
P1P20F - 005 : Setup - Calibration - Operation

1. Informations

1.1 Release

This document is valid except for errors or omissions.

Document: mdu_p1p20f-005
Description: User manual p1p20f-005
Editor: Michele Sandri
Approver Gabriele Bazzi
Language: English
Document Release Description Note Date
01 New manual 20/04/2017

1.1.1 Specifications/Copyright

The copyright to this manual are reserved. For no reason, this document may be copied or reproduced in any form without the QEM permission.

QEM has no assurances or warranties regarding to content. Qem disclaims any responsibility relating to warranties of fitness for any particular purpose. The informations in this document are subject to change without notice. QEM not assumes responsibility for any error that may appear in this document

Trademarks :

2. Description

The P1P20F - 005 application, installed in the Qmove J1-P20-FZ20 hardware, manage a standard automatic cutter with 1 move forward axis and 1 optional axis for the cams management. The parameters that determine the mode of operation are only accessible to the installer by the introduction of a password.

Special Working:

3. Command bar

The top bar on each page provides the following information:


3.1 Machine status

The machine states are the following:

3.2 Buttons used

The buttons that can be used on each page are enabled and illuminated in green. The grey buttons are disabled.



4. Main Menu

Press the buttons to access the Main Menu:

access level change creation / recipe choice
(visible only if the full interface has been selected)
I/O diagnostics alarms page
date and time setting system info
working parameters setup accessory activation
photocell parameters setup CAMS setup
generic setup Web axis data setup
WEB axis calibration PID calibration
thermoregulation setup factory data forcing (default)

4.1 Access levels

Depending on the level of access, from the various sections of the menu you can access to the different features:




N.B. : Access passwords will be provided by the QEM srl to the machine manufacturer, or who will perform the commissioning or maintenance service.

5. Start-up

5.1 Save and exit

The setup pages are equipped with their own menu:

The available commands are:

5.2 Generic Setup

To access from the MAIN MENU page press the button

Parameter nameUnit of MeasureDefault RangeDescription
View mode -00 ÷ 20: Normal view
1: HDR is active, In the middle band between two units
2: HDR is active on all the counting range
Decimal digits -10 ÷ 3It is the position of the decimal point in the dimension views.
Operator interface -0Simple ÷ CompleteChoosing the Operator interface. The simple interface allows a basic machining with only “working type”, “bag length” and “pieces to make”.
Enabling Cams motor -0Disabled ÷ EnabledEnables Cams motor control, with the adjust speed mode.
Enabling Cams encoder -0Disabled ÷ EnabledEnables Cams axis encoder reading. This parameter enables the possibility to use the accessories.
Cam Encoder Measurement °100.00 ÷ 999999Indicates the space, in units of measure, covered from Cams Encoder to obtain encoder pulses * 4 set in the Cams encoder pulses parameter.
Cams encoder pulses -40000 ÷ 999999Indicates the pulses multiplied * 4 supplied by the Cams encoder to get the space set in the Cam Encoder Measurement parameter. The ratio of Measurement to Pulses is the encoder resolution and must have values between 1 to 0.000935.
Start/Stop type -0Continuous ÷ ImpulsiveSets the START/STOP mode:
Continuous: only I3 (START/STOP) input, must remain active during the automatic cycle. Any deactivation of the I3 input, suspend the current positioning.
Impulsive: 2 inputs are used, I3 (START) input, I4 (STOP) input
Start/Stop IN logic-0Normal ÷ InvertedNormal = Activation on the rising front.
Inverted = Activation on the descent front.
Production counter update-100 ÷ 9999It is the number of pieces to be executed to update a new value of the production counter.
Production counter timeout s2.00 ÷ 9999It's the maximum time to execute the necessary pieces for the Production counter, beyond which it's also updated.
Max delta temp. without regulation °200 ÷ 9999It is the maximum temperature delta that can be recorded without the thermoregulation being active.
Regulation timeout min10 ÷ 9999It is the maximum permissible time within which the temperature must begin to increase.
Cams Brake timer s0.50 ÷ 9999It is time that passes between the release of the brake and enabling the Cams motor.
Max RPM Cams motor rpm1800 ÷ 9999It's the number of pieces per minute at the maximum speed of the Cams motor.
Min RPM Cams motor rpm100 ÷ 9999It's the number of pieces per minute at the minimum speed of the Cams motor.
Jog Cams motor rpm600 ÷ 9999It's the number of pieces per minute for the jog movements of the cam motor.
By-pass alarms -0Disabled ÷ EnabledEnabled/Disabled the alarms monitoring.

