
MDO_P1R44F-009 : Operator Manual

1. Informations

1.1 Release

Document: mdo_p1r44f-009
Description: Operator manual p1r44f-009
Editor: Andrea Zarantonello
Approver Giuliano Tognon
Language: English
Document release Description Notes Date
01 New manual 30/11/2022


The copyrights of this manual are reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form without the prior written authorization of QEM.

QEM does not present any assurances or guarantees on the contents and specifically disclaims any responsibility concerning the guarantees of suitability for any particular purpose. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. QEM assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.



The application P1R44F - 009 , installed in the hardware Qmove C1-R41-FC30, Qpanel A1-HMI-QC104 and RMC-3M remote I / O modules, is designed to control a polishing machine for marble slabs with mobile bridge. Below there are the main features of the P1R44F - 009 software.

Features implemented in the current proposal


Machine view from above:

n: Description:
1 Raw slab
2 Belt Encoder
3 Limit sensor bar
4 Center of the sensors / centre of the bridge axis travel
5 Bridge
6 Polishing heads
7 Belt direction
8 Orthogonal Offset

Conventions adopted

The conventions adopted for the entire operator interface are:

In the rest of the document, the touch areas of the touch screen will be referred to as “keys”.

Function keys

Key Led Function
ON = automatic cycle running-
ON = conveyor belt enabled for movement-
ON = stop request active-
ON = conveyor belt on negative quotas-
ON BLINKING = preset not executed Preset start (long press)
ON BLINKING = active alarms

Common bar







Bridge preset status.

Symbol Meaning (these symbols appear on all operating pages)
Preset (homing) not executed.
Search for the preset sensor (homing) in progress.
Preset (homing) executed.
Flashing when at least one alarm is active.
Appears to the left of the preset symbols.

It is the first page displayed at power on. Report the software code to communicate to the supplier in case of assistance request.

After 3 seconds the main page will be automatically displayed.

Main page

The following page allows you to have a general view of the operation machine.





The page is divided into:

AWarning message display panel.
BDisplay of bridge and conveyor belt speeds.
CCycle status display panel:
no message , manual status, automatic ON status.
STOP , automatic OFF status, flashing during prestart.
STAND-BY, stand-by input during automatic ON status.
SIMULATION, simulation option active.
DDisplay panel of the activated options. Touching this area move to the options selection page.
EKey panel for accessing other pages and actions. In detail:

Access to the alarm page.
Access to the settings menu.
Access the bridge configuration page.
Access to the engine test page.
Access to the belt speed setting page
Access to enable/disable heads page
Forcing the movement of the conveyor belt and the conveyor rollers (only in manual mode).


Warnings displayed in Main page are:

BRIDGE: LS FORWARD! the bridge is on the forward limit switch
BRIDGE: LS BACKWARD! the bridge is on the backward limit switch
ABRASIVE CONSUMED! consumed abrasive, it must be replaced
LINE TOO FAST! belt too fast
PRESET BRIDGE NOT OK! bridge homing not performed
SELECT MANUAL command not possible in Automatic, select manual


This page displays all the options that can be set for machine operation.
It is possible to activate or deactivate the options simply by tapping on the relevant box.

Enable Partial Lift It allows the head to be stopped after a certain time the ascent has been activated, in order to remain always low and ready for use.
These times can be set for each head in the area reserved for the installer.
Enable Edges Revising It manages the travel of the bridge by performing an additional pass on the edge.
The size of the edge can be set on the page relating to the bridge.
Enable Separation It allows you to separate the incoming slabs, stopping the relative roller conveyor, through two special sensors.
Enable Brush Enables the up and down of the brush when there is a slab under it.
For correct operation, it is essential to set the distance between the brush and the sensor bar on the page relating to center distances (interaxes).
Enable Abrasive Ctrl It allows you to display a warning message in relation to a special digital input that represents the state of abrasive consumed.
Enable Lubrication Activates the lubrication cycle through the appropriate digital output.
The ON and OFF lubrication times can be set in the area reserved for the installer (generic parameters).
Enable Previous Machine Allows you to activate a specific digital output to give consent to any previous machine.
Enable Simulation Enable / disable the bridge movement, without polishing


With the key it is possible to delete the messages present and then restore operation of the machine after a few seconds of waiting.
If some alarm causes are still present, the alarm messages will reappear.
If no active alarm is found, return to the main page after 2 seconds.

