
MDI_P1P20F - 022 : Installation manual

1. Informations

1.1 Release

This document is valid in its entirety except for errors or omissions.

Document: mdi_p1p20f-022
Description: Installation manual p1p20f-022
Editor: Omar Sbalchiero
Approver Gabriele Bazzi
Language: English
Release document Description Note Date
01 New manual 18/09/2020

1.1.1 Specifications/Copyright

The copyright to this manual are reserved. For no reason, this document may be copied or reproduced in any form without the QEM permission.

QEM has no assurances or warranties regarding to content. Qem disclaims any responsibility relating to warranties of fitness for any particular purpose. The informations in this document are subject to change without notice. QEM not assumes responsibility for any error that may appear in this document

Trademarks :

2. Description

The P1P20F - 022 software, controls the automation of sanders/smoothing machines.

Main features

Other features

3. Main Page

3.1 Command bars and information

The bars at the top and bottom of each page provide the following information:

A Machine states
B Page name
C Additional page description
D Page number
E Watch
F Alarm on (red background)
G Warning (blue background)
Current speed of conveyor belt
N: Setting conveyor belt speed
P: Setting bridge speed
Position of the Bridge
Machined linear meters
Number of total work pieces
Number of pieces currently being processed in the machine
Last piece length in process

3.2 Machine states

Works mode
Not used

3.3 Common keys

Simbol Description

Scroll through programs
Save and exit: setup values that you set are saved to internal memory and executed
Open program
Page forward
Page backward
Exit without saving: the setup values entered are not saved and the values in the internal memory are reloaded
MENU page
SETUP page (protected with password)
Page exit

4. Main Menu

From MAIN PAGE press the key

Access to programs
Functions menu
Homing bridge
Access to setup

4.1 Password

Installer Password 462

5. First start-up

For proper start-up of the machine, it's recommended to follow the order of the activities described below

J1-P20F Controller's Preliminary Calibration

  1. HMI calibration (Touch calibration screen and setting of the language)

Machine Settings

  1. Check the correctness of the GP and MP parameters ( Generic parameters and Machine Parameters)
  2. Check the machine wiring with Diagnostics pages
  3. Check the direction of the Conveyor and tilting Bridge with the forward/backward controls from the manual page


  1. Check the Counter Direction and calibrate the Conveyor Belt Resolution
  2. Calibrate the maximum speed of the conveyor belt
  3. Calibrate the offset of the “piece presence” limit switch
  4. Heads calibrating
    1. Tool diameter
    2. Introduce distance of heads from the end of the limit switch of presence piece
    3. Calibration of dynamic corrections ascent/descent heads depending on the speed of the conveyor belt

5.1 Accessing the Setup

You can access the setup in two modes:

  1. from the MENU page press key
  2. from the MAIN PAGE press function key

Access granted only if there aren't parts in the machine

Generic parameters
Machine parameters
Load default generic parameters
Load default machine parameters
HMI Calibration
Conveyor, bridge and heads calibration

To disable the password until the next restart press , the icon must become

To return to the MENU' page, press the key

5.2 J1P20F Preliminary Settings

5.2.1 HMI Calibration

To access from the SETUP page press the key

Parameter nameDefault RangeDescription
LOGOONOFF ÷ ONOFF: logo not showed
ON: logo showed
LANGUAGEen_GB- en_GB : english
it_IT : italian
ON: enable
DATA--Insert data
TIME--Insert time
ON: enable

To calibrate the touch screen, press key

Follow the instruction.

