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Backup to NAND

The backup procedure creates a copy of the QCL application in execution and a dump of the retentive data, as files saved in the NAND mass storage. The files created have the following names:

  • applic.qcy identifies the file containing the QCL application (CPU)
  • appdat.qcy identifies the file containing the retentive data of the QCL application

The procedure performs the following steps:

  • Check the presence of the QCL application.
  • Create and write in NAND the QCL application backup file: applic.qcy.
  • Check the presence and validity of retentive data of the QCL application.
  • Create and write in NAND the retentive data backup file of the QCL application: appdat.qcy.
  • Procedure end and system reboot.
  • Last modified: 2019/08/29 17:01