Message Cause Solution
Air pressure Input from pressure switch (I05) deactivated or insufficient air pressure Check pressure switch or connections
Thermal overload Input (I01) from one of the thermal switches off Check switches and wiring
Bridge inverter fault Bridge inverter malfunction (I02 Off) Check inverter or wiring
Belt inverter fault Conveyor belt inverter Malfunction (I03 Off) Check Inverter or Wiring
Roller inverter fault Roller conveyor inverter malfunction (I04 Off) Check inverter or wiring
Emergency button pressed Emergency button (I13) pressed Unlock button or check wiring
CANBUS communication error (RMC3M-DD) Error in communication with node 1 of the CANOPEN network. Node 1 is represented by the RMC3M-DD I / O module which manages the outputs relating to the heads. Remove and restore power to the system. If this is not enough, check the bus wiring.
CANBUS communication error (RMC3M-D5) Error in communicating with node 2 of the CANOPEN network. Node 2 is represented by the RMC3M-D5 I / O module which manages the acquisition of the piece through the sensor bar. Remove and restore power to the system. If this is not enough, check the bus wiring.
One of Interaxes exceded maximum lenght The center distance of a head is too large for the set horizontal step
Control active only with automatic cycle in progress
Check the center distances (interaxes)
Increase the horizontal step (SETUP)
Break encoder BRIDGE The encoder pulses of the bridge axis do not reach the instrument,
following error
- encoder,
- axis movement,
- wiring
Water pressure Input from pressure switch (I06) off or water pressure insufficient Check pressure switch or connections

From this page you can access to:

Horizontal correction of the heads.
Orthogonal correction of the heads.
Setting of the center distances of the heads.
Access to confidential data.
See specific manual.
Access to the diagnostics pages.
Reset of the memorized pieces.

Horizontal correction

Look image general view machine

Parameter Unit of measure Range Description
Head correction
(on the left)
mm -9999.9 ÷ 9999.9 Early (positive value) or delay (negative value) space compared to the start of the piece, use it to anticipate / postpone the activation of the head.
Tail correction
(on the right)
mm -9999.9 ÷ 9999.9 Early (positive value) or delay (negative value) space compared to the end of the piece, use it to anticipate / postpone the deactivation of the head.
Bridge speed m / ' 0 ÷ 999.9 Actual speed of the bridge
Reference speed m / ' 0 ÷ 999.9 Speed of the bridge which the correction values refer.
As the speed changes, the correction values vary proportionally.
With value = 0 the correction values remain constant at any speed.

Look in the start up manual how to best perform the procedures.

The button open the page “Offset tools”:

In this page is possible to set a horizontal offset for every single head.
The button =0 reset all the offset values
The button “progression” associate to every head the value “progression of” + offset of the head before.

Orthogonal correction

Look image general view machine

Parameter Unit of measure Range Description
Correction IN
mm -9999.9 ÷ 9999.9 Early (positive value) or delay (negative value) compared to the leading edge of the piece, with which to anticipate / postpone the activation of the head.
Correction OUT
mm -9999.9 ÷ 9999.9 Advance space (negative value) or delay (positive value) compared to the outgoing edge of the piece, with which to anticipate / postpone the deactivation of the head.
Bridge speed m / ' 0 ÷ 999.9 Actual speed of the bridge
Reference speed m / ' 0 ÷ 999.9 Speed to which the correction values refer.
As the speed changes, the correction values vary proportionally.
With value = 0 the correction values remain constant at any speed.

Look in the commissioning manual how to best perform the procedures.


In these 2 pages it is possible to set, for each head and for the scrubbing brush, the offset (mm) compared to the acquisition sensor bar.

General diagnostics

The page is divided into:

Conveyor belt (line), bridge and last piece measured display area.
Area related to the CPU of the C1R44 control.
In detail:
  • Fw name : firmware present in the instrument and relative checksum;
  • Task time : average CPU cycle time with indications on Maximum and Minimum Scan Time;
  • Area compare time : average time the memorized zone of the status of the sensor bar is analyzed to decide whether a head must be at rest or at work;
  • CPU time : total time since the CPU is in RUN state (hh: mm).
Area relating to the status of the sensors on the bar and in the memory under each head.
In the lower part the current status of what is present under the sensor bar is displayed.
In the upper part it is possible to set the number of the head and view it the status and what the sensors detect in the vicinity of that specific head.
Area relating to the status of the communication network between CANBUS instruments.
In detail:
  • ERR FLAGS : error code represented as a series of bits;
  • BUS LOAD : network traffic load as a percentage;
  • MAX BUS LOAD : maximum percentage of traffic detected on the bus;
  • MAX RX ERR : maximum number of errors in reception;
  • MAX TX ERR : maximum number of errors in transmission.