5.3 Machine settings

5.3.1 Generic parameters

To access, from the Generic Parameters page, press the key

Previous page
Next page
GP-01-4000 P (Pulse) Encoder pulses x 4 corresponding to the space set in the Measure.
GP-02-400.0M (Measure) Space corresponding to the encoder pulses in the Pulse parameter.
- the P/M ratio must be between 0.000935 and 4.000000.
GP-03-10 ÷ 3Decimal point position on the measurement of the conveyor belt view.
0=xxxx, 1=xxx.x, 2=xx.xx,
GP-05-10 ÷ 1Position of heads with conveyor belt speeds below minimum (GP-06)
0 = remain in a low position
1 = go up
GP-06-0.10 ÷ 999999Minimun speed of the conveyor.
GP-07-0.50 ÷ 999999Delta speed beyond which the filter intervenes (GP-08).
GP-08msec500 ÷ 9999Filter value of the tape speed.
GP-09-00 ÷ 5Frequenzimeter sampling time
(used to determine the speed of the conveyor belt)
0 = 240 ms,
1 = 480 ms,
2 = 24 ms,
3 = 120 ms,
4 = 960 ms,
5 = 1920 ms
GP-10-00 ÷ 10 = Store parts when turned off
1 = Does not store parts when switched off
GP-11-00 ÷ 1Piece acquisition (In9) below the minimum speed.
0 = Enable
1 = Disable
GP-12mm10.00 ÷ 9999Space under which two nearby pieces are continuously machined
Note: The counting of pieces always counts 2 pieces.
GP-14msec10000 ÷ 9999Time T1 between starting a motor and the next
GP-15msec10000 ÷ 9999Time T2 between the start of the last motor and the activation of the end start motor output O18
GP-16-00 ÷ 1Position abrasive change.
0 = backward limit-switch
1 = forward limit-switch
GP-17-00 ÷ 1Carter Contact Activation Status.
0 = NC (Normally Closed )
1 = NO (Normally Open)
GP-18-4000 P (Pulse) Encoder Bridge Bridge encoder pulses x 4 corresponding to the space set in the Measure.
GP-19-400.0M (Measure) Encoder Bridge Bridge Space corresponding to the encoder pulses in the Pulse parameter.
- the P/M ratio must be between 0.000935 and 4.000000.
GP-20-10 ÷ 3Decimal point position on the speed Bridge view.
0=xxxx, 1=xxx.x, 2=xx.xx,
GP-21-10 ÷ 3Decimal point position on the measure Bridge view.
0=xxxx, 1=xxx.x, 2=xx.xx,
GP-22-2000-99999 ÷ 999999Maximum measure of the Bridge.
GP-23-0-99999 ÷ 999999Minimum measure of the Bridge.
GP-24-100-99999 ÷ 999999Slow-down measure of the Bridge.
GP-25-0-99999 ÷ 999999Homing measure of the Bridge.
GP-26-1.0-9999 ÷ 99999Homing Search Speed of the Bridge.
GP-27-00 ÷ 1Homing Search Direction of the Bridge.
0 = Forward;
1 = Backward.
GP-28sec0.50 ÷ 60.0T3. Time passage operation heads descent / motor start. This is the waiting time from activating I2 input, for the instrument function mode from “Head activation” to “Motor Start”.
GP-29sec0.50 ÷ 60.0T4. Transition time from motor start/head descent operation.This is the waiting time from activating I2 input, for the instrument function mode from “Motor Start” to “Head activation”.
GP-30-00 ÷ 3Unit of measure “Time to activate/deactivate Mix Output”.
0 = The tA and td deactivation time are expressed in seconds.
1 = The activation time tA is expressed in seconds, the deactivation time td is expressed in minutes.
2 = The activation time tA is expressed in minutes, the deactivation time td is expressed in seconds.
3 = The tA activation time and td deactivation time are expressed in minutes.
GP-31-0.50 ÷ 999.0Ta. Activation time Mix output. This is the time (in minutes or seconds) to activate the U19 output (mix out) to execute the mix cycle.
GP-32-0.50 ÷ 999.0Td. Dectivation time Mix output. This is the time (in minutes or seconds) to deactivate the U19 output (mix out) to execute the mix cycle.
GP-33-0-99999 ÷ 999999Increase/Decrease minimum and maximum measure of the Bridge. It is the value that is added or subtracted from the maximum and /or minimum measure of the Bridge by pressing the relative keys on the main page of the bridge view.
GP-34-30 ÷ 99Number of check for piece presence input. The instrument checks the status of the input every 3 milliseconds. this parameter indicates how many checks and how many milliseconds the input must maintain logical state so that the instrument acquires the variation.

