on the pulse parameter.
PULSE - 1 0 ÷ 999999 Indicates the pulses multiplied by 4 provided by the belt encoder to obtain the gap set in the measure parameter.
The ratio between measure and pulse is the resolution of the encoder and must have values between 1 and 0.000935.

Press to go to Belt setup page.

Belt calibration

Parameter name Unit of measurement Default Range Description
VOLTAGE OUTPUT V 0.0 0 ÷ 10.0 Control voltage Inverter/Driver
OFFSET V 0.0000 -99.9999 ÷ 99.9999 Voltage value to obtain from the analog output 0 Volt
SPEED mm/' - - Speed ​​of the belt
MAX SPEED mm/' 5000 0 ÷ 9999999 Speed ​​of the belt with the 10 Volt command
POSITION mm - - Belt position

2.4 Setup Bridge

Parameter name Unit of measurement Default Range Description
PB01 : MEASURE mm 0.1 0 ÷ 99999.9 Indicates the space, in units of measure, covered by the bridge to obtain the encoder pulses set on the pulse parameter.
PB02 : PULSE - 1 0 ÷ 999999 Indicates the pulses multiplied by 4 supplied by the encoder of the bridge to obtain the space set in the parameter measure.
The ratio between measure and pulse is the resolution of the encoder and must have values ​​between 1 and 0.000935.
PB03 : TOLERANCE mm 5.0 0 ÷ 99999.9 It defines a count range around the positioning quotas.
If the positioning ends within this range, it is correct.
PB04 : ENABLE TIME s 0.200 0.000 ÷ 9.999 Bridge movement activation advance.
PB05 : DISABLE TIME s 0.200 0.000 ÷ 9.999 Bridge movement deactivation delay.
PB06 : MAXIMUM QUOTA mm 99999.9 -99999.9 ÷ 99999.9 Maximum quota reachable from the bridge.
PB07 : MINIMUM QUOTA mm -99999.9 -99999.9 ÷ 99999.9 Minimum quota reachable from the bridge.
PB08 : ACCELERATION TIME s 1.00 0.00 ÷ 9.99 It is the time required to go from 0 speed to maximum speed.
PB09 : DECELERATION TIME s 1.00 0.00 ÷ 9.99 It is the time required to go from maximum speed to 0 speed.
PB10 : INVERSION TIME s 0.50 0.00 ÷ 9.99 It is used to avoid mechanical stress due to rapid reversals of the movement direction
PB11 : DEACTIVATION TIME s 0 0 ÷ 99999 Rest time of the bridge after which the enabling output of the axis is deactivated.
PB12 : OUTPUT MODE - STILL MOVE, STILL Axis enable output operating mode.
MOVE: The output activates before the movement of the axis and deactivates when it has finished, according to the times set on parameters PB04 and PB05.
STILL: The output activates before movement and deactivates when the state passes to emergency.
PB14 : PRESET POSITION mm 0.0 -99999.9 ÷ 99999.9 Quota loaded on the count when the axis activates and then releases the Homing sensor.
PB15 : PRESET VELOCITY % 5 1 ÷ 100 It is the homing sensor search speed.
PB16 : PRESET SLOW VELOCITY % 2 1 ÷ 100 It is the speed for the release of the homing sensor.
PB17 : PRESET DIRECTION - BACKWARD FORWARD, BACKWARD Direction to search for the homing sensor.
PB19 : CHANGE ABR POSITION mm 0.0 -99999.9 ÷ 99999.9 Bridge positioning value when it is requested to interrupt the cycle to change the abrasive.

2.4.1 Calibrations

The calibration pages are divided into:

setting the resolution of the axis

axis calibration procedure for adjusting the feedback and for setting the offset and maximum speed

Bridge axis resolution

Parameter name Unit of measure Default Range Description
MEASURE mm 0.1 0 ÷ 99999.9 Indicates the space, in units of measure, covered by the bridge to obtain the encoder pulses set on the pulse parameter.
PULSE - 1 0 ÷ 999999 Indicates the pulses multiplied by 4 provided by the bridge encoder to obtain the gap set in the measure parameter.
The ratio between measure and pulse is the resolution of the encoder and must have values between 1 and 0.000935.

Bridge calibration

Parameter name Unit of measurement Default Range Description
VOLTAGE OUTPUT V 0.0 -10.0 ÷ 10.0 Control voltage Inverter/Driver
OFFSET V 0.0000 -99.9999 ÷ 99.9999 Voltage value to obtain from the analog output 0 Volt
VELOCITY mm/' - - Speed ​​of the bridge
MAX VELOCITY mm/' 5000 0 ÷ 9999999 Speed ​​of the bridge with the 10 Volt command
POSITION mm - - Bridge position
DELTA mm 0.0 - Bridge swing space
SET VELOCITY mm/' 0 - Speed ​​of the bridge
ACC TIME s 0.00 - Acceleration time
DEC TIME s 0.00 - Deceleration time
FEEDFORWARD % 100.0 0.0 ÷ 200.0 It is the percentage coefficient which, multiplied by the speed, generates the feed-forward part of the regulation output.
PROP. GAINS - 0.000 0.000 ÷ 9.999 It is the coefficient which, multiplied by the following error, generates the proportional part of the regulation output.
INTEGRAL TIME s 0.000 0.000 ÷ 9.999 It is the time that produces the integration coefficient of the following error.
The integration of this error multiplied by this coefficient generates the integral part of the regulation output.
MAX FOLLOW ERROR mm 99.9 0.0 ÷ 99999.9 Defines the maximum acceptable deviation between the theoretical position and the real position of the axis, beyond which an alarm is generated
FOLLOW ERROR mm - - It is the instantaneous value of the following error.

2.5 Setup Tools

Parameter name Unit of measurement Default Range Description
PT01 / PT22 : DIAMETER mm 0.0 0 ÷ 99999.9 Head diameter.
PT23 / PT44 : ORTHOGONAL OFFSET mm 0.0 0 ÷ 99999.9 It is the distance between the working head and the midline of the bridge.
PT45 / PT66 : TIME TO PARTIAL LIFT s 0.500 0 ÷ 999.999 It is the activation time of the output for the partial ascent.
PT68 : LIFT DELAY s 0.000 0 ÷ 999.999 Delay for the total ascent of the heads.

2.6 Setup Sensors

Parameter name Unit of measure Default Range Description
PS01 : SENSORS NUMBER - 32 8 ÷ 64 Number of sensors present on the acquisition bar.
PS02 : SENSORS TYPE - NO NO ÷ NC Slab Acquisition Input Logic.
NO = Normally Open
NC = Normally Closed

3. Support

Request for assistance

In order to be able to provide you a quick service, at the minimum cost, we need your help.

Follow all the instructions provided in the manual MIMAT If the problem persists, fill in the “Assistance request form” on the page Contacts of the site
Our technicians will obtain essential elements for understanding your problem.


In order to provide you with an efficient service, please read and follow the instructions here reported


It is recommended to pack the instrument with materials that can absorb any falls.

Use the original packaging: it must protect the instrument during transport. Attach:
1. A description of the anomaly;
2. Part of the wiring diagram where the instrument is inserted
3. Programming the instrument ( set up, work quotas, parameters …).
A thorough description of the problem will allow us to quickly identify and resolve your problem.
Careful packaging will avoid further inconveniences.