5.3 Axis Setup

To access from the MAIN MENU page press the button

Parameter nameUnit of MeasureDefault RangeDescription
Measure mm100.00 ÷ 999999Indicates the space, in units of measure, covered from Axis Encoder to obtain the encoder pulses * 4 set to the Pulses parameter.
Pulses -40000 ÷ 999999Indicates the pulses multiplied * 4 provided by the axis encoder to get the space set in the Measure parameter. The ratio of measurement to pulses is the encoder resolution and must have values between 1 to 0.000935.
Automatic Loop -0Disabled ÷ EnabledEnable continuous space control or only during placements.
Manual Loop -0Disabled ÷ EnabledEnable continuous space control in the manual state (movements in jog).
UM speed -0Um/' ÷ Um/sSpeed measurement unit:
Um/': Speed in Um per minute
Um/s: Speed in Um per second
Quick Manual speed UM10000 ÷ 999999Axis speed used during manual jog movements with the selector on QUICK. The value is referred to the unit of measure set.
Slow manual speed UM5000 ÷ 999999Axis speed used during manual jog movements with the selector on SLOW. The value is referred to the unit of measure set.
Accelerations1.00 ÷ 999.0Axis acceleration Ramp. It's the time it takes from the axis to accelerate from zero to the maximum speed.
Decelerations1.00 ÷ 999.0Axis deceleration Ramp. It's the time it takes from the axis to decelerate from the maximum speed to zero.
Tolerance mm00 ÷ 9999It's the counting range around the placement dimension that identifies if the placement was successfully completed.
Tolerance delays0.20 ÷ 999.0It is the delay time of the start of the activation procedure of the heads when the axis has entered the tolerance range.
Reversal Timers0.10 ÷ 999.0It is the minimum time that must elapse between two axis movements in opposite directions.
Ramps type-0Linear ÷ S typeIt is the type of ramp that uses the axis in acceleration and deceleration.

5.4 Axis Calibration

To access from the MAIN MENU page press the button

On this page you can:

N.B. : The control must be in the manual state (I2 = OFF) and with the drive enabled (I8 = ON)

Parameter nameUnit of MeasureDefault RangeDescription
Offset bit0-99999 ÷ 99999Defines the bit value of the analog output correction, to compensate the drift of the system.
Maximum speed UM20000 ÷ 999999Defines the maximum axis speed for the +/- 10Vdc analog reference.

5.4.1 Checking connections

N.B. : The value introduced on Output Voltage it's supplied without acceleration or deceleration ramps.

5.4.2 Offset calibration

5.4.3 Maximum speed calculation

The instrument is now able to calculate and display the maximum speed value to be introduced in the appropriate parameter.

N.B. : The value introduced on Output voltage it's supplied without acceleration or deceleration ramps.

5.4.4 Introduction of a value on the count

On this page, you can enter a value in the Current Position

5.5 PID Calibration

To access from the MAIN MENU page press the button

On this page you can find the values of the P.I.D. of the axis, through forward / backward movements on dimensions and with test speed.

N.B. : the control must be in the manual state (I2 = OFF) and with the drive enabled (I8 = ON)

Parameter nameUnit of MeasureDefault RangeDescription
Feed forward %100.00 ÷ 200.0It's the percentage coefficient that multiplied by the speed, generates the FF part of the control output.
Proportional Gain -00 ÷ 32767It's the coefficient that, multiplied by the following error, generates the proportional P part of the control output.
Integral time -00 ÷ 32767It's time, expressed in ms, that produces the coefficient of integrating the following error. This value generates the integral I part of the control output.
Maximum following error mm999.90 ÷ 999999Defines the maximum acceptable deviation between the theoretical position and the actual position of the axis.

5.6 Test motion

The forward and backward movements, That the axis executes during the PID calibration procedure, are necessary to vary on the fly the various coefficients to find the most suitable calibration.