Digital inputs diagnostics

This page displays the status of each digital input, relative to each electronic component.

Connector PIN ID Description

CN 7
2 I01 Thermal heads (NC)
3 I02 Fault Bridge (NC)
4 I03 Fault Belt (NO)
5 I04 Fault Roller conveyors (NO)
6 I05 Air Pressure (NC)
7 I06 Water Pressure (NC)
8 I07 Limit switch forward Bridge (NC)
9 I08 Limit switch backward Bridge (NC)

CN 6
2 I09 Zero bridge sensor (NO)
3 I10 Slab presence sensor at the end of the roller conveyor (NO)
4 I11 Slab presence sensor at the start of the belt (NO)
5 I12 Consumed Abrasive Sensor (NO)
6 i13 Emergency (NC)

CN 11 / IQ023
5 i18 Jog Forward Bridge (NO)
6 I19 Jog Backward Bridge (NW)
7 I20 START button (NO)
8 I21 STOP button (NO)
9 I22 Abrasive change button (NO)
10 I23 MAN / AUTO selector
11 I24 STAND-BY input (NO)

3 I18 Jog Forward Bridge (NO)
4 I19 Jog Backward Bridge (NW)
5 I20 START button (NO)
6 I21 STOP button (NO)
7 I22 Abrasive change button (NO)
8 I23 MAN / AUTO selector
9 I24 STAND-BY input (NO)
SLOTS 3/4/5/6 I33 ÷ I96 Barrier sensors 1 ÷ 64
Logic settable by software

Digital output diagnostics

This page displays the status of each digital output, relative to each electronic component.

Connector PIN ID Description

CN 9
2 O01 Enabling Bridge
3 O02 Belt running
4 O03 Roller Conveyor running
5 O04 Ascent / Descent Brush
7 O05 Enabling Previous Machine Run
8 O06 Lubrication
9 O07 Stop Belt
10 O08 Alarm status (0 = alarm, 1 = ok)

CN 15
3 O18 ALARM lamp
5 O19 PRE-START lamp
6 O20 RUN lamp
CN 8 2 O17 AUTOMATIC ON lamp
3 O18 ALARM lamp

SLOTS 3/4/5/6/7
O25, O26, O27 HEAD 1: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O28, O29, O30 HEAD 2: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O31, O32, O33 HEAD 3: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O34, O35, O36 HEAD 4: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O37, O38, O39 HEAD 5: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O40, O41, O42 HEAD 6: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O43, O44, O45 HEAD 7: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O46, O47, O48 HEAD 8: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O49, O50, O51 HEAD 9: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O52, O53, O54 HEAD 10: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O55, O56, O57 HEAD 11: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O58, O59, O60 HEAD 12: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O61, O62, O63 HEAD 13: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O64, O65, O66 HEAD 14: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O67, O68, O69 HEAD 15: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O70, O71, O72 HEAD 16: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O73, O74, O75 HEAD 17: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O76, O77, O78 HEAD 18: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O79, O80, O81 HEAD 19: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O82, O83, O84 HEAD 20: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O85, O86, O87 HEAD 21: Starting, Ascent, Descent
O88, O89, O90 HEAD 22: Starting, Ascent, Descent
CN 8 4÷10 O25÷O40 HEADS 1÷6: Starting
CN 25 2÷10 O43÷O64 HEADS 7÷14: Starting
CN 20 2÷10 O67÷O88 HEADS 15÷22: Starting

Reset pieces

Pressing RESET, the slabs will be deleted from memory


This page has the function of displaying and setting the main variables relating to the operation of the bridge.

On the left side are displayed generic data of interest of the bridge:

POSITION Current position of the bridge [mm].
SPEED Current speed of the bridge [m / min].
MINIMUM Minimum position reachable from the bridge [mm].
MAXIMUM Maximum position reachable from the bridge [mm].

On the right side are displayed data regarding the positioning of the bridge.
In turn there is a subdivision relating to the method applied to the bridge positions: set (FIXED QUOTAS) or self-learned (LEARNED QUOTAS).

and Behavior of the bridge when there is no piece in the machine.
The first button maintains the set positions, the second move and maintain the bridge on a central level.
BACKWARD Settable value, representing the minor point of the travel of the bridge [mm].
FORWARD Settable value, representing the greatest point of the travel of the bridge [mm].
EDGE Settable size of the piece edge [mm], used when the edges revising option is active. See on Options.


