AN007 - Application examples of the HMI2 device

In this chapter we will analyze some programming examples useful to be able to perform basic functionality with the help of the HMI2 device. How will only use an D221 hardware platform, but the applicability of such examples, with any small changes, is extended to all microQMove hardware. It's a good idea, before using this device, define a constant value series (in the CONST section of the configuration unit of the Qcl application) to be inserted in the module configuration to improve readability and maintenance of the application developed.

;Definition of values associated with the keys
KEY_ENTER 1           ; enter key
KEY_CLEAR 8           ; clear key
KEY_PLUS  4           ; + key
KEY_MINUS 32          ; - key
KEY_F     16          ; F key
;Definition of values associated with the leds
LED_L1  2             ; L1 led
LED_L2  4             ; L2 led
LED_L3  8             ; L3 led
LED_L4  16            ; L4 led
LED_F   512           ; F key led
LED_AL  1             ; ALARM led
;Definition of values associated with the display characters
CHAR_     35          ; display code for the <space> character
CHAR_0    0           ; display code for the 0 character
CHAR_1    1           ; display code for the 1 character
CHAR_2    2           ; display code for the 2 character
CHAR_3    3           ; display code for the 3 character
CHAR_4    4           ; display code for the 4 character
CHAR_5    5           ; display code for the 5 character
CHAR_6    6           ; display code for the 6 character
CHAR_7    7           ; display code for the 7 character
CHAR_8    8           ; display code for the 8 character
CHAR_9    9           ; display code for the 9 character
CHAR_A    10          ; display code for the a character
CHAR_B    11          ; display code for the b character
CHAR_C    12          ; display code for the c character
CHAR_D    13          ; display code for the d character
CHAR_E    14          ; display code for the e character
CHAR_F    15          ; display code for the f character
CHAR_G    16          ; display code for the g character
CHAR_H    17          ; display code for the h character
CHAR_I    18          ; display code for the i character
CHAR_J    28          ; display code for the j character
CHAR_K    40          ; display code for the k character
CHAR_L    19          ; display code for the l character
CHAR_M    43          ; display code for the m character
CHAR_N    20          ; display code for the n character
CHAR_O    21          ; display code for the o character
CHAR_P    22          ; display code for the p character
CHAR_Q    23          ; display code for the q character
CHAR_R    24          ; display code for the r character
CHAR_S    5           ; display code for the s character
CHAR_T    25          ; display code for the t character
CHAR_U    26          ; display code for the u character
CHAR_V    34          ; display code for the v character
CHAR_W    28          ; display code for the w character
CHAR_Y    27          ; display code for the y character
CHAR_UP   40          ; display code for the upper segment character
CHAR_CENTER   33      ; display code for the central segment character
CHAR_LOWER    36      ; display code for the lower segment character
CHAR_UPCEN    39      ; display code for the upper & middle segments character
CHAR_LOWCEN   37      ; display code for the lower & middle segments character
CHAR_LOWUP    42      ; display code for the lower & upper segments character
CHAR_LOWUPCE  38      ; display code for the lower & upper & middle segments character
CHAR_NONE     0       ; display code for the NONE (none char showed) character
CHAR_POINT    &H80    ; bits that enable the decimal point

This methodology is important to apply it to all parameters formats from bit fields such as scflags or deflags; in this case we define for example:

SCRA_ENABLE   1       ; Bit screenA enabling viewing
SCRB_ENABLE   2       ; Bit screenB enabling viewing
SCRC_ENABLE   4       ; Bit screenC enabling viewing
SCRA_DISSIGN  8       ; Bit screenA disable sign
SCRB_DISSIGN  16      ; Bit screenB disable sign
SCRC_DISSIGN  32      ; Bit screenC disable sign
SCRA_DISLZB   64      ; Bit Leading zero blank (LZB) screenA disable
SCRB_DISLZB   128     ; Bit Leading zero blank (LZB) screenB disable
SCRC_DISLZB   256     ; Bit Leading zero blank (LZB) screenC disable
DE_ENABLE     1       ; Bit dataentry enable
DE_DISSIGN    4       ; Bit sign disable in data entry
DE_ENALIM     16      ; Bit enabling control limits

Insert then the HMI2 device with sampling time of 5ms in the specific section:

dvHMI		HMI2 	5

In the following examples, the device will always be dvHMI.