Parameter nameUnit of MeasureDefault RangeDescription
Delta position mm00 ÷ 999999It's the delta of position that the axis executes during the test movements.
Set speed UM00 ÷ 999999It's the speed of movement of the axis during the test movements.
Acceleration s00 ÷ 999It's the acceleration ramp used by the axis during the test movements.
Deceleration s00 ÷ 999It's the deceleration ramp used by the axis during the test movements.

During the movements you can read in real time:

5.7 Calibration Tips

5.8 Thermoregulation Setup

To access from the MAIN MENU pages press the button

Choose the temperature controller that you want to set

Parameter nameUnit of MeasureDefault RangeDescription
Proportional Band 00 ÷ 1000Proportional Band.
Integral time s00 ÷ 9999Integral time.
Derivative time s00 ÷ 9999Derivative time.
T camp derived -00 ÷ 255Derivative sampling time
0 = PID Controller Sampling time
1 = 2 * PID Controller Sampling time
n = (n+1) * PID Controller Sampling time
Alarm tolerance°C00 ÷ 999It's the acceptable maximum deviation between the read and setpoint temperature during the adjustment.

5.8.1 Autotuning

The PID controller also includes the autotuning procedure, which allows you to automatically calculate the optimal value of the PID adjustment parameters when starting the process. It is therefore important to perform the procedure when the measured temperature is near to that of the environment (balance temperature in the absence of power). The function activates the maximum power set until the intermediate value is reached between the initial temperature and the set-point, then reset the power. The function evaluates the system response, so from the breadth of the overshoot and from the time between the zeroing of the power and the temperature peak, calculate PID parameters. After the evaluation of the response, The function disables itself and the regulator starts adjusting with the new parameters To reach the set point. How to activate the autotuning function:

  1. Disable adjustment
  2. Set the setpoint to the desired value
  3. Make sure that the temperature is near to the environment temperature
  4. Enable the autotuning function by touching the switch selector
  5. Enable adjustment
  6. Final stages of calculation

The following errors may occur during the autotuning phase:

  1. Proportional band set error
  2. Integral time set error
  3. Derivative time set error
  4. Derivative sampling time set error

5.9 Setting date and time

To access from the MAIN MENU page press the button

Inserting the correct date and time allows a better management of the alarms history.

6. Use

6.1 Manual

If the instrument is in manual state (I2 = OFF), the following page appears

The upper part shows the current WEB Position and Speed.

6.1.1 WEB axis manual movements

Press to control the forward jog of the axis.
Press to control the backward jog of the axis.
The slow setup speed for jog movements is selected.
The quick setup speed for jog movements is selected.

6.1.2 Manual Cams axis movements

Press to control the forward jog of the Axis.

6.2 Automatic - Simplified interface

If the instrument is in the automatic state (I2 = ON) and the simplified interface mode is selected, the following page appears

6.2.1 Visualization

Override Percentage of the WEB axis maximum speed used for placements during the automatic cycle.
Cams axis speed setpoint in pieces per minute. Used only if the Cams motor has been enabled in generic setup.
e Increases or decreases the speed of the Cams axis. Used only if the Cams motor has been enabled in generic setup.
Bag length in use.
Number of bags produced on the total set.
Type Type of working set.
Increase of the number of bags produced.
Decrement of the number of bags produced.
Zeroing the number of bags produced.
Move to the positioning chart page.

6.2.2 Production counter

Speed Current speed of the Cams axis in pieces per minute.
Total piece Total pieces executed from the last reset.
Time Total working time from the last reset.
Production counter reset.

6.2.3 Welders

Turning on/off the welders enabled.

To enable the single welder, Touch the corresponding gray box:

and Flows the various thermo-regulators.
Closes the pop-up setting of the temperature controller.
Enables the selected temperature controller.
Current temperature Current temperature (expressed in °C) read by thermocouple.
Temperature setpoint Temperature setpoint (expressed in °C).

6.3 Simplified interface - Working parameters

To access the working parameter section:

Work mode Type of working set:
: working to measure
: working with Photocell
: working to measure with double welding
: working with Photocell with double welding
Speed Cams axis speed Set. Used only if the Cams motor has been enabled in generic setup.
Bag length Bag length set.
Number of pieces Bags number.
Ramping quota Set of the ramping quota.
: Enabling the function
Start backward Set of backward quota at the beginning of the bag.
: enabling the function
Stop backward Set of the backward quota at the end of working.
: enabling the function
U9 Activation U9 fast output activation quota set.
: enabling the function
Distance to the sth welding Set of distance between the first and sth welding.