For exit from the Generic Parameters page, press the key

On the display is showed:

Press “YES”, if you want to store the introduced parameters.
Press “NO”, if you want exit, without saving the instroduced parameters.

5.3.2 Machine parameters

To access, from the Machine Parameters page, press the key

Previous page
Next page
MP-01-11 ÷ 19Heads number.
MP-02mm00 ÷ 999999Machine length.
Note: space between the piece presence sensor and the end of the machine.
MP-03-00 ÷ 2Command/Control of the conveyor belt
- External Command/Control
- Reading the speed.
- Command
- reading the speed
- Analog output.
- Command and Control with feedback from encoder
- Reading the speed
- Analog output
- Start/Stop of the instrument
MP-04-00 ÷ 1Bridge command
0 = External control.
1 = Bridge control with minimum, maximum limit-switch and slow-down.
2 = Bridge control with encoder minimum, maximum limit-switch and slow-down.
MP-05-00 ÷ 1Motor Startup Sequence
0 = disable.
1 = enable to J1-P20. N.B. Motor start outputs are in common with head descent outputs.
2 = enabled on RMC module.
3 = enabled on RMC module. N.B. It is activated automatically at the input of the piece in the machine.
MP-08m/'5.00 ÷ 5.0Maximum speed (AO1 = 10 Volt) of the conveyor belt (MP-03 > 0) (see “Maximum speed settings).
MP-09m/'3.00 ÷ 5.0Speed in automatic of the conveyor belt
(MP-03 > 0)
MP-10m/'1.00 ÷ 5.0Jog speed of the conveyor belt
(MP-03 > 0).
MP-11-00 ÷ 1Starting condition of the bridge in automatic mode (MP-04 = 1).
0 = Start with conveyor belt
1 = Start when a piece enter
MP-12s1.0000 ÷ 999.0Delay time between the conveyor belt start and bridge start (MP-05 = 1).
MP-13%5.00 ÷ 100.0% maximum speed of the bridge in automatic mode.
MP-14%5.00 ÷ 100.0Slow speed of the bridge in automatic mode (MP-04 = 1)
MP-15%50.00 ÷ 100.0Jog Speed of the bridge (MP-04 = 1).
MP-16s2.0000 ÷ 999.0Bridge stop time on the maximum and minimum limit-switches (MP-04 = 1).
MP-17-00 ÷ 1Direction of the pieces input.
0 = right
1 = left

For exit from the Machine Parameters press the key

On the display is showed:

Press “YES”, if you want to store the introduced parameters.
Press “NO”, if you want exit, without saving the introduced parameters.

5.3.3 Default parameters

To access to the “load default parameters” page, from the SETUP page:

Press “YES”, if you want “load” the default generic parameters.
Press “NO”, if you want exit, without saving “load” the default generic parameters.

5.4 Calibrations

To access at the Calibration page, from the SETUP page press the key

Access is only allowed if input I5 = OFF

Conveyor calibration
Offset calibration of the piece presence sensor
Set Heads parameters
Calibration of dynamic corrections of ascent/descent heads
Bridge calibration

To return to the setup page press the key

5.4.1 Conveyor calibration

To access on the conveyor calibration, press the key

The following page appears



For exit from the Conveyor calibration page press the key

5.4.2 Bridge calibration

To access on the calibration of the Bridge, press the key

The following page appears



For exit from the Bridge calibration page press the key

5.4.3 Offset calibration of the pieces presence sensor

Offset calibration is used to calculate the difference between the activation point and the deactivation point of the limit-switch piece presence.

To access on the offset calibration page, press the key

The following page appears:

  1. Measure the length of a piece;
  2. Enter the length in the Real length parameter;
  3. Start the conveyor (the instrument will read the length of the piece, using the sensor);
  4. The instrument will show the length value of the piece on the Measur. length value;
  5. Press the key and the instrument will calculate the offset value of the limit-switch

5.4.4 Set Heads parameters

To access on the Set Heads parameters page, press the key

The following page appears


With the MP-16 parameter = direction of the pieces input, you choose (graphically) the direction of entry of the workpieces.