You want to write a Qcl program wait for the keystroke F for executing a subroutine. Simply verify that the key parameter having the bit for the F key active:

  IF ( dvHMI:key ANDB KEY_F )
  WAIT 1
  ;subroutine code

This code does not ensure that it is only pressed the F button: the MyFUNC function may also be called if they were pressed together with F key also other keys. To ensure the exclusivity of the pressure of F the code becomes:

IF ( dvHMI:key EQ KEY_F )

You want now write code that listens for the both pressure of the CLEAR and ENTER keys for at least 2 seconds:

	IF tm01:remain EQ 0	;check expired timer
	tm01=2000           ;timer is reloaded

You want to write a program that enables a Qcl recursive view on the leftmost 4 display with sign and 2 decimal places. We decide for ease to use screenA. We must first set the number of characters you want to shown bearing in mind that the sign is a character; we can therefore say that the number of characters is the number of digits of the display that are occupied and manipulated by the view. The maximum and minimum values that will allow us to shown are 9999 and -999. If the data to be showed is less than this minimum value or greater than this maximum value, the display shows the out of range characters $$$$.
We'll set:

dvHMI:ncharA = 4

We will put our view on the leftmost display setting the offset value to:

dvHMI:offsA = dvHMI:numdis - 4

We set decimal point position to 2:

dvHMI:decptA = 2

Enable recursive view screenA by setting the corresponding enable of the scflags variable:

dvHMI:scflags = SCRA_ENABLE

Executing the above statement We automatically disabled the other two recursive views and we have enabled the display of the sign on screenA. In case we wanted to preserve the States of other screenB and screenC views we should have written:

dvHMI:scflags = dvHMI:scflags ORB SCRA_ENABLE	  ;screenA enable
dvHMI:scflags = dvHMI:scflags ANDB SCRA_DISSIGN  ;screenA sign enable

Finally, you can simply update the screenA variable with the value you want to shown and normally contained in another variable of our program (in the example, suppose we use a variable with the count name):

dvHMI:screenA = count

The update operation of screenA must be continuously performed by our program with the refresh rate more appropriate for reasons of functionality that the programmer has planned for that variable.

You want to write a Qcl program that writes on display “HELLO” right-aligned. To do this, just set the variables associated with the digit of the display the code of the character that you want to shown. We will therefore have:

;Print "HELLO"
dvHMI:dis6 = CHAR_
dvHMI:dis5 = CHAR_
dvHMI:dis4 = CHAR_H
dvHMI:dis3 = CHAR_E
dvHMI:dis2 = CHAR_L
dvHMI:dis1 = CHAR_L
dvHMI:dis0 = CHAR_O
In order to work properly, must not be active recursive views that overwrite all or part of interested digit by our “HELLO”. Check that in thescflags parameter the 0,1 and 2 bits are to 0 or force them to that value.

You want to create a view consists of two fixed texts and two recursive values. As an example, you shown a time in seconds and a program number. The desired show might be: “t51 Pr2” where “t” indicates the time, “51” is the time value, “Pr” it's a text that indicates the program, “2” indicates the program number.
First we print the texts:

dvHMI:dis6 = CHAR_T
dvHMI:dis3 = CHAR_
dvHMI:dis2 = CHAR_P
dvHMI:dis1 = CHAR_R

Then we set the data for the numerical display of the time through the screenA.

dvHMI:ncharA = 2
dvHMI:offsA = 4
dvHMI:decptA = 1
dvHMI:scflags = dvHMI:scflags ORB SCRA_DISSIGN

We then the data for the numerical display of the program using the screenB.

dvHMI:ncharB = 1
dvHMI:offsB = 0
dvHMI:decptB = 0
dvHMI:scflags = dvHMI:scflags ORB SCRB_DISSIGN

We enable the two views:


Then recursively we will update the view data:

dvHMI:screenA = glTime
dvHMI:screenB = glProgram

You want to write a Qcl program that allows the user to input a value to a variable , for example, one used to store a pieces counting. First we will declare that variable, for example cntPieces in the section of the configuration unit. Suppose you want to view the “CP” message on the left side of the display to indicate the introduction of pieces counting, and that the value to be introduced is 4 charactersand positioned on the far right of the display. The data entry will occupy the dis0, dis1, dis2, dis3 display while the message is written in dis5 and dis6.

dvHMI:dis6 = CHAR_C
dvHMI:dis5 = CHAR_P
dvHMI:deoffs = 0
dvHMI:denchar = 4

The position of the decimal point will be placed to 0 and we will copy the value of the current pieces in the devalue parameter count to ensure that data appears at the entrance of the introduction that value on the display.

dvHMI:dedecpt = 0
dvHMI:devalue = cntPieces

Finally we will enable the data input using the appropriate flag, we will disable the sign (a pieces counter cannot be negative) and activate the introduction with the DATAENTRY command:


At this point the most significant digit on the display will start flashing the value of cntPieces and you will have to wait for the user to enter the data and confirm with the ENTER button. Then you must read the introduced data (in the devalue parameter) and copy it into our variable cntPieces of pieces counting. The st_dentry state lets us know if data entry is active o expect this go to 0 before copying:

WHILE (dvHMI:st_dentry)
cntPieces = dvHMI:devalue

At this point thecntPieces variable is updated with the value entered by the user.

