
This is an old revision of the document!


Name ModbusSlave
Version 1
Major release 0
Minor release 3
Title Unit for implement a Modbus® slave (or server) communication with extended addressing.


The unit implement a complete data exchange of a Modbus slave (or server) communication line. The main features are:

  • Usable with serial communication line (slave) or with TCP/IP protocol (server).
  • Management of an extended address space (extended than the internal Modbus device space). Addressing of max 256 Inputs registers and 256 Holding registers.
  • Writing detect on the holding registers with the differentiation if the value is same or different.
  • Internal state machine to clearly identify the operating status of the unit.
  • Message counters (processed successfully and error message).
  • Possibility of closing the communication channel to free the communication port.


The large circles represent stable states. They are:

STOPPED: state where the unit does not perform any activity. It is also the initial state.

READY: state of full activity

ABORT: there is a serious error, the unit switches to the safe state and waits for a stop command. AbortCode provides an identification code of the reason that set that state.

The rectangles indicate transient states:

STARTING: state in which the unit checks all the settings data and if the values are within the limits opens the communication channel.

STOPPING: nothing do in this implementation.

ABORTING: nothing do in this implementation.

Baloons are commands that can be sent to change the state:

Prepare, commands the unit to switch into ready state. Prior to this command must be configured all the communication parameters.

Stop, commands the unit to switch into STOPPED state. The communication channel is closed if it was open.


The unit operation is represented by the following blocks:

Configuration parameter are the parameters required to open the communication channel.

State machine is the state machine described in the previous chapter.

Statistic parameter values are useful to generate a statistic of operation.

Then there are three arrays, one to hold the values of InputRegisters, one for HoldingRegisters and one for detect if a HoldingRegister was written.


Below is a table with an explanation of the public symbols.

Name Type Size Access Type Description
State GLOBAL B OUT Actual state. The values can be STOPPED (0), STARTING (1), READY (2), ABORTING (3), ABORTED (4), STOPPING (5)
Prepare GLOBAL F IN Command to set STARTING state.
Stop GLOBAL F INOUT Command to set STOPPING state.
AbortCode GLOBAL B INOUT Indicates a code that helps to understand the cause of the passage of state machine in ABORTED. Value could be: ABORT_NONE (0) no error, ABORT_SLAVEID (1) Wrong value of slave id, ABORT_PROTOCOL (2) Wrong value of protocol, ABORT_BRATE (3) wrong value brate, ABORT_STOPB (4) wrong value stopb, ABORT_PARITY (5) wrong parity value, ABORT_NOTOPEN (6) the MODBUS device was unable to open the communication port, ABORT_NOTCLOSE (7) The device failed to close MODBUS communication port
HoldingRegUpdateLock GLOBAL F INOUT This flag is set by the unit each time there is a write message, and then the HoldingRegisters array is updated. This flag MUST be set to zero by the QCL after using the new data received. If this flag is not clear the unit is no longer able to decode modbus messages.
InputRegUpdateLock GLOBAL F INOUT This flag must be used only if you want to archive atomicity in InputRegister data update. In this case, you must set this flag before updating the data Inputegister and put it back to zero at the end. If you not need atomicity leave this zero.
ErrorCode GLOBAL B INOUT Indicates an error code protocol. Value could be: ERR_NONE (0), ERR_UNSUPP_TYPE (1) error: unsupported type messages, ERR_START_ADDR (2) error: start address is out of address space, ERR_END_ADDR (3) error: end address is out of address space, ERR_INVALID_ADDR (4) error: invalid address, ERR_INVALID_NUM (5) error: invalid register number. This code indicates the last error code occurred. It must be reset from the QCL.
Protocol GLOBAL B INOUT Modbus protocol selection (ASCII (0), RTU (1) or TCPIP (2))
SlaveId GLOBAL B INOUT Modbus slave id (1 ÷ 127). Used only with Protocol = ASCII or RTU.
Brate GLOBAL L INOUT Serial brate. (4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200).Used only with Protocol = ASCII or RTU.
StopB GLOBAL B INOUT Stop bits (0,1,2). Used only with Protocol = ASCII or RTU.
Parity GLOBAL B INOUT PARITY_NONE (0), PARITY_ODD (1), PARITY_EVEN (2). Used only with Protocol = ASCII or RTU.
ReplyDelay GLOBAL W INOUT slave reply delay (ms). If the master does not require delays this parameter be left at zero.
TcpIpPort GLOBAL W INOUT TCPIP communication port. Used only with Protocol = TCPIP, defines the communication port for messages. If this parameter is left to zero, the unit uses the default value of the Modbus protocol (502).
StatisticCommOk GLOBAL L INOUT Indicate the total amounth of right message
StatisticCommKo GLOBAL L INOUT Indicate the total amounth of error message
InputRegisters ARRGBL W INOUT Array of 256 items for InputRegisters value
HoldingRegisters ARRGBL W INOUT Array of 256 items for HoldingRegisters value
HoldingRegWrNotify ARRGBL B INOUT Array of 256 elements for notify write into registers. Value 1 is for write access with the same value, 2 is for a new value


