

Name Alarms
Version 1
Major release 0
Minor release 0
Title Unit for implement a list of alarms or warnings with historical.


The unit manages a list of alarms or warnings. The main features are:

  • Registration of 999 alarms with code, 2 additional parameters, 8-chars string and time of happening.
  • Registration of 200 warnings with code, 2 additional parameters, 8-chars string and time of happening.
  • Management of a FIFO list with 6 alarms / warning display par time.
  • Management of an alarm historical list with 200 registrations.
  • Update and clear list with qcl commands.


ALARMS unit can receive these commands:

PUSH ALARM: Insert an alarm into the list. This commands is set by the functions UU20AlarmNotify or UU20TextAlarmNotify.

PUSH WARNING: Insert a warning into the list. This commands is set by the functions UU20MessageNotify or UU20TextMessageNotify.

UPDATE ALARMS: Update the alarm list with a certain index. To set: ALARMS.AlHmiUpd = 1

CLEAR ALARMS: Clear the active alarms list. To clear the last one: ALARMS.AlClrOne = 1 - To clear the all list: ALARMS.AlClrAll = 1

UPDATE WARNINGS: Update the warning list with a certain index. To set: ALARMS.WrHmiUpd = 1

CLEAR WARNINGS: Clear the active warnings list. To clear the all list: ALARMS.WrClrAll = 1

UPDATE HISTORICAL: Update the alarm historical list with a certain index. To set: ALARMS.HistHmiUpd = 1

CLEAR HISTORICAL: Clear the alarm historical list. To clear the all list: ALARMS.HistClrAll = 1


By the UPDATE commands, ALARMS unit create a temporary list of 6 alarms or warnings, due to the page number.
Below is a table with an explanation of the public output symbols.

Name Type Size Access Type Description
AlNum SYSTEM L OUT Actual alarms number.
NewAlarm SYSTEM L OUT Number of new alarms from the last reset.
LastAl SYSTEM L OUT Last notified alarm.
WrNum SYSTEM L OUT Actual warnings number.
NewWarn SYSTEM L OUT Number of new warnings from the last reset.
LastWr SYSTEM L OUT Last notified warning.
AlNum_H SYSTEM L OUT History alarms number.
HmiPage GLOBAL W OUT Hmi page to display.
HmiIndex ARRGBL L OUT History alarms number.
AlNum_H SYSTEM L OUT History alarms number.
AlNum_H SYSTEM L OUT History alarms number.
  • Last modified: 2019/08/29 17:01