
P1P51FC20 - 008 : Operation Manual

Document 12-Head Slab Polishing Machine - User Manual
DescriptionOperation manual for application P1P51FC20-008
Drawn up Davide Mocellin
Approved Gabriele Bazzi
Document Release Description Note Date
01 New manual 27/11/2014

All rights reserved on this manual. No part of this document can be copied or reproduced in any form without prior written authorisation. QEM does not insure or guarantee its contents and explicitly declines all liability related to the guarantee of its suitability for any purpose. The information in this document can be changed without notice. QEM shall not be held liable for any error or omission in this document. QEM® is a registered trademark.Microsoft® and MS-DOS® are registered trademarks and Windows® is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

1. General Info

The P1P51FC20 – 008 application, installed on the Qmove+ J1-P51-FC20 and Remote I/O modules RMC-2M, has been designed to control a marble slab polishing machine with mobile beam.

Salient Features of the control

  • Control of 2 axes in analog (beam + belt)
  • Control of up to 12 heads (depending on hardware)
  • Control of accessories (brush, sprays)
  • Slab sizing by Sensor bar
  • Touchscreen functions for data settings and actions by buttons
  • Staggered motor startup
  • Operator help messages
  • Alarm messages
  • Yellow settings can be modified. Press to change, use the keypad to enter a setting.

  • Select multiple choice parameters.

  • Confirm parameter setting

  • Go to previous screen

  • or Change screen

  • or Scroll list

Key Function Led
Main Menu-
Language 1 / Language 2On = Language 2
Change Belt direction in manual On = in reverse
Start homing Flashing = homing not ok, Off = homing ok
Alarm page or Press for 1 sec to Reset AlarmsFlashing = Alarm
Go to previous screen - Press 1 sec to Go to Main screen

Select language
Standard languages: ENGLISH - ITALIAN (all languages/alphabets possible with Unicode)
Go to next page

2. Main screen

. ……..A…….. ……..B…….. ……..C……..




1 A B C
Machine State Program Number/Name Machine/Homing States
Homing Not OK
Homing running
Homing ok
2 Alarm and Warning messages
3 Beam speed Press for Beam screen
Belt speed Press to change
Enter the Slab thickness
4 Head states & Belt state
5 Options Tool bar Press Bar for Options screen


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and Beam position with no piece on the Belt.
Button 1 = setup position, Button 2 = central beam position
BACKWARDMinimum position setting [mm]
FORWARDMaximum position setting [mm]
EDGESize of the edge [mm], for edge doubling option. See Options

, and Position of the Beam with no piece on the Belt.
Button 1 = setup position, Button 2 = last position, Button 3 = central position
BACKWARDAuto-scan minimum position for the pieces on the belt [mm]
⇑⇑ OFFSET ⇑⇑Offset for the BACKWARD position correction, (positive to widen, negative to reduce)
FORWARDAuto-scan maximum position of the pieces on the belt [mm]
⇓⇓ OFFSET ⇓⇓Offset for the FORWARD position correction, (positive to widen, negative to reduce)
EDGESize of the edge [mm], for the edge doubling option. See Options

POSITIONBeam Position [mm]
SPEEDBeam Speed [m/min]
MINIMUMMinimum position limit of the Beam [mm]
MAXIMUMMaximum position limit of the Beam [mm]

Auto SpeedWork speed as a percentage of the max speed
Stop SpeedPositioning speed at end cycle, as a percentage of the max speed
Jog SpeedSpeed of manual movements, as a percentage of the max speed

Machine in STOP, for Homing :tch: OR :tch: from any page.


:tch: ON/OFF Option

Standy UPA short Head Up, ready for use
Set the head up time in Setup(under password)
Edge DoublingThe edge is polished twice
Set the edge width in Beam setup
Slab SpacingThe slabs are spaced on the belt, by stopping the feed roller
Set the space by change the roller end and belt start sensors distance
BrushThe brush acts like a head
For a correct operation, set the brush distance in Head Distances
Abrasive WearA warning when the abrasive is worn
LubricationStart a lubrication cycle
the ON/OFF lubrication times are set in the Setup section (under password)
Previous machineAn output is given to operate a previous machine
SimulationThe beam operates normally, but the heads do not go down
Water SprayThe spray acts like a head
For a correct operation, set the spray distance in Head Distances