If Qmove product is equipped with a network adapter, you could use the MODBUS device and then this QCL Feature with a TCPIP communication channel. This Modbus TCP/IP communication acts as a TCPIP server listening on TcpIpPort port. Modbus communication could coexist with PROG AND USER port over ethernet (in other words you can simultaneously have Modbus TCP/IP, debug your application with QView and a Qem HMI, all over ethernet) . To enable communication via TCPIP is necessary to:

  • Enter n°43 as a communication channel in MODBUS device declaration.
  • The Protocol parameter must be set to the value TCPIP (2).
  • You must program TcpIpPort only if necesary instead of slaveId, Brate, StopB, Parity.

IP address is the same of network adapter. Check you product documentation for how to chaneg it. In general you can change Qmove product IP address in many ways:

  • Using QConfigurator-1 utility (via PROG serial cable)
  • Using QConfigurator-2 utility (via ethernet cable)
  • Using system function if qmove product has a display


These are the steps to get a simple working example of a serial communication:

  1. Create a new project with QView-6
  2. Add a unit type configuration. Edit BUS section according with your product name. In the section INTDEVICE insert the declaration of a device MOSBUS:
    UserPort  MODBUS 0008  1

    Pay attention to the last field number of the declaration (1) that is used to select the communication port. Usually it is zero for PROG port, one for USER port, two for aux1, tree for aux2 port. Check hardware manual for assurance.

  3. In the REFERENCES section (always in the unit configuration) add the following code:
    MDBSLAV1.modbus = UserPort 
  4. Add a unit QCL with a name (for example, INIT).
  5. Add to the project the QCL Feature unit ModbusSalve10 and name MDBSLAV1
  6. Edit the INIT unit and add the following code:
        ; general
        TRUE                        1
        FALSE                       0
    ; main entry point
        WHILE TRUE
            WAIT 1
    ;   Task initialization
        WAIT MDBSLAV1.State EQ MDBSLAV1.STOPPED         ; wait for stopeed state
        MDBSLAV1.Protocol = MDBSLAV1.RTU
        MDBSLAV1.SlaveId = 5
        MDBSLAV1.Brate = 57600
        MDBSLAV1.StopB = 1
        MDBSLAV1.Parity = 0
        MDBSLAV1.Prepare = 1			    ; command prepare state
        WAIT MDBSLAV1.State EQ MDBSLAV1.READY           ; wait for ready state
    ;   Task execution
        IF MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegUpdateLock EQ TRUE
            IF MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegWrNotify[1] EQ 2
                ; place here your specific  code to elaborate Holding register nr 1 change
                MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegWrNotify[1] = 0
            MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegUpdateLock = FALSE 
        MDBSLAV1.InputRegisters[1] = MDBSLAV1.InputRegisters[1] + 1

These are the steps to get a simple working example of a communication TCPIP:

  1. Create a new project with QView-6
  2. Add a unit type configuration. Edit BUS section according with your product name and firmware version. In the section INTDEVICE insert the declaration of a device MOSBUS:
    UserPort  MODBUS 0008  43

    Pay attention to the last field (43) that is used to select the correct socket communication. It is always 43.