6.4 Automatic - Complete interface

If the instrument is in the automatic state (I2 = ON) and the complete interface mode is selected, the following page appears

6.4.1 Visualization

Bag length in use.
Cams axis speed setpoint in pieces per minute. Used only if the Cams motor has been enabled in generic setup.
and Increases or decreases the speed of the Cams axis. Used only if the Cams motor has been enabled in generic setup.
Override Percentage of the WEB axis maximum speed used for placements during the automatic cycle.
Posit Current quota of WEB axis.
Speed Currente speed of WEB axis.
Program Number and name of the currently recipe in use.
Type Type of working set.
Step Recipe step number in use.
Pieces Number of bags produced on the total set.
Photocell Range Photocell enabling window.
Increase of the number of bags produced.
Decrease of the number of bags produced.
Zeroing the number of bags produced.
Move to the positioning chart page.

6.4.2 Production counter

Speed Current speed of the Cams axis in pieces per minute.
Total pieces Total pieces executed from the last reset.
Time Total working time from the last reset.
Zeroing of the Production counter.

6.4.3 Welders

Turning on/off the enabled welders.

To enable the single welder, touch the corresponding gray box:

and Flows the various thermo-regulators.
Closes the pop-up setting of the temperature controller.
Enables the selected temperature controller.
Current temperature Current temperature (expressed in °C) read by thermocouple.
Temperature SetPoint Temperature SetPoint (expressed in °C).

6.5 Simplified interface - Working parameters

To access the working parameter section:

Working mode Type of working set:
: working to measure
: working with Photocell
: working to measure with double welding
: working with Photocell with double welding
Speed Cams axis speed set. Used only if the Cams motor has been enabled in generic setup.
Ramping quota Set of the ramping quota.
: enabling the function
Start backward Set of the backward quota at the beginning of the bag.
: enabling the function
Stop backward Set of the backward quota at the stop of the working.
: enabling the function
U9 Activating U9 fast output activation quota set.
: enabling the function
Distance sth welding Set of distance between the first and sth welding.

6.6 Recipes

The recipe section is enabled only if you have chosen the complete interface.

It is possible to access the working recipes only if a program is not running.

To access the recipe section:

To select one of the listed recipes, you must touch the corresponding line.

and To scroll through the recipe list. Each page can show 5 recipes at a time.
you can move directly to the desired page to edit on the title bar.
Executes the selected recipe.
Opens the selected recipe to edit it.

6.6.1 Editing the recipe

PROG Number of the recipe that you are modifying
NAME You can insert a name for the recipe.
The name must be at most 12 characters.
Step Step in programming.
Quota Quota that you must execute in the step you are planning.
Number of Pieces Number of repetitions of the dimension in the step you are planning.

6.6.2 Saving the recipe

The recipes section is equipped with its own menu:

The available commands are:

6.7 Accessories

The accessories section is only visible if the Cams axis encoder is enabled.

To access the accessories section:

Air blow 01 Accessory 01 : blower 1.
: enabling the accessory
Air blow 02 Accessory 02 : blower 2.
: enabling the accessory
Anti-static bars Accessory 03 : Anti static electricity bars.
: enabling the accessory
Anti jam Accessory 04 : anti jam.
: enabling the accessory
Accessory 05 Accessory 05 : available
: enabling the accessory
Accessory 06 Accessory 06 : available
: enabling the accessory
Accessory 07 Accessory 07 : available
: enabling the accessory

6.8 Photocell parameters

To access the parameter section of the Photocell:

Photocell Range Enable window, around the notch, where the photocell is enabled to capture.
Braking space Space covered from the WEB axis once the notch is captured.

6.9 Cams

The Cams section is only visible if the Cams axis encoder is enabled.

To access the Cams section:

Start WEB Enabling Cam to start WEB positioning during automatic cycle.
Cams motor stop Currently not implemented.
Air blow 01 Accessory 01 Enabling Cam : blower 1
Air blow 02 Accessory 02 Enabling Cam : blower 2
Anti-static bars Accessory 03 Enabling Cam : Bars Anti Static electricity
Anti Jam Accessory 04 Enabling Cam : anti jam
Accessory 05 Accessory 05 Enabling Cam : available
Accessory 06 Accessory 06 Enabling Cam : available
Accessory 07 Accessory 07 Enabling Cam : available
WEB jog enabling WEB axis manual motion enabling Cam.

