
12-Head Polishing Machine: Installation Manual

Document mdi_p1p51fc20-008
Description Installation manual for application P1P51FC20-008
Drawn up Davide Mocellin
Approved Gabriele Bazzi
Link: http://www.qem.eu/doku/doku.php/en/applicazioni/marmo/levigatrice_di_lastre/standard_12_heads/mdi_standard_12_heads/mdi_p1p51fc20-008
Language: English
Document Release Description Notes Date
02 New setup configuration 09/03/2015

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1. Setup


password 462

:tch: Time (hours, minutes and seconds)
:tch: Date (years, months and days)
:tch: Password requested
:tch: No password requested

:tch: :->:

Parameter Unit measure Default Range Description
PG03 : NUMBER OF HEADS - 12 1–12 Number of heads
PG04 : NUMBER OF SENSORS - 64 8 – 64 Number of sensors on the Scan Bar
PG05 : DECIMAL POINT - 1 0 – 2 Number of decimals shown for distance measures
PG06 : LINEAR STEP mm 50.0 1.0 – 9999.9 Linear read spacing.
Distance between readings on the Scan bar state
PG07 : CROSS STEP mm 50.0 1.0 – 9999.9 Cross read spacing.
Distance between the sensors on the Scan bar
PG08 : SLABS FEED FROM - 0 0 – 1 Which side the display is installed
0 = LEFT
PG09 : ABRASIVE ANALOG - 0 0 – 1 Enable analog IN for abrasive control
PG10 : CURRENT MANAGEMENT - 0 0 – 1 – 2 1 = read only no control
2 = read and control
PG11 : N°WARNING = ALARM - 10 0 – 99999 Number of warning events to generate an alarm
PG12 : MOTORS OUTPUT - 0 0 – 1 Head operating mode
0 = CONSTANT, always active when heads are operating
1 = PULSE, active for a set time (PG13).
PG13 : PULSE TIME s 0.000 0 – 99.999 Heads active time, if operation set to PULSE
PG14 : MOT.SEQ.TIME ON s 1.000 0 – 99.999 Delay between the startup of one motor and another
(startup sequence)
PG15 : MOT.SEQ.TIME OFF s 0.200 0 – 99.999 Delay between the shutoff of one motor and another
(stop sequence)
PG16 : MOT.OFF SLAB OUT s 0.000 0 – 99.999 Delay before the motor shutoff sequence,
when no slabs are on the belt
PG17 : PRE-START TIME s 3.0 0 – 9999.9 Delay after Start for machine to start working
(there is a warning during this time).
If less than the motor startup time, the greater is counted.
PG18 : LUBRIC. TIME ON s 0.0 0 – 9999.9 Lubrication time.
PG19 : LUBRIC. TIME OFF min 0.0 0 – 9999.9 Lubrication off time.
PG20 : BRUSH EARLY mm 0.0 0 – 9999.9 Brush down anticipation
PG21 : BRUSH DELAY mm 0.0 0 – 9999.9 Brush up delay
PG22 : SPRAY EARLY mm 0.0 0 – 9999.9 Spray on anticipation
PG23 : SPRAY DELAY mm 0.0 0 – 9999.9 Spray off delay

:tch: :->:

Parameter Unit measure Default Range Description
PB01 : MEASURE mm 0.1 0 – 99999.9 Distance in unit measures, made by the Beam
for the encoder pulses at the parameter pulse.
PB02 : PULSE - 1 0 – 999999 Beam encoder pulses, multiplied by 4
to get the distance at the parameter measure.
The measure to pulse ratio, is the encoder resolution
and must be between 1 and 0.000935.
PB03 : TOLERANCE mm 0.50 0 – 99999.99 Maximum deviation of the count around the positioning,
for it to be considered correct
PB04 : ENABLE TIME s 0.200 0.000 – 9.999 Time before starting the Beam movement
PB05 : DISABLE TIME s 0.200 0.000 – 9.999 Time after ending the Beam movement
PB06 : MAXPOS mm 99999.9 -99999.9 – 99999.9 Maximum Beam position
PB07 : MINPOS mm -99999.9 -99999.9 – 99999.9 Minimum Beam position
PB08 : ACCELERATION MODE - 0 0 – 1 Type of acceleration
0 = referred to max speed
1 = constant at all speeds
PB09 : ACCELERATION TIME s 1.00 0.00 – 9.99 Time from 0 to maximum speed
PB10 : DECELERATION TIME s 1.00 0.00 – 9.99 Time from maximum to 0 speed
PB11 : INVERSION TIME s 0.50 0.00 – 9.99 Anti-stress protection against rapid direction changes
PB12 : DISACTIVATION TIME s 0 0 – 99999 Maximum delay for the Beam,
before the axis enable output is disactivated
PB13 : BRAKE OUTPUT - 1 0 – 1 Enable mode for the axis output
0: Output ON before axis movement and OFF at end, see PB04 & PB05
1: Output ON before axis movement and OFF only in emergency
PB14 : HOMING POSITION mm 0.0 -99999.9 – 99999.9 Axis Homing position
PB15 : HOMING SPEED % 5 1 – 100 Axis speed, when searching for the homing sensor
PB16 : HOMING SLOW SPEED % 2 1 – 100 Speed for disengaging the homing sensor.
PB17 : HOMING DIRECTION - 0 0 – 1 Axis direction for Homing
PB18 : STOP POSITION - 0 0 – 1 Beam position, when the cycle is stopped
0 = PB06, maximum position, 1 = PB07, minimum position
PB19 : CHANGE ABR POSITION mm 0.0 -99999.9 – 99999.9 Beam position when changing abrasive
PB20 : MAX SPEED mm/min 1000 0 – 9999999 Beam speed at an analog output of 10V
PB21 : FEEDFORWARD % 100.0 0.0 – 200.0 Percentage speed multiplier to generate the feed-forward quota of the analog output
PB22 : PROPORTIONAL GAIN - 0.010 0.000 – 9.999 The follow error multiplier to generate the proportional quota of the analog output
PB23 : INTEGRAL TIME s 0.000 0.000 – 9.999 The integration time coefficient of the follow error.
The error integration multiplier to generates the integral quota of the analog output
PB24 : DERIVATIVE TIME s 0.000 0.000 – 9.999 The derivative time coefficient of the follow error.
The error derivation multiplier to generates the derivative quota of the analog output
PB25 : MAX FOLLOW ERROR mm 0.00 0.00 – 99999.99 The maximum drift between the calculated axis position and real axis position
PB26 : OFFSET bit 0 -32768 – 32767 Bit value added to the analog output to compensate any supply voltage irregularities

:tch: :->:

Parameter Unit measure Default Range Description
PBT01 : MEASURE mm 0.1 0 – 99999.9 The space, in the unit measure, travelled by the Beam to obtain the encoder pulses, set at the parameter pulse.
PBT02 : PULSE - 1 0 – 999999 The pulses supplied by the Beam encoder, multiplied by 4 to obtain the space, set at the parameter measure.
The measure to pulse ratio, is the encoder resolution and must be between 1 and 0.000935.
PBT03 : BELT SPEED BY - 0 0 Only display mode (0)
PBT04 : MAX SET SPEED m/min 0.0 0 – 999.9 Max speed limit
PBT05 : MIN SET SPEED m/min 0.0 0 – 999.9 Min speed limit
PBT06 : BELT OUTPUT - 0 0 – 1 Belt operating mode
0 = CONSTANT, always active when belt is operating
1 = PULSE, active for a set time (PBT07)
PBT07 : PULSE TIME s 0.0 0 – 9.999 Belt active time, if operation set to PULSE
PBT08 : BELT DELAY s 0.0 0 – 9.999 Belt start delay after all heads ON
PBT09 : 10V SPEED m/min 5.0 0 – 999.9 Speed at 10V analog output
PBT10 : OFFSET bit 0 -32768 – 32767 Bit value added to the analog output to compensate any supply voltage irregularities

:tch: :->:

Parameter Unit measure Default Range Description
PH01 : MAXIMUM WORK DIAMETER mm 400.0 0 – 99999.9 Maximum work diameter
PH02 : MINIMUM WORK DIAMETER mm 330.0 0 – 99999.9 Mininum work diameter
PH03 / PH14 : TIME TO STANDY UP s 0.500 0 – 999.999 The up movement time for the standby up
PH15 : UP DELAY s 0.000 0 – 999.999 Delay time for the total up of the heads
PH16 : READ DELAY s 1.000 0 – 999.999 Delay from head down and reading
PH17 : READ AGAIN s 5.000 0 – 999.999 Repeat read time with head down

:tch: :->:

Set the distance from the Scan bar to the Center of each Head, Spray and Brush

:tch: :->:

Sensor enabled Sensor disabled

N.B. Two adjacent sensors cannot be disabled. Only disable alternate sensors.