, and Behavior of the bridge when there is no piece in the machine.
The first button keeps the set positions, the second keeps the last learned positions, the third moves and keeps the bridge on a central level.
BACKWARD Self-learned and non-modifiable quota representing the calculated minor point of the pieces position present in the machine [mm].
?? OFFSET ?? Settable offset for the correction of the BACKWARD travel of the bridge, negative to increase the travel, positive to reduce it.
FORWARD Self-learned and non-modifiable quota representing the calculated highest point of the pieces position present in the machine [mm].
?? OFFSET ?? Settable offset for the correction of the FORWARD travel of the bridge, positive to increase the travel, negative to reduce it.
EDGE Settable size of the piece edge [mm], used when the edges revising option is active. See on Options.

The lower part displays the speeds relating to the positioning of the bridge:

Automatic speed Processing speed expressed as a percentage of the maximum.
Stop speed Positioning speed at the end of the cycle expressed as a percentage of the maximum.
Jog speed Speed relative to manual movements expressed as a percentage of the maximum.

With the cycle stopped, by pressing the key the preset (homing) procedure is performed.
It is however possible to execute this function on each page of the application by holding down the function key .


In this page it is possible to force the activation outputs of the head's motors, the descent and ascent of the heads. It required to be in manual mode.
To do this, press on the key with the number of the head you want to activate. The led indicates the status. If


In this page it is possible to set the speed of the conveyor belt. Max and min values are setted in generic parameters (PG 36 PG 37). If the machine is in MANUAL state:
press button to activate O3: ROLLERS RUN,
press button to activate O2 “BELT RUN”

Enable/Disable Tools

In this page it's possible to enable or disable the tools.
Led on (yellow) = tool enabled
Led off(grey) = tool disabled


1 Turn the selector to MANUAL.
2 Check that there are no active alarms.
Resolve the alarm conditions.
3 Launch the preset (homing) procedure
Once the bridge reaches the zero sensor, any preset messages must disappear.
4 Make sure there are no pieces in the machine, otherwise discharge it and reset the pieces using the appropriate page.
It is however possible to start with some pieces already stored in the machine in the previous start-up.
5 Set the FORWARD and BACKWARD quotas on the page relating to the bridge.
If self-learning is active, set both positions to a central value in relation to the first piece in input.
1 Turn the selector to AUTOMATIC.
2 Press the START button.
after a prestart time, dedicated to the sequential activation of the heads, the automatic cycle begins.
3 It is possible to stop the cycle using the ABRASIVE CHANGE button.
The bridge will end its run by moving to the quota set for the abrasive change.
4 By pressing the STOP button: the bridge will end its run, the belt will stopped, the heads go OFF and high position, the bridge moves towards the position setted in PG13.
Press START to start again.
5 It is possible to stop the belt and the heads, but not the bridge, activating the STAND-BY input.
6 By pressing the emergency, the cycle stops and an alarm condition is generated. The belt is stopped, the heads go OFF and high position, the bridge stops.
When the cycle resumes, the work resumes as it was interrupted.
7 It is possible to interrupt the cycle instantly by turning the selector to MANUAL(0). The belt is stopped, the heads go OFF and high position, the bridge stops.
When the cycle resumes, after the heads have been activated, work resumes as it was interrupted.
8 It is possible to avoid the working of the pieces on the belt, through 2 possible operations:
Enable the SIMULATION option
Delete from the memory the data acquired in the RESET PIECES page.
9 It is possible to: activate options, modify corrections and dimensions related to the bridge, change the speed of the bridge.


The Stand-by input sets the “belt forward” output to OFF and deactivates the heads, positioning them high. The stand-by status ends by disabling its input.
During the stand-by status the “belt stop” output is not activated, it is only used in the cycle stop procedure or in the abrasive change procedure.


Request for assistance

In order to be able to provide you a quick service, at the minimum cost, we need your help.

Follow all the instructions provided in the manual MIMAT If the problem persists, fill in the “Assistance request form” on the page Contacts of the site
Our technicians will obtain essential elements for understanding your problem.


In order to provide you with an efficient service, please read and follow the instructions here reported


It is recommended to pack the instrument with materials that can absorb any falls.

Use the original packaging: it must protect the instrument during transport. Attach:
1. A description of the anomaly;
2. Part of the wiring diagram where the instrument is inserted
3. Programming the instrument ( set up, work quotas, parameters …).
A thorough description of the problem will allow us to quickly identify and resolve your problem.
Careful packaging will avoid further inconveniences.