3. Main Menu

:tch: :->:

SETUP Reserved setup section. See specific manual

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ParameterUnit MeasureRangeDescription
Front correction
(on left)
mm-9999.9 - 9999.9Advance space (positive) or delay (negative)of head operation on front of piece
Back correction
(on right)
mm-9999.9 - 9999.9Advance space (positive) or delay (negative) of head stop on end of piece
Reference speedmm/s0 - 99999.9Speed used as reference for the corrections.
Proportional correction varies with the speed change.
Setting = 0 Constant correction at any speed

:tch: :->: :->:

ParameterUnit MeasureRangeDescription
IN correction
mm-9999.9 - 9999.9Advance (positive) or delay (negative) the head start
on the front edge of the slab
OUT correction
mm-9999.9 - 9999.9Advance (positive) or delay (negative) the head stop
on the back edge of the slab
Reference speedmm/s0 - 99999.9Speed used as reference for corrections
The follows speed changes.
Setting = 0 Constant correction at any speed
CORRECTION ON MAXIMUM EDGE mm -9999.9 - 9999.9:tch: New setting of IN and OUT corrections

:tch: :->: :->:

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

:tch: Cancel alarms and restore machine operation
If alarm repeats, a new message is given - If there is no alarm, the Main screen is opened.

Id Message Cause Remedy
1 Air pressure No air pressure or pressure switch fault (I17 off) Check pressure switch and cabling
2 Thermal overload A cutout has tripped (I161) Check the cutouts and cables
3 Beam Inverter fault Beam inverter fault (I13 off) Check the inverter and cables
5 Belt Inverter fault Belt inverter fault (I15 off) Check the inverter and cables
6 Emergency pressed Emergency button pressed (I01 off) Release the emergency button and check the cables
7 No Abrasive Abrasive worn out and needs changing Check head abrasive levels
8 CANBUS comunication error (node 1) CANopen comm error at node 1 = RMC2M cabinet Switch the system Off - On. Check the cables
9 CANBUS comunication error (node 2) CANopen comm error at node 2 = RMC2M beam Switch the system Off - On. Check the cables
11 One head distance over maximum length A Head distance is too long for the linear step
Only during automatic
Check the head distances
Increase the linear step (general setup)
12 Belt encoder fault No Belt encoder pulses received Check the encoder, the axis movement, the cables
13 Beam encoder fault No Beam encoder pulses received,
Follow error
Check the encoder, the axis movement, the cables
15 Water pressure No water pressure or pressure switch fault (I18 off) Check the pressure switch and cables
16 Beam offset out of range Beam offset setting is out of limit range Correct the setting
17 Roller Inverter fault Feed roller inverter fault (I16 off) Check the inverter and cables
18 Enclosure open An enclosure is open (I12 off) Close the enclosure before any work
19 Pressure regulation error Motor current out of range Modify work pressure parameters Alarm History

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:tch: Cancel alarms history

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

Press the number button of a head to force its operation.

Auto OFF Auto ON
Head UP Head DOWN
Motor OFF Motor ON

:tch: :->: :->: :->: Beam goes to Change Abrasive position

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

In Manual mode

Belt OFFBelt ON

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

:tch: Cancel all pieces on the Belt and memorised by the Sensor Bar

:tch: :->: :->:

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

See Electric Connection Manual (Wiring connections) for Input Identification

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

See Electric Connection Manual (Wiring connections) for Output Identification

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

Belt, beam and last piece positions
J1P51 CPU data:
  • Fw name : firmware and checksum
  • Task time : average CPU cycle time, maximum and minimum scan time
  • Area compare time : average Scan bar analysis time, defining head mode
  • CPU time : total CPU RUN time (hh:mm).
Enter a Head Number. See virtual Slab position under the specific head.
Below see the slab under the Scan bar.
CANBUS network communication state:
  • ERR FLAGS : error code as a series of bit
  • BUS LOAD : % traffic load
  • MAX BUS LOAD : maximum % traffic
  • MAX RX ERR : maximum receive errors
  • MAX TX ERR : maximum transmit errors

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

:tch: :->: :->: :->:

:tch: :->: :->:

:tch: Reset partial statistics

  • Last modified: 2019/08/29 17:01