You want to write a Qcl program that allows the user to input a value to a variable, as in the previous example, but with the following additional features:

  • check that the figure is between 1 to 1000 and otherwise show “Error” for 1 second and repeat the data entry
  • if the F key is pressed you step out of the data input without storing the data introduced and may be printed for a second the “Exit F” message
  • If the CLEAR key is pressed you step out of the data input without storing the data introduced and may be printed for a second the “Exit C” message
  • print for a second the “MOdiFY” message if the introduced data has been modified

Control data limits

To enable bounds checking of the introduced data you must enable this feature putting to 1 the relevant bits of the deflags parameter and set in deuplim and delowlim parameters the values of the upper and lower limits. Compared to the previous example code we will add, before the DATAENTRY command, the following Qcl instructions:

dvHMI:deuplim = 1000
dvHMI:delowlim = 1

and replace the setting instruction of the deflags parameter:


Configure one or more keys to exit from data entry

To enable the output from data entry with a key You must set the deExKeymask parameter that is the form to exit buttons. To enable a button to function as data entry exit key, simply activate the corresponding bit of the above mentioned parameter. So if we want to ensure that you exit from data entry with the F and CLEAR keys you must insert the following DATAENTRY command instruction Qcl:


Check if the introduced data is within limits

When you exit from the data entry (then with the st_dentry = 0 State), check the value of the st_uplim and st_lowlim states to know if the data introduced is in excess of the limits set. If st_uplim vale 1 means that the input value is greater than the upper limit, while if st_lowlim vale 1 means that the input value is less than the lower limit. Then we will check those states, and we will make a call to the ERROR subroutine (that will display the error message for 1 second) if the limits are exceeded.

;Data limits control
IF ( dvHMI:st_uplim OR dvHMI:st_lowlim )
	CALL ERROR				;print error message
	JUMP Dentry				;return datai introduction

Check the output key from data entry

Checking thedeExitKey parameter and the st_modified and st_exitcmd states, you can understand in what way you are signed out from data entry. The following table summarizes the possible conditions:

00Exit with confirmation by pressing the ENTER key or by EXITDEC command
01Exit without confirmation by EXITDE command
!=0XExit without confirmation by pressing the button identified by the value of the deExitKey parameter

Check if the data has been modified

To check if the introduced data has changed, simply check the st_modified status. It takes the 1 value If the input value is different from the previous value of the devalue parameter befor of the DATAENTRY command.
The full program will then:

	dvHMI:dis6 = CHAR_C
	dvHMI:dis5 = CHAR_P
	dvHMI:dis4 = CHAR_
	dvHMI:deoffs = 0
	dvHMI:denchar = 4
	dvHMI:dedecpt = 0
	dvHMI:devalue = cntPieces
	dvHMI:deuplim = 1000
	dvHMI:delowlim = 1
	dvHMI:deExKeymask = KEY_CLEAR	ORB KEY_F
	WHILE (dvHMI:st_dentry)
		WAIT 1
	IF dvHMI:deExitKey
		;--Output from data entry with output keys
		dvHMI:dis6 = CHAR_E
		dvHMI:dis5 = CHAR_H	
		dvHMI:dis4 = CHAR_I
		dvHMI:dis3 = CHAR_T
		dvHMI:dis2 = CHAR_
		dvHMI:dis1 = CHAR_
		IF dvHMI:deExitKey EQ KEY_F
			dvHMI:dis0 = CHAR_F		;F key press
			IF dvHMI:deExitKey EQ KEY_CLEAR
				dvHMI:dis0 = CHAR_C	;CLEAR key press
		;--Output from data entry with confirm
		;--Limits control
		IF ( dvHMI:st_uplim OR dvHMI:st_lowlim )
			CALL ERROR				;print error message
			JUMP LABEL0				;return to data entry
		;--Checks if the data has changed
		IF dvHMI:st_modified
			dvHMI:dis6 = CHAR_	;print "MODIFY" message
			dvHMI:dis5 = CHAR_M	
			dvHMI:dis4 = CHAR_O
			dvHMI:dis3 = CHAR_D
			dvHMI:dis2 = CHAR_I
			dvHMI:dis1 = CHAR_F
			dvHMI:dis0 = CHAR_Y
			tm01 = 1000
			WAIT tm01
		cntPieces = dvHMI:devalue		;stores entered value
	dvHMI:dis6 = CHAR_	          ;print "ERROR" message
	dvHMI:dis5 = CHAR_E	
	dvHMI:dis4 = CHAR_R
	dvHMI:dis3 = CHAR_R
	dvHMI:dis2 = CHAR_O
	dvHMI:dis1 = CHAR_R
	dvHMI:dis0 = CHAR_
	tm01 = 1000
	WAIT tm01

