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The PROG and USER serial ports implement the QEM proprietary communication protocol called BIN1.

The SERCOM and MODBUS devices can be used with all communication serial ports including PROG PORT. Use the following number settings during the device declaration to select the communication channel:

  2		AUX1 PORT
  3		AUX2 PORT    (if available for this hardware)

When the SERCOM and MODBUS devices use the PROG PORT or USER PORT, they address the channel only if the communication status of the device is open (st_opencom = 1). When the channel of the device is closed (st_opencom = 0) in the serial, the BIN1 protocol returns active. To force the BIN1 protocol on the PROG port (thereby preventing the SERCOM device from occupying the channel) active the SW1 dip @dip@.

When using the MODBUS RTU protocol on serial port @ports@ with RS485 electric configuration, remember that when the serial port is transmitting, the controller maintains the channel (DE) active for a longer time than the “MODBUS RTU” specification. To this must be consider a minimum time of 5 milliseconds after which it is possible to receive a new message. Also the SERCOM device, when it ends a transmission, has the same time the channel is active (DE).

The Ethernet communication port use the transport protocol TCP/IP, where the BIN1 protocol packets are encapsulated within TCP/IP data packets. There are two active connections identified by two communication ports can be freely set in the communication parameters of the Ethernet port. If the instrument is provided with a display, these values are displayed and modified using the system function 12 - Set Ethernet communic. parameter. Other ways to view and set these figures can be realized through special programs available within the development environment (QConfigurator-1 and QConfigurator-2).

The port set in “Port nr.1:” represents a communication channel equivalent to PROG PORT. The port set in “Port nr.2:” represents a channel equivalente to USER PORT. The ports 3 e 4 are not used.

The Ethernet port can also be used to establish a communication type Modbus TCP/IP with other networked devices. In this case the channel that identifies the Ethernet port can be set by entering the number 43.

mdbs   MODBUS   2   43

The 3 channels of Ethernet communication port (two with BIN protocol and one MODBUS TCP/IP) can be active simultaneously.

  • Last modified: 2019/08/29 17:01