- -

Tap the touch to select the group of heads

Parameter nameUnit of measureDefault RangeDescription
Type--0 ÷ 5How the head works.
0: disable
1: sander
2: milling
3: grinding
4: brushing
5: jet air/water
Wheelbasemm-0 ÷ 99999.0Space between the piece presence limit-switch and the center of the head.
Diametermm-0 ÷ 99999.0Tool diameter.

For exit from the Set Heads parameters press the key

5.4.5 Calibration of dynamic corrections ascent/descent heads

With this calibration, the heads will be turned on/off in the right place, even if the speed of the conveyor belt is varied.
Note: turn off the motor start by putting OFF the motor rotation start button.

To enter from the MAIN MENU press the key

Press the key to stop the motors

For return on the MAIN MENUpage, press the key

To enter, from the CALIBRATION page, press the key

Copy the value to all other heads

Tap the touch to select the group of heads

ParameterU.M.Def. RangeDescription
CORR. VELm/'3.00 ÷ 5.0Reference speed of the dynamic calibration
Downlag mm--999.0 ÷ 999.0 ( + ) Delay space of the descent of the head from the begin piece
Risesdvmm--999.0 ÷ 999.0 ( + ) Advance space of the ascent of the head from the end piece

To smooth all the piece: Downlag = 10, Risesdv = - 30

For exit from the Calibration of dynamic corrections press the key

6. Diagnostic

To access on the diagnostic, from the MENU page, press the key

From this page you can access the various diagnostic sections:

Digital inputs
Digital outputs
Analog Inputs/Output
Can informations
System informations

To return on the MENU' page, press the key

6.1 Digital inputs

To access the diagnostics page of the Digital Inputs, press the key

To return on the DIAGNOSTIC menu, press the key

6.2 Digital outputs

To access the diagnostics page of the Digital Outputs page, press the page

To return on the DIAGNOSTIC menu, press the key

6.3 Counters

To access the diagnostics page of the Conters page, press the key

To return on the DIAGNOSTIC menu, press the key

6.4 Analog outputs

To access the diagnostics page of the Analog outputs, press the key

The analog output is showed in Volts.

To return on the DIAGNOSTIC menu, press the key

6.5 CAN Informations

To access the diagnostics page of the CanOpen Connection, press the key

To return on the DIAGNOSTIC menu, press the key

6.6 System informations

To access the diagnostics page of the “System informations”, press the key

Fw name firmware and checksum
Aux fw firmware of the I/O module
Task timeCPU cycle time : Minimum, Middle, Maximum
CPU time CPU time in the Run state (hh:mm)
Touch screenTest touch

To return on the DIAGNOSTIC menu, press the key

7. Warning messages

Message Description
Too many pieces in the car There are more than 30 pieces in the car
Auxiliary Activation Wait… Waiting auxiliary enablement (with MP-08 enable) (I4 = ON)
Abrasive change quota positioning… The bridge is controlled in the abrasive change position
Auxiliaries disabled Auxiliaries disabled (I4 = OFF)
Attention!!! Motors off. Attempting to Start tape with engines off

8. Alarms

To access, from the MAIN MENU, press the key

Press the key for cancel the alarm

Emergency pressedCheck the emergency lineI01
Inverter FaultCheck the inverterI12
Encoder belt FaultCheck the conveyor belt encoder (Enable only with MP-03 > 2).
Thermal protectionsCheck thermal protectionsI06
CarterCheck perimeter protectionsI07
No airCheck your pressure switchI08

The “Fault encoder belt” message is automatically generated, if within 5 seconds there is no space greater than 2 units of measurement,
the message is generated if the instrument detects a speed of less than 60mm per minute

8.1 History alarms

To access, from the ALARMSpage, press the key

After removing the causes of the alarm, press (x 3 sec.) the key for cancel

Maximum 60 alarms.