You want to create a view of a message consisting of the “Error” string and an identification number of the error that appears when occurs an error, while normally appears, recursively the counter value. To achieve this, we exploit the functioning can only be displayed by a numerical value present in DATAENTRY command functionality and enabled by setting to 0 the DE_ENABLE bits of the deflags parameter. For simplicity, we'll create a fictitious error condition by the end of a timer uploaded to 5 sec. As will see, It will be important to remember to disable recursive view before showing the error message, otherwise the result will not be what you expect.
The code is:

	;stampa "C"
	dvHMI:dis6 = CHAR_C
	;Configure and enable screenA
	dvHMI:ncharA = 6
	dvHMI:offsA = 0
	dvHMI:decptA = 0
	dvHMI:scflags = dvHMI:scflags ORB SCRA_ENABLE
	tm01 = 5000		;how to use the timer to cause an error
	dvHMI:screenA = (dvHMI:screenA + 1) % 999999
	IF tm01
		;disable screenA
		dvHMI:scflags = dvHMI:scflags ANDB ( NOT SCRA_ENABLE )
		errNum = errNum + 1
    WAIT 1
	;print "ERROR"
	dvHMI:dis6 = CHAR_E
	dvHMI:dis5 = CHAR_R
	dvHMI:dis4 = CHAR_R
	dvHMI:dis3 = CHAR_O
	dvHMI:dis2 = CHAR_R
	;printing error with the ID
	dvHMI:deoffs = 0
	dvHMI:denchar = 2
	dvHMI:dedecpt = 0
	dvHMI:devalue = errNum
	dvHMI:deflags = DE_DISSIGN
	;wait 2 seconds
	tm01 = 2000
	WAIT tm01

You want to create a view that represents the State of 9 digital inputs. The same example can be used for the representation of digital outputs. We will assign to each input, one of the segments of each of the three rightmost digit and we will activate when the corresponding input will be active.
The figure shows the assignment chose for the inputs and segments of the digits of the display:

First we will declare, in the configuration unit, 9 variables of FLAG dimensions whose value will simulate the condition of 9 digital inputs.

gfInp01			F
gfInp02			F
gfInp03			F
gfInp04			F
gfInp05			F
gfInp06			F
gfInp07			F
gfInp08			F
gfInp09			F

We will declare a global array to 8 items that will serve to hold character codes to print for each combination of inputs.

	diagnTab		B	8			;character table for Diagnostics

In fact, for each group of three inputs associated with one of the three digits on the display we will have 8 possible combinations. For example, the table summarizes the possible States of the digit associated with, the combination of inputs I7,I8 ed I9:


Will finally also defining some constants to be used as a mask for generic bits of a byte:

;-- Generic bit field mask ---------
B_00            &H01      ; value for bit 00
B_01            &H02      ; value for bit 01
B_02            &H04      ; value for bit 02
B_03            &H08      ; value for bit 03
B_04            &H10      ; value for bit 04                                  
B_05            &H20      ; value for bit 05
B_06            &H40      ; value for bit 06
B_07            &H80      ; value for bit 07

The complete code to obtain the diagnostic function is:

;Initializes table
  	diagnTab[1] = CHAR_
  	diagnTab[2] = CHAR_UP
  	diagnTab[3] = CHAR_CENTER
  	diagnTab[4] = CHAR_UPCEN
  	diagnTab[5] = CHAR_LOWER
  	diagnTab[6] = CHAR_LOWUP 
  	diagnTab[7] = CHAR_LOWCEN 
  	diagnTab[8] = CHAR_LOWUPCE
	;print "INP." message
	hmi:dis6 = CHAR_I
	hmi:dis5 = CHAR_N	
  hmi:dis2 = diagnTab[(gfInp01 * B_00 + gfInp02 * B_01 + gfInp03 * B_02) + 1]
  hmi:dis1 = diagnTab[(gfInp04 * B_00 + gfInp05 * B_01 + gfInp06 * B_02) + 1]
  hmi:dis0 = diagnTab[(gfInp07 * B_00 + gfInp08 * B_01 + gfInp09 * B_02) + 1]
  WAIT 1
  • Last modified: 2019/08/29 17:01