
This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.

The product programming requires the Qview-6 environments to program the QCL code and if the product has a graphic display, also the QPaint-6 environment to design the screen graphics. Noth these softwares are available in the Qworkbench software package that can be downloaded as freeware from the Qem website (in “Support” section).

The contoller has @hw_slots@ slots. The slots @can_ini@ to @can_max@ can be declared and must be used to address recources installed in the Canopen modules.

To use the terminal in a product that has a display, you must declare under INTDEVICE the device MMIQ2.

   Hmi	MMIQ2	2

To program with the QPaint-6 development environment it is important to select the correct target. To do so, in the environment select ProjectTarget Configuration then select the right controller according to the ordering code.

  • Last modified: 2019/08/29 17:01