9. Various

9.1 Motor Start sequence

The motor start sequence can be executed in 3 modes (parameter MP-05)

1 = enable on J1-P20. N.B.Motor start outputs are in common with head descent outputs.
2 = enable on the RMC module.
3 = enable on the RMC module. N.B. It is activated automatically at the entrance of the piece in the machine.

9.1.1 Start motors on J1-P20F (MP-05=1)

The motor start sequence uses the same outputs used for the head descent.

Input I2 determines whether the outputs are used for the descent control of the Heads or if they are used for starting motors.
Input I3 starts the motor sequence.

Below is the diagram of how the motor start sequence works with the MP-05 = 1 parameter.


  1. The input I2 is activated and then the instrument changes the mode of operation from activating motor start heads. All head-related outputs (O1÷O16) are disabled.
  2. After the t3 time (time passage operation heads descent / motors start) the instrument activate the O17 output and enable the start motors operation.
  3. When activating the I3 input you have the beginning of the procedure of cascading motors and you activate the output relative to the first set-up-enabled head in ascending order.
  4. After the t1 time (time interval motors start) you have the output activation for the next head enabled in set-up.
  5. In the event that a start motor command is activated again (I3) is not processed. A new start command will only be processed in case the instrument first goes into operation activation heads (O17 = OFF) and then come back in start motors operation mode (O17 = ON).
  6. The output of the last enabled head is activated and the start motors procedure is completed.
  7. The O18 output is activated after the t2 time (The time between the start-up of the last motor and the activation of the end-of-motor output O18).
  8. Turn off the I2 input and the instrument changes the way of operation from starting motors to head starting. All head-related outputs (O1÷O16) and the O18 outputs are deactivated.
  9. After the t4 time (start-activation step time) the instrument turns off the O17 output and enables the heads activation operation mode.

9.1.2 Motors Start on RMC Module (MP-05=2)

The motor start sequence uses the outputs in the RMC module.

I2 input has no operation.
Input I3 starts the motor start sequence.

Below is the diagram of how the motor start sequence works with the MP-05=2.


  1. When activating the I3 input you have the beginning of the procedure of cascading motors 3. and you activate the output relative to the first set-up-enabled head in ascending order.
  2. After the t1 time (time interval motors start) you have the output activation for the next head enabled in set-up.
  3. In the event that a start motor command is activated again (I3) 5. is not processed.
  4. The output of the last enabled head is activated and the start motors procedure is completed.
  5. The O18 output is activated after the t2 time (The time between the start-up of the last motor and the activation of the end-of-motor output O18).

9.1.3 motors Start on RMC Module (MP-05=3)

The motor start sequence uses the outputs in the RMC module.

I2 input has no operation.
Input I3 starts the motor start sequence.

The “motor start” sequence is started automatically as soon as the first piece “enters” the machine. N.B. When the last worked piece “comes out” of the machine, the motor start outputs are deactivated.

Below is the diagram of how the motor start sequence works with the MP-05=3.


  1. When activating the I9 3. input you have the beginning of the procedure of cascading motors and you activate the output relative to the first set-up-enabled head in ascending order.
  2. After the t1 time (4. time interval motors start) you have the output activation for the next head enabled in set-up.
  3. The output of the last enabled head is activated and the start motors procedure is completed.
  4. The O18 output is activated after the t2 time (The time between the start-up of the last motor and the activation of the end-of-motor output O18).

10. Assistance

For supplying you fast service, at the lowest cost, we need your support.

Follow all instructions provided in the MIMAT manualIf the problem remains, fill out the “Request Form for assistance” on the page Contacts at site.
Our technicians will get elements essential for the understanding of your problem.


To provide you with an efficient service, please read and adhere to the instructions given here


It is recommended to pack the instrument with materials that are able to cushion any falls.

Use the original package: it must protect the instrument during transport.Attach:
1. A description of the anomaly;
2. A part of the electric scheme where the equipment is inserted
3. The planning of the equipment (set up, quotas of job, parameters…).
4. Request a quote for repair; if not required, the cost will be calculated in the final balance.
A full description of the problem, will help identify and resolve your problems fast. A careful packaging will avoid further inconveniences.