Parameter Unit measure Default Range Description
PS01 : SENSOR TYPE - 0 0 – 1 Scan bar input logic
0 = N.O., Normally Open
1 = N.C., Normally Closed

2. Calibration

:tch: :->:

:tch: :->:


  • :tch: and check ENCODER increases (Analog out +1 Volt)
  • :tch: and check ENCODER decreases (Analog out -1 Volt)
  • A - A' = Maximum MEASURE
  • Note the start position (A)
  • :tch: Zero-set ENCODER
  • Move the axis from A to A'
  • Note the ENCODER reading and enter it in PULSE
  • Measure the distance from A to A' = space delta
  • Enter the A - A' space delta in MEASURE


  • PULSE must always be greater than MEASURE (recommended MEASURE x 10 = PULSE)
  • Enter MEASURE in the set unit measure format. e.g. unit measure = 0.1 mm and space delta = 133.5mm, enter 1335 in MEASURE

:tch: :->:

Settings in yellow can be modified for the calibration.
Service data is in green and only used for the setup procedure.

Parameter Unit measure Default Range Description
VOLTAGE OUTPUT V 0.0 -10.0 – 10.0 Output voltage, with 0.1V precision, sent directly to the device
OFFSET bit 0 -32768 – 32767 Bit offset (and voltage conversion) added to the analog output to compensate any supply voltage irregularities
SPEED mm/min - - The real axis speed
MAX SPEED mm/' 1000 0 – 9999999 Axis speed at an analog output of 10V
POSITION mm - - The real axis position

First complete the following procedures:

  • RESOLUTION: set the resolution.
  • MAX POSITION: enter a very large positive setting (e.g. 99999.9 mm)
  • MIN POSITION: enter a very large negative setting (e.g. - 99999.9 mm)

IMPORTANT! Essential conditions for the all procedures:
The emergency button must shut off the power to the motors so that the machine is in a safety condition.

All emergency conditions on the machine must be eliminated.


1 :tch: to start calibration
3 Regulate the OFFSET (directly by , or automatically ) so that POSITION does not vary (or varies very slowly)
4 :tch: to quit calibration

Rotation direction and count
An output voltage > 0 increases POSITION
1 :tch: to start calibration
2 Enter VOLTAGE OUTPUT = 1.0
3 Check that POSITION increases
4 :tch: to exit calibration and check that VOLTAGE OUTPUT goes to 0 immediately
5 If the motor does not rotate in the correct direction, change the drive setup or cabling

Maximum speed
Setting the maximum axis speed (10V output)
1 :tch: to enter calibration
2 Enter VOLTAGE OUTPUT > 1.0 (as close to 10V as possible)
3 Note the SPEED reading
5 :tch: to exit calibration and check that VOLTAGE OUTPUT goes to 0 immediately
6 Enter the above calculation result in MAX SPEED

:tch: :->:

The PI + FF calibration procedure:
Space feedback corrects the axis position according to the follow error reading.
Settings in yellow can be modified for the calibration.
Service data is in green and only used for the setup procedure.

Parameter Unit measure Default Range Description
VOLTAGE OUTPUT V 0.0 -10.0 – 10.0 Output voltage, with 0.1V precision, sent directly to the device
SPEED mm/min - - The real axis speed
MAX SPEED mm/' 1000 0 – 9999999 Axis speed at an analog output of 10V
POSITION mm - - The real axis position
DELTA mm 0.0 - Delta space between two positions
SET SPEED mm/' 0 - Axis speed during positioning
ACC. TIME s 1.00 - Acceleration time during positioning
DEC. TIME s 1.00 - Deceleration time during positioning
FEEDFORWARD % 100.0 0.0 – 200.0 Percentage speed multiplier to generate the feed-forward quota of the analog output
PROP. GAIN - 0.010 0.000 – 9.999 The follow error multiplier to generate the proportional quota of the analog output
INTEGRAL TIME s 0.000 0.000 – 9.999 The integration time coefficient of the follow error.
The error integration multiplier to generates the integral quota of the analog output
MAX FOLL. ERROR mm 99999.9 0.0 – 99999.9 The maximum drift between the calculated axis position and real axis position
FOLLOW ERROR mm - - The real follow error reading

First complete the following procedures:

  • RESOLUTION: set the resolution.
  • MAX POSITION: enter a very large positive setting (e.g. 99999.9 mm)
  • MIN POSITION: enter a very large negative setting (e.g. - 99999.9 mm)

IMPORTANT! Essential conditions for the all procedures:
Ensure that the emergency button shuts off the power to the motors so that the machine can be put in a safety condition.