The led indicates that the Cam is active.

7. Diagnostic

To access the diagnostics section:

From this screen you can access the various diagnostic sections:

  1. Digital input diagnostics
  2. Digital outputs diagnostics
  3. Counters diagostics
  4. Analog outputs diagostics
  5. Analog input diagnostics

7.0.1 Digital inputs diagnostics

Pressing the button for digital inputs you have access to the following screen, where the status of each input is showed.

To scroll through the various pages, use the and buttons on the top bar.

To return to the diagnostics menu press the button

7.0.2 Digital outputs diagnostics

Pressing the button for the digital outputs the following screen is accessed, where you see the status of each output in the hardware used.

To scroll through the various pages, use the and buttons on the top bar. Forcing the outputs

To access the output forcing function:

To return to the diagnostics menu press the button

7.0.3 Counters diagnostics

The following screen is accessed by pressing the Counts button.

To return to the Diagnostics menu press the button

7.0.4 Analog outputs diagnostics

By pressing the button for the analog outputs, the following screen is accessed.

The analog output is expressed in volts.

To return to the diagnostics menu press the button

7.0.5 Digital inputs diagnostics

Press the digital inputs key to access the following screen.

To return to the diagnostics menu press the button

8. Alarms

To access the Alarms section:

EMRG - emergencyThe emergency button was pressed or the auxiliary circuit was interrupted (I01 = OFF).
FOLL - following errorThe axis has detected an following error above the permitted threshold.
DATA - Axis Data ErrorOne or more axis parameters generate an error.
The parameter number is indicated in the P column
Refer to the ANPOS2 device manual.
TOLL - Axis out of toleranceThe axis has concluded a positioning out of tolerance.
FLT1 - Fault WEB driveThe WEB axis drive is in error (I08 = OFF). Check with the manual.
FLT2 - Fault Cams driveThe Cams axis drive is in error (I09 = OFF). Check with the manual.
THR1 - Thermal WEB motorIt spring the thermal protection of the WEB motor (I10 = OFF).
THR2 - Thermal Cams motorIt spring the thermal protection of the Cams motor (I11 = OFF).
BRK - Cams axis brake alarmCams axis brake problem (I12 = ON).
STB - Anti-static bar alarmAntistatic bar problem (I13 = ON).
JAM - Anti jam alarmAnti jam problem (I14 = ON).
COIL - End coil sensorEnd of coil material (I07 = OFF).

The number of active alarms is indicated on the sidebar.

Flows the active alarms upward.
Flows the active alarms downwards.
Alarm delete command.
Move to the page of the alarm history.

8.1 Alarm History

On this page you will see the history of the last 200 alarms.
For each alarm is indicated the date and time of operation.

Scrolls the historic alarms upward.
Scroll the historic alarms down.
Historical alarm delete command.
Switching to the Alarms page.

9. Factory Reset

To be able to execute this function you must have the INSTALLER level permissions :

To access the function:

Activates the data reset function to factory reset (DEFAULT).

10. System Info

To access the System Info section:

This page lists the CPU diagnostics info and other useful information to identify the instrument, the software installed and how to contact the manufacturer.

CPU firmware name Firmware versio
CPU firmware checksum Firmware checksum
CPU serial number Serial number of the CPU
CPU part number Part number of the CPU
CPU hardware release Hardware release of the CPU

11. Assistance

For supplying you fast service, at the lowest cost, we need your support.

Follow all instructions provided in the MIMAT manualIf the problem remains, fill out the “Request Form for assistance” on the page Contacts at site.
Our technicians will get elements essential for the understanding of your problem.


To provide you with an efficient service, please read and adhere to the instructions given here


It is recommended to pack the instrument with materials that are able to cushion any falls.

Use the original package: it must protect the instrument during transport.Attach:
1. A description of the anomaly;
2. A part of the electric scheme where the equipment is inserted
3. The planning of the equipment (set up, quotas of job, parameters…).
4. Request a quote for repair; if not required, the cost will be calculated in the final balance.
A full description of the problem, will help identify and resolve your problems fast. A careful packaging will avoid further inconveniences.