  3. In the REFERENCES section (always the unit configuration) add the following code:
    MDBSLAV1.modbus = UserPort 
  4. Add a unit QCL with a name (for example, INIT).
  5. Add to the project the QCL Feature unit ModbusSalve10 and name MDBSLAV1
  6. Edit the INIT unit and add the following code:
    	; general
    	TRUE						1
    	FALSE						0
    ; main entry point
    		WAIT 1
    ;	Task initialization
    	WAIT MDBSLAV1.State EQ MDBSLAV1.STOPPED			; wait for stopeed state
    	MDBSLAV1.SlaveId = 1
    	MDBSLAV1.Prepare = 1					; command prepare state
    	WAIT MDBSLAV1.State EQ MDBSLAV1.READY			; wait for ready state
    ;	Task execution
        IF MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegUpdateLock EQ TRUE
        	IF MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegWrNotify[1] EQ 2
    	    ; place here your specific  code to elaborate Holding register nr 1 change
        	    MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegWrNotify[1] = 0
        	MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegUpdateLock = FALSE 
        MDBSLAV1.InputRegisters[1] = MDBSLAV1.InputRegisters[1] + 1


  • The unit currently handles only Modbus messages type 3 (holding register read), 4 (read input register), 6 (force register) , 16 (force multiple registers). It does not handle modbus messages 1 (read coil) , 5 (force coil), 15 (force multiple coils). In case of receiving a message not supported the ErrorCode ERR_UNSUPP_TYPE (1) is set. When ErrorCode is set for master (or client) side no protocol error is detected.
  • The maximum number of registers readable or writable with a single message is fixed at 32.
  • Not all qmove product supports baud rate of 115200 baudrate. Check product documentation.


  • It is possible use this QCL Feature in applications where there are multiple Modbus slave channels (simultaneously active) . For example if you need two channels you have to define two device device MODBUS (each setting a different communication port). In the REFERENCES section there will be two lines to reference the device with two QCL Feature. The project must include two units QCL feature type ModbusSlave10. You need also two initialization unit (like INIT in the previus example).
  • The response time of the message depends on various factors. They are: the sampling time of the MODBUS device. The cycle time of the application QCL (Running Time into CPU panel). The time that the application uses to process messages received (that is the time that the flag HoldingRegUpdateLock and InputRegUpdateLock keep active).
  • Since Modbus data type is word (16 bit) if you have to excange 32 bit data value you need to encode / decode data into two registers. Follow is a code example for encode data into Inputregister value and decode HoldingRegister value to 32 bit variable:
        posit                       L       ; 32 bit position example   
        setpos                      L       ; 23 bit target position example
        wordDw                      W
        wordUp                      W
        long                        L
        ; check if anyone write in Holding register nr 3-4 and decode to setpos 32 bit variable
        IF (MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegWrNotify[3] EQ 2) OR (MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegWrNotify[4] EQ 2)
            wordDw = MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegisters[3]
            wordUp = MDBSLAV1.HoldingRegisters[4]
            VR10WrdtoLng (wordUp,wordDw, setpos)
        ; encode 32 bit value into InputRegisters 5 & 6
        long = posit
        VR10LngtoWrd (long, wordUp, wordDw)
        MDBSLAV1.InputRegisters[5] = wordDw
        MDBSLAV1.InputRegisters[6] = wordUp    


QCL feature release Description Note Date
1.0.1 Initial release 06/11/2013
1.0.2 Fix SlaveId setting in TCPIP server mode 03/03/2014
1.0.3 Fix Parity parameter type error 22/09/2015


Click here to download unit and examples.

Zip contents:

Filename Description
MDBSLAV1.UNT Qcl feature file
MODBUS_SLAVE_SERIAL_EXAMPLE.Qm6 Example for serial communication
MODBUS_SLAVE_TCPIP_EXAMPLE.Qm6 Example for server TCPIP communication
  • Last modified: 2019/08/29 17:18