All emergency conditions on the machine must be eliminated.


Space Feedback
Important: first complete all previous procedures
1Enter FEEDFORWARD = 100.0
2Enter PROP. GAIN = minimum setting (0.001)
3If FOLLOW ERR is not 0, now this reading will reduce with an axis movement
4Enter DELTA = any distance and SET SPEED = a speed (nearly MAX SPEED)
5:tch: to start the axis movements
6The axis moves forward by the distance in DELTA at the speed in SET SPEED
7The axis then returns to the start position and repeats the movement
8During the movements note the FOLLOW ERR reading and vary FEEDFORWARD and PROP. GAIN to keep it as low as possible.
Setting rules
  • Gradually increase PROP. GAIN until the axis does not vibrate when stopped. Then slightly reduce the setting to until ok
  • Rule for varying FEEDFORWARD
>0 <0

9 When the axis movement overshoots MAX FOLLOW ERROR you will see the warning symbol , it does not create an alarm stop
10:tch: to quit the procedure

3. Defaults

:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:
:tch: :->:

Load default settings
Quit without loading

4. Restore

:tch: :->: password 123456 :->:

Restore all files.

5. Touchscreen

:tch: :->:

:tch: :->: :->:

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

See Electric Connection Manual (Wiring connections) for Input Identification

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

See Electric Connection Manual (Wiring connections) for Output Identification

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

Belt, beam and last piece positions
J1P51 CPU data:
  • Fw name : firmware and checksum
  • Task time : average CPU cycle time, maximum and minimum scan time
  • Area compare time : average Scan bar analysis time, defining head mode
  • CPU time : total CPU RUN time (hh:mm).
Enter a Head Number. See virtual Slab position under the specific head.
Below see the slab under the Scan bar.
CANBUS network communication state:
  • ERR FLAGS : error code as a series of bit
  • BUS LOAD : % traffic load
  • MAX BUS LOAD : maximum % traffic
  • MAX RX ERR : maximum receive errors
  • MAX TX ERR : maximum transmit errors

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

:tch: Cancel alarms and restore machine operation
If alarm repeats, a new message is given - If there is no alarm, the Main screen is opened.

Id Message Cause Remedy
1 Air pressure No air pressure or pressure switch fault (I17 off) Check pressure switch and cabling
2 Thermal overload A cutout has tripped (I161) Check the cutouts and cables
3 Beam Inverter fault Beam inverter fault (I13 off) Check the inverter and cables
5 Belt Inverter fault Belt inverter fault (I15 off) Check the inverter and cables
6 Emergency pressed Emergency button pressed (I01 off) Release the emergency button and check the cables
7 No Abrasive Abrasive worn out and needs changing Check head abrasive levels
8 CANBUS comunication error (node 1) CANopen comm error at node 1 = RMC2M cabinet Switch the system Off - On. Check the cables
9 CANBUS comunication error (node 2) CANopen comm error at node 2 = RMC2M beam Switch the system Off - On. Check the cables
11 One head distance over maximum length A Head distance is too long for the linear step
Only during automatic
Check the head distances
Increase the linear step (general setup)
12 Belt encoder fault No Belt encoder pulses received Check the encoder, the axis movement, the cables
13 Beam encoder fault No Beam encoder pulses received,
Follow error
Check the encoder, the axis movement, the cables
15 Water pressure No water pressure or pressure switch fault (I18 off) Check the pressure switch and cables
16 Beam offset out of range Beam offset setting is out of limit range Correct the setting
17 Roller Inverter fault Feed roller inverter fault (I16 off) Check the inverter and cables
18 Enclosure open An enclosure is open (I12 off) Close the enclosure before any work
19 Pressure regulation error Motor current out of range Modify work pressure parameters Alarm History

:tch: :->:

:tch: Cancel alarms history

  • Last modified: 2